Extension of coverage

Including those in need, when they need it: Why dynamic social registries matter in shock-prone contexts like the Sahel

Submitted by pmassetti on
worldbank.org (29.01.2025) The Sahel is faced with increasingly frequent and severe interconnected shocks, particularly those related to climate change and conflict, exacerbating risks and vulnerabilities to poverty, food insecurity, inequality, and low levels of human capital. To effectively respond to these crises, governments require systems enabling them to rapidly and accurately identify sudden changes in household welfare.
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Service delivery
Shocks & extreme events


Document Type

India: Government to Provide ID Cards and Security for Gig Workers

Submitted by pmassetti on
thedailyguardian.com 801.02.20259 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in her Budget 2025 speech, announced that the government will issue ID cards to gig workers. These workers will also get healthcare benefits through a social security scheme. Moreover, the government will invest in street vendors, urban workers, and online platform workers to improve their financial security.
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Platform workers
Document Type

How Jharkhand is setting a precedent for universal social security in India: where there’s a will…

Submitted by pmassetti on
Development Pathways (27.01.2025) Who would’ve guessed that one of the boldest moves in designing social security benefits would come from—not even a country—but a state in India called Jharkhand? For those unfamiliar, Jharkhand is one of India’s poorest states,¹ nestled in the country’s eastern region, often making headlines for its mineral wealth rather than groundbreaking social policy. Yet here we are, talking about Jharkhand as the unlikely pioneer of what can only be described as a “‘Semi-UBI”: a universal basic income, but just for women aged 18 to 50.
Regions / Country
Global challenges

Bringing Rwanda’s social protection practices onto the global stage

Submitted by pmassetti on
worldbank.org (Over the past two decades, Rwanda has transformed from a nation rebuilding after tragedy to a global example of economic inclusion. Its impressive 5% average annual per capita GDP growth since 2006 tells part of the story, but economic growth is just one piece of the puzzle. The real story lies in how this growth has touched lives, especially the most vulnerable, through initiatives like Gira Wigire, which means"to have dignity" in Kinyarwanda.
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

Three challenges of social protection in sub‐Saharan Africa: informality, climate change and pandemics

Submitted by pmassetti on
International Journal of Social Welfare (2025) This article provides an overview of social protection challenges in sub-Saharan Africa. It explores three main challenges: the integration of informal workers, the management of climate change and pandemics. Despite the proliferation of social protection programmes in sub-Saharan Africa, effective coverage remains low. About 76.3% of the population is not covered by any formal social protection mechanisms. Following the principle of qualitative comparative analysis, this article offers a twofold contribution.
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Egypt’s experience bridging cash transfers and an economic inclusion program for sustainable social protection

Submitted by pmassetti on
IFPRI (18.12.2024) Egypt’s experience is a case in point. The country’s Takaful cash transfer program has been a vital source of support for millions, but fiscal space is too limited for cash transfers to serve as a solution to poverty (Breisinger, et al. 2023). The hope is that graduating current cash transfer beneficiaries will free up public resources to reach other impoverished households.
Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Can Flexible Jobs Drive the Future of Work? Lessons from MENA

Submitted by pmassetti on
The evolving nature of work is prompting a global shift towards more adaptable and flexible employment practices. However, NSEs face obstacles due to their unique nature of fluctuating income, instability, and administrative barriers that complicate their inclusion in labor and social protection systems.
Regions / Country
arabic countries
Extension of coverage
Platform workers
Digital plateform workers
Document Type

The Republic of Korea: Extending social insurance to digital platform workers

Submitted by pmassetti on
(10.05.2024) Extending social insurance to platform workers in the Republic of Korea offers valuable lessons for other countries facing similar challenges. This brief outlines recent advancements in extending employment injury and employment insurance coverage to platform workers, emphasizing legal frameworks and operational processes leveraging digital technologies.
Regions / Country
korea, Republic of
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Financing gap for universal social protection: Global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space

Submitted by pmassetti on
ilo.org (23.04.2024) The primary aim of the study is to provide updated estimates of the financing gap to attain universal coverage for social protection floors. This estimation encompasses 133 low- and middle-income countries, and includes five income security guarantees (for children, persons with severe disabilities, mothers of newborns, older persons and the unemployed), together with essential health care.  Estimates show that, for low- and middle-income countries, the financing gap to achieve universal coverage of social protection floors is 3.3 per cent of GDP annually.
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers

Submitted by pmassetti on

wiego.org (February 2024) In this briefing note we review the current debates on strategies, challenges and opportunities regarding registration in the context of social protection. In the first part, we will present the key concepts, approaches and debates on registration and situating it in the overall social protection system. The second section highlights the basic registration strategies, including outreach and awareness. We examine on-demand, census sweeps and other methods using existing data.

Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type