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          CVA and COVID-19 - Google Docs pmassetti covid19
          Japan to give ¥300,000 to struggling households as COVID-19 cases rise pmassetti

          The Japan Times (03.04.2020) The government will provide ¥300,000  (2800$) in cash to each household suffering from falling incomes amid the spread of the new coronavirus. About 10 million of the nation's 58 million households are expected to be eligible for the cash program, a key pillar of an emergency economic package that the government plans to compile as soon as Tuesday.

          covid19 Cash transfers japan
          Korea: Tackling COVID-19. Health, Quarantine and Economic Measures btreichel

          On 29 February, the number of new COVID-19 cases for the day surged to 909 in Korea. 4 weeks later, on March 30, the number of new cases dropped to 78. “South Korea took rapid, intrusive measures against COVID-19 and they worked” (The Guardian, March 20). 

          The Report  on “Tackling COVID-19: Health, Quarantine and Economic Measures of South Korea” shares Koreas succesful experiences in controling the spread of COVID-19 and covers a wide range of social security measures, including, but not limited to: 

          • economic incentives
          • health care
          • prevention 

          to control the outbreak of COVID-19.

          The report was prepared by the Development Finance Bureau at the Ministry of Economy and Finance in collaboration with the Korea Center for Diseases Control and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. 

          covid19, prevention Prevention of occupational risks, Social assistance korea, Republic of
          United Kingdom: Report on 2249 patients critically ill with COVID-19 btreichel

          The  Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC)  provides information about the quality of health care to those who commission, manage, deliver and experience critical care through national clinical audits and  clinical and health services research studies. IN a recently published ICNARC report on 2249 critically ill COVID-19 patients it was wound that: 

          1. The average age of patients with confirmed COVID-19 is 60.1 years of age, compared to 58.1 for patients with viral pneumonia (non-COVID-19).
          2. As of 4 April 2020, critical care unit outcomes have been received for 690 patients, of whom 346 patients have died and 344 were discharged alive from critical care in the UK (50.1% fatality rate) in comparison to 22.4% of patients with viral pneumonia (non-COVID-19) in critical care have passed away.
          3. People who are 70 or older are the most vulnerable with only 82 (31.9%) who survived COVID-19 in critical care, but there are  COVID-19 patients in critical care of all ages (142 patients amongst the 50-69 year olds who died and 29 fatalities amongst the 16-49 years olds).
          4. 73% of  critically ill patients with confirmed COVID-19 are male.


          covid19, prevention, universal health care Health, Prevention of occupational risks united kingdom
          India: Activities of IGFP on Migrant Workers & Construction Workers during Lockdown Period – Indo German Focal Point prevention & social security for India btreichel

          During this unprecedented time the world and India are facing due to the Coronavirus outbreak, it has been the endeavour of Indo-German Focal Point (IGFP) to rise to the ocassion in supporting the important role of the State in investing in prevention, by addressing issues such as the vulnerability of migrant construction workers, the promotion of awareness programmes on prevention and the rescue of stranded workers. The Thinktank of the Govt of India (Niti Aayog) has apprised the activities of IGFP  on the Prevention of  the spreading of COVID-19. 


          Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik announced a 22,200 million Indian Rupees (INR) support package for the welfare of economically weaker sections of society in Odisha to deal with the coronavirus related impact.

          The measures include : 

          • 4 months advance pension for the 4.8 million beneficiaries under the Odisha Social Security Scheme
          • 2.2 million Construction worlers will receive 1500 INR each
          • 9.4 million beenficiaries under the FSCW Department will get a financial assistance of 1000 INR each

          Download the measures as PDF.

          covid19, prevention Prevention of occupational risks india
          India: Odisha CM announces Rs 2,200 crore package for weaker sections btreichel

 (27.03.2020) Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik announced a 22,200 million Indian Rupees (INR) support package for the welfare of economically weaker sections of society in Odisha to deal with the coronavirus related impact.
          The measures include : 

          • 4 months advance pension for the 4.8 million beneficiaries under the Odisha Social Security Scheme
          • 2.2 million Construction worlers will receive 1500 INR each
          • 9.4 million beenficiaries under the FSCW Department will get a financial assistance of 1000 INR each

          Download the measures as PDF.


          covid19 Old-age pensions, Cash transfers india
          Kyrgyzstan: The Government approved an action plan to provide social support to the population and ensure food security cambrosio

 (30.03.2020) The Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, Muhammedkaly Abylgaziev, held a meeting, which resulted in the adoption of a plan to reduce the negative impact on economic and social stability in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection. Among the measures there is the decision to provide targeted social assistance to low-income families in the form of food packages. It was recommended to large producers, suppliers of food products, owners of large retail chains to ensure an adequate supply of socially significant agricultural goods and food products, stable sales and prices for them;  put in the state reserve the necessary volume of the food group of essential goods.

          covid19, family Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers kyrgyz republic
          Cap Vert: Covid-19: Government announces financial and fiscal measures to support companies cambrosio


          Government announces measures related to labour markets and social protection to face the emergency:
          - Payment of 70% of the gross salary to the worker in the case of the suspension of the employment contract by the employer and INPS (National Institute of Social Security), in the following proportion: a) 35.% payable by the employer b) 35.% by INPS.

          - Unemployment allowance: reduction of the guarantee period in the period considered for the purpose of awarding unemployment benefit from 180 to 60 days in the period from April 1 to June 30, at the date of filing the application.

          covid19, labour markets Unemployment cabo verde
          Bulgaria: Extraordinary unemployment benefits cambrosio

 (30.03.2020) On 23 March the National Assembly adopted an Emergency Measures and Actions Act. One of the anti-crisis measures that the government has proposed to support businesses because of the Coronavirus epidemic is that the State pays 60% of workers' insurance income for up to 3 months if the employer pays the difference and commits not to cut people off. During this period, the insurance will be paid by the employer and the employee. The aim is to keep jobs until the worst part of the crisis is over because of the coronavirus epidemic.

          covid19 Unemployment, Cash transfers bulgaria
          Belize: Government Announces New Measures In Response To Covid-19 cambrosio


          While Belize still has no confirmed case of the virus, the bi-partisan committee took very important decisions to further protect the health and well-being of Belizeans and reduce the threat of the virus spreading to Belize. A BZ$25M loan will be used as relief for employees affected by this crisis, especially those in the tourism industry.

          covid19 Employment, Social assistance, Cash transfers belize
          Iceland: New reduced employment scheme pgirard

          Reduced Employment Ratio Parliament has passed the Minister of Social and Children’s Affairs’ bill on the entitlement to the payment of unemployment benefits alongside reduced employment ratio due to temporary company recessions. The Act provides that wages paid alongside reduced unemployment ratio do not deplete unemployment benefits. The Directorate of Labour manages the applications for unemployment benefits due to reduced employment ratio.

          covid19 Unemployment iceland
          Norway: New unemployment measures to curb the financial impacts of the coronavirus outbreak cambrosio


          In the past two weeks, 274 000 unemployment benefit applications have been submitted, and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) reports that 291 000 people were registered as fully unemployed on 24 March. This corresponds to 10.4 per cent of the labour force. By comparison, two weeks ago the unemployment rate was 2.3 per cent. New measures concerning unemployment benefits:
          - Extended unemployment benefit period for persons dismissed from work;
          - Extended unemployment benefit period for laid-off workers;
          - Advance payment of unemployment benefits.

          covid19 Unemployment norway
          Norway: New measures to curb the financial impacts of the coronavirus outbreak cambrosio

 (27.03.2020) Friday 27 March, the Government put forward additional financial measures to address the consequences of the coronavirus outbreak. Health related measures include:
          - Employers are to be reimbursed for sickness benefits paid from the fourth day onwards for sickness absence related to the coronavirus;
          - Employees are given the right to self-report sickness for 16 days even though the employer only pays from Day 4;
          - Self-employed persons and freelancers may also receive sickness benefits from the National Insurance Scheme from the fourth day onwards for sickness absence due to the coronavirus.

          covid19, self-employed Health, Cash sickness benefits norway
          Israel: All coronavirus related guidelines of the National Insurance Institute cambrosio

 (03.04.2020) Due to the economic and Unemployment crisis (over 900k new unemployed or employees sent on unpaid leave compared to 160k existing unemployed ) following COVID-19 epidemic special interruption orders and provisional legislation were set in order to assist the insured residents.

          • Unemployment benefits to employees sent on unpaid leave or who lost their job relives:
            • Generally, an employee may be entitled to unemployment benefits if he was sent on unpaid leave for a period of 30 days or more. Generally the employees must use their accumulated vacations days in order to be entailed to Unemployment benefits. However, as a relief the employee can begin to receive unemployment benefits even if he has not used up his vacation days.
            • Conditions of entitlement relives: reduce of qualifying (insurance) period from 12 months to 6 months out of the last 18 months before the registration at the Employment Service.
            • Special provisions were held regarding retroactive registering with the Employment Service.
            • Extension of unemployment period for existing unemployed that cease their Unemployment benefits period during March until the end of April.
            • Generally, employees who have reached the age of 67 are not insured for Unemployment benefits. However, special grant is provide in order to assist employees over 67 with low pension income. (Less than 5000 ILS). The grant is paid according to the income from retirement pension (The social insurance old-age pension is not taken into account for purposes calculating the grant). Currently, the grand is paid for March-April.
            • Advanced payment – due to the large amount of claims, the  Israeli National Insurance Institute will pay 2000 NIS advanced payment for the insured persons that their claim did not processed yet, or for insured persons that did not file an individual  claim – but the employer reported them as unemployed or sent on unpaid leave
          • Early payment of certain benefits.
          • Income Support
            • The National Insurance Institute cares for all individuals and families in Israel who are unable to support themselves on their own, and pays them an income support benefit. People whom not entitled to other benefits (including Unemployment benefits) may be eligible to Income Support).
          • Covering the mother's hospitalization expenses benefit – the benefit subject inter alia to at-least 12 hours hospitalization- due hospitals request to allow early release from hospitalization – the grant will be paid during the crisis also in early release. 
          • Freezing of National insurance debts offsets from ongoing benefits.
          • Automatic extension of certain benefits (e.g. special services to disabled benefits).
          • On line services – claiming all benefits can be made on line. 
          • Under urgent legislation (to be confirmed formally) increased child support  of IS500 for each child up to the fourth child in a family
          • One time payments of 1000IS for old age recipients
          covid19, family, service delivery Medical care, Disability, Children, Unemployment, E-services, Service delivery israel
          Montenegro: One-off payment to pensioners and other vulnerable beneficiaries mmarquez

 (19.03.2020) Provision of one-time assistance to the pensioners with the lowest pension and beneficiaries of material security in the amount of 50 euros each. One million euros were committed for this measure.

          covid19 Social assistance Montenegro
          Montenegro: Deferral of payment of social security contributions mmarquez

 (19.03.2020) Payments of taxes and contributions on earnings and liabilities under the rescheduling law are deferred.

          covid19 Contribution collection and compliance Montenegro
          Armenia: Cash benefit to workers who lost their jobs mmarquez

 (30.03.2020) The one-off payments announced by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s cabinet will benefit tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of workers who have been temporarily out of work or laid off as well as owners of small businesses forced to halt their operations in recent weeks. The aid is meant to help them buy food and meet other basic needs during the nationwide lockdown imposed in Armenia last week.

          Armenians who have lost their jobs since March 13 will receive 68,000 drams ($137) each, while unemployed pregnant women whose husbands were fired in the same period will be paid 100,000 drams. Single and jobless pregnant women will also be eligible for this aid.

          covid19 Unemployment, Social assistance armenia
          Armenia: Government Approves More Cash Handouts To Struggling Families mmarquez

 (02.04.2020) The Armenian government approved on Thursday cash payments to more people who have been hit hard by economic disruptions resulting from the coronavirus epidemic. The fresh financial assistance will be provided to the underage children of those Armenians who had no officially registered jobs or businesses or did not receive poverty benefits when the unprecedented shutdowns began on March 12. Their parents will receive 26,500 drams ($52) per child.

          covid19, family Family benefits, Children, Social assistance armenia
          Paraguay: Se distribuirán kits de alimentos para jornaleros mmarquez

 (17.03.2020) El Gabinete Social y la Secretaría de Emergencia Nacional proveerán kits de alimentos a los jornaleros que, por las medidas de aislamiento social, no podrán generar recursos para su sustento diario.

          covid19 Social assistance, Food and nutrition paraguay
          Paraguay: Transferencia monetaria adicional al programa Tekoporã y Pensión Alimentaria de Adultos Mayores mmarquez

 (17.03.2020) El Equipo Económico dispuso que los sectores más vulnerables, que participan del programa Tekoporã reciban el pago de una cuota adicional. Este mismo mecanismo de pago también se hará con el programa de Pensión Alimentaria a Adultos Mayores, quienes recibirán el pago de un anticipo para eta situación de contingencia.

          covid19, family Social assistance paraguay
          República Dominicana: Gobierno aumenta tarjeta Solidaridad a RD$5,000 por dos meses y añade a 690 mil familias al programa mmarquez

 (25.03.2020) “En concreto, a partir del 1 de abril, las 811,000 familias que hoy tienen la tarjeta Solidaridad y que reciben en promedio 1,500 pesos mensuales, les vamos a realizar un aumento por dos meses del componente ‘Comer es Primero’, para que dispongan de 5,000 pesos mensuales para la adquisición de alimentos y productos de primera necesidad en la Red de Abastecimiento Social”, dijo el mandatario durante el discurso. Sobre las 690 mil familias adicionales que recibirán esos fondos jo justificó diciendo que es “soy consciente de que muchas más requieren de esa red de apoyo para enfrentar las dificultades económicas que se avecinan”. 

          El mandatario dijo que con estas medidas la tarjeta Solidaridad “llegará a 1.5 millones de hogares y entregará 5,000 pesos al mes a cada uno de ellos, desde el 1 de abril y hasta el 31 de mayo”.

          Medina dijo que en este programa también se entregará la suma de RD$2,000 a los jefe se hogares que “sean especialmente vulnerables al coronavirus”.

          covid19, family, self-employed Health, Family benefits, Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Food and nutrition dominican republic
          República Dominicana: Distribución de alimentos para familias mmarquez

 (25.03.2020) El Gobierno dominicano distribuirá alimentos durante la crisis de salud.  “En este momento, el Plan Social de la Presidencia está en capacidad de servir cada día a 45 mil familias con 3 raciones cada una, suficiente para nueve días de alimentación. A ese ritmo, cubrirán cada semana a 315 mil familias en todo el territorio nacional”, dijo Medina. 

          covid19, family Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Food and nutrition dominican republic
          Gobierno dominicano financiará pruebas de COVID-19 mmarquez

 (25.03.2020) El presidente Danilo Medina informó el miércoles en un discurso al pueblo dominicano que su gobierno pagará las pruebas de COVID-19 distribuidas entre los laboratorios privados autorizados.  “Se cubrirán las pruebas para todas aquellas personas que cuenten con prescripción médica y tengan 59 años o más y alguna condición de salud debilitante, considerada de riesgo, como hipertensión, diabetes, enfermedades respiratorias, cáncer, insuficiencia renal, entre otras”, dijo Medina.  “De la misma forma, y siempre con prescripción médica, se cubrirá el costo de la prueba a aquellos que presenten dos o más síntomas”, añadió. 

          covid19 Health insurance dominican republic
          10 Psychological Tips for Coping with Coronavirus (COVID-19) btreichel

          If you have been in contact with the virus, you may need to self-isolate at home. It’s natural for people to feel a range of emotions in this situation, such as stress, worry, anxiety, boredom or low mood. You may find the following tips helpful to cope and maintain your emotional wellbeing:​

          Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Key things that we know help include:

          • Set up a daily routine. Plan activities that are fun (such as reading, watching movies, hobbies) and that give you a sense of achievement (such as cleaning, completing work tasks, learning a new skill).
          • Keep active – create an exercise routine which can be completed within the home, to maintain physical fitness and reduce stress
          • Eat well – plan ahead and eat a variety of nutritious meals.
          • Stay connected with friends and family via phone, email and video conferencing

          Download the full document about the 10 Psychological Tips for Coping with Coronavirus (COVID-19)

          covid19, prevention Health, Occupational accidents and diseases australia
          WHO: Updates on the latest worldwide figures of the Coronavirus disease 2019 btreichel

          The WHO provides latest updates, including figues of Corona infections on a dedicated COVID-19 News website. The Website is updated on a regular basis and also includes the latest WHO briefings. 

          In addition, the WHO information network provides relevant information on a dedicated website for epidemics.


          covid19, prevention Health, Occupational accidents and diseases