rural world

Social protection and rural transformation in Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on (2023) This article develops a conceptual framework on pathways through which non-contributory social protection can contribute to a resilient and inclusive agricultural growth in rural Africa. It draws insights from a review of rigorous empirical evidence on the impacts of cash transfers and multifaceted cash plus programs on range of relevant productive outcomes, including: accumulation of productive assets; inputs and farm management practices; off-farm labour and non-farm enterprises; and farm production and income.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Digital innovations in delivering social protection in rural areas: Lessons for public provisioning during the post-pandemic recovery and beyond

Submitted by pmassetti on

International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) (31.12.2022) Over the past 20 years, considerable progress has been made in reducing poverty worldwide, with the expansion of social protection coverage and uptake playing a key role. To strengthen and expand the public provision of social protection, countries have been investing in the development of robust delivery systems, including digital tools, especially identification and payment systems and social registries.

Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Farmer registries and social protection information systems: Harnessing interoperability to improve outcomes for rural populations 

Submitted by mastertest on (28.02.2023) In recent years, the social protection sector has made great strides in strengthening registries and information systems, in an effort to expand and improve the delivery of ben- efits and services to the diverse target populations it seeks to serve. At the same time, agriculture and allied sectors are increasingly making strategic use of digital technologies, data and digitally-enabled business models to transform agri-food systems, as a means of achieving food security and nutrition, as well as climate adaptation goals.

Global challenges
Data management
Document Type

The state of social protection for agrifood systems workers in West Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on (2022) The report analyses the state of social protection for agri-food systems workers in the region. Specifically, it provides an overview about existing social assistance and social insurance programmes, analyses their sensitivity to agri-food systems workers’ needs and characteristics and identifies countries´ main challenges. It also presents a series of good practices from Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, and Senegal.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Social protection response to COVID-19 in rural LAC: social and economic double inclusion

Submitted by pmassetti on

International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)  (10.02.20222) This One Pager reflects on how to improve social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean after the COVID-19 pandemic, analysing how it can ensure food security and social and economic ‘double inclusion’. In particular, it provides a regional overview of the social protection measures to respond to COVID-19 in rural areas, and analyses four country-level examples that show promising features for building back better during the recovery process.

Regions / Country
latin america
Document Type

India´s COVID-19 social assistance package and its impact on the agriculture sector

Submitted by pmassetti on (2021) COVID-19 induced significant economic and social disruptions in India. Rural households, including smallholders, were affected by loss in migrant income, livelihood and farm and non-farm incomes. During this lockdown, the Indian government enacted several emergency legislations to provide direct and indirect relief to workers and households. India’s COVID-19 social assistance package, namely, PM-GKY, announced in March 2020, was designed to provide immediate relief to the vulnerable population.

Regions / Country
Cash transfers
Document Type

Georgia: Caring for the village and farmers continues

Submitted by siha on

Government of Georgia (08.08.2020) Almost 112,000 beneficiaries received discount cards for over 29,000 tons of agricultural diesel. Farmers who have cashed their cards have saved almost 3.6 million GEL. Agricultural diesel discount cards expire on December 31, 2020.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Shocks & extreme events
Document Type

Egypt: Protect, Provide, and Progress: Egypt's International Response in the COVID-19 Fight

Submitted by cambrosio on (06.04.2020) Ministry of Social Solidarity added 60,000 households to Takaful and Karama Programs. An additional 100,000 will be added as the budget will increase to 19.3 Billion EGP compared to 18.5 billion EGP.  The government also increased payments to women community leaders in rural areas from EGP 350 to EGP 900 per month to ensure gender equity. A one-off monetary compensation (500 EGP) offered to informal workers registered at the database of the Ministry of Manpower through post offices.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Germany: Increased additional income opportunities for pensioners and short-time workers, including seasonal workers

Submitted by mmarquez on (26.03.2020)

Um für ausreichend Arbeitskräfte zu sorgen und Lohnlücken abzufedern, wurden darüber hinaus für Bezieher von Kurzarbeitergeld Anreize geschaffen, in ihrer arbeitsfreien Zeit freiwillig zu helfen. Mit dem Sozialschutz-Paket wurden die Zuverdienst-Möglichkeiten für Kurzarbeiter vergrößert. Zudem wird die Zeitgrenze für die kurzfristige sozialversicherungsfreie Beschäftigung von Saisonkräften auf fünf Monate ausgeweitet. Davon profitiert besonders die Landwirtschaft.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type