Universal Social Protection
Financing gap for universal social protection: Global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space
Brazil’s return: Food security and social protection
Institute of Development Studies (30.08.2023) To the international community, Brazil’s record on food security and social protection until relatively recently was exemplary, even enviable. The level of child stunting in Brazil fell from 25% in the mid-1980s to 15% in the mid-1990s and just 5% by the mid-2010s. This is a remarkable success story. Throughout the same 30-year period, the rate of child stunting in South Africa, a country that shares many characteristics with Brazil, remained constant at about 25%.
Bangladesh: PM Hasina opens universal pension scheme
dhakatribune.com (17.08.2023) Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday inaugurated the much-talked-about Universal Pension Scheme to bring all the people of the country aged above 18 under the scheme. She initially opened the pension scheme — Pragati, Surokkha, Samata and Prabashi — joining the inaugural program virtually from her official Ganabhaban residence in the morning. After launching the scheme, the premier said: "We opened the Universal Pension Scheme in the Month of Mourning.
Japan eyes expansion of workers 'insurance scheme
Pension Policy International (April 2022) The Japanese government is reportedly discussing plans to expand the coverage of its employee pensions and health insurance programs to all workers in the country. The proposal will be initially handled by a government panel of experts on Japan’s social security system for all generations, The Japan Times reported. In June, Tokyo plans to decide on the direction for the insurance system covering all workers and have it reflected in its honebuto, or basic economic and fiscal policy guidelines.
Multi-tiered Social Security for Universal Coverage – A focus on Families in Viet Nam
ilo.org (20.05,2021) This policy brief introduces the multi-tiered social security systems to enable universal coverage with a focus on families. A coherent and well-designed family support system within the emerging social security system is truly rights-based, fair and equitable proposal; it has a high potential to attract workers to the social insurance system; and it is the most likely to be politically — and therefore financially- sustainable over time.
Mongolia: ADB approves $73m loan to improve social welfare support
devdiscourse.com (23.03.2021)
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $73 million loan to improve social welfare support for the poor and vulnerable, especially women and children, to mitigate the socioeconomic impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Mongolia.
Democratic Republic of Congo: Democratic Republic of Congo to provide free water and electricity amidst coronavirus
smart warter magazine (07.04.2020) For the next two months, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is to supply water and electricity free of charge to its citizens, local authorities have said. According to the Anadolu Agency, the water supply business Regie de Distribution d’Eau (REGIDESO) and the country’s National Electricity Company (SNEL) have agreed to provide free water and electricity in the country for the following two months.
Malta: A voucher of € 100 per person aged 16 and over
THE OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER (08.06.2020) A voucher of € 100 per person aged 16 and over that can be used in a licensed accommodation, restaurant or business that has closed.
Le krach boursier menace les retraites dans de nombreux pays
Selon le Congressional Budget Office (CBO), les fonds auraient perdu au total 2 000 milliards de dollars en quinze mois (20 % de leur valeur). Les célèbres CalPERS et CalSTRS, dédiés au financement des retraites des fonctionnaires et professeurs de Californie, ont fondu de 26 % et 10 % depuis fin juin.