Extension of coverage

Extending social protection during times of crises: The data revolution

Submitted by pmassetti on

capacity4dev.europa.eu (28.02.2024) In examining data for 106 countries from the 1980s onwards, it transpires that social protection is the most countercyclical type of public expenditure and that social assistance spending has typically been more responsive during economic contractions.

Global challenges
Technological transition
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Platform workers: Council confirms agreement on new rules to improve their working conditions

Submitted by pmassetti on

consilium.europa.eu (11.03.2024) EU employment and social affairs ministers confirmed the provisional agreement reached on 8 February 2024 between the Council’s presidency and the European Parliament’s negotiators on the platform work directive. This EU legal act aims to improve working conditions and regulate the use of algorithms by digital labour platforms. The directive will make the use of algorithms in human resources management more transparent, ensuring that automated systems are monitored by qualified staff and that workers have the right to contest automated decisions.

Regions / Country
european union
Extension of coverage
Platform workers
Digital plateform workers
Document Type

The Future of India’s Social Safety Nets: Focus, Form, and Scope

Submitted by pmassetti on

cornell.edu (05.02.2024) The Future of India’s Social Safety Nets: Focus, Form, and Scope explains how an array of social welfare programs (comprising the safety net) have emerged as a leitmotif of social policy in independent India and explores the key challenges and scope for innovations in redesigning India’s social safety net system for the future. This open-access book provides a comprehensive analysis of India’s safety net by combining insights from a wealth of interdisciplinary scholarship on economic development, social protection, and the social policy process.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Programme evaluation
Programme & evaluation
Document Type

New Forms of Employment and Labour Protection in China

Submitted by pmassetti on

ILO Working Paper 103(20.02.2024)  The objective of this paper is to provide a panoramic description and analysis of the diversity of the new forms of employment that have been emerging in China, with the focus on their background, the main types, the status quo of labour rights protection, and the government's responses to the challenges of labour regulations brought by NFE. Finally, on the basis of the above, the paper puts forward corresponding policy recommendations on how to improve workers' protection in new forms of Employment.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Digital plateform workers
Document Type

Taking stock of progress: A compilation of universal social security schemes in low- and middle-income countries

Submitted by pmassetti on

Development Pathways (February 2024) Challenging the misconception that universal social security is only viable in high-income countries, this paper compiles examples of ongoing universal coverage schemes in low- and middle-income nations, focusing on old age, disability, and child benefits. With sufficient political backing, these countries have gradually introduced one or multiple universal schemes, constructing comprehensive, affordable, and sustainable lifecycle social security systems over time.

Extension of coverage
Document Type

Social protection for migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: A regional mapping of provisions on paper and in practice

Submitted by pmassetti on

ilo.org (28.11.2023) Challenges of extending social protection to migrant workers are particularly evident in the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), where migrants comprise between 76 per cent (Saudi Arabia) and 95 per cent (Qatar) of the workforce. Such a large share implies a need to better understand the current state of social protection coverage for migrant workers, and the factors that determine the level of coverage afforded to them.

Regions / Country
arabic countries
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Policy approaches to formalizing informal employment in the formal sector in Asia and the Pacific and Latin America

Submitted by pmassetti on

ESCAP (14.12.2023) The report compiles existing policy tools and and good practices adopted by Governments in Asia and the Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean on formalizing informal employment in the formal sector. To provide a framework for understanding the full range of good practices on formalizing the employment of informal workers in the formal sector, the report sets out the integrated strategic policy approach outlined by ILO Recommendation No. 204 on facilitating the transition to formality.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Platform workers and social security: Recent developments in Europe | International Social Security Association (ISSA)

Submitted by rruggia on

In Europe, as globally, platform work remains a growing phenomenon. This article explores how recent developments in Europe affect platform workers’ rights and access to social security. In particular, it considers recent steps toward the appropriate classification of certain workers, changes in working conditions, and the extension of new rights and responsibilities

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups
Platform workers
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Delivering Digital G2P Payments to Urban Informal Populations: Lessons and Future Policy Implications from COVID-19 Responses

Submitted by pmassetti on

worldbank.org (03.10.2023) The COVID-19 response in many Sub-Saharan African countries included the rapid deployment of social protection programs leveraging digital systems to counteract the income losses that were disproportionately experienced by urban informal populations.

Document Type

Extending social protection to migrant workers in the Arab region

Submitted by pmassetti on

ILO (June 2023) An analysis of existing barriers and good practices in light of international social security standards. This research paper aims to examine barriers to the social security of migrant workers in the Arab region, identify current practices and chart possible avenue for progressive reform.

Regions / Country
arabic countries
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type