Official / Corporate

EU: Council adopts recommendation on adequate minimum income

Submitted by pmassetti on (30.01.2023) Council adopts recommendation on adequate minimum income This Council recommendation aims to combat poverty and social exclusion, and to pursue high levels of employment by promoting adequate income support by means of minimum income, effective access to enabling and essential services for persons lacking sufficient resources and by fostering labour market integration of those who can work.

Regions / Country
Document Type

Budgets for climate, sustainability and social inclusion

Submitted by pmassetti on

UNICEF /UNDP (2022) Responding to climate change, reducing poverty, and supporting social inclusion must be addressed together to build resilient economies and societies. As the recovery from COVID-19 continues, governments need to invest in addressing social and economic inequalities while actively promoting new, sustainable, and climate-friendly livelihoods and income-generating opportunities for all. 

Global challenges
Document Type

New rights to improve work-life balance in the EU enter into application

Submitted by pmassetti on

European Commission (02/08/2022)  These new rules  set out minimum standards for paternity, parental and carers' leave and establish additional rights, such as the right to request flexible working arrangements, which will help people develop their careers and family life without having to sacrifice either. These rights, which come in addition to existing maternity leave rights, were achieved under the European Pillar of Social Rights and is a key milestone towards building a Union of Equality.

Regions / Country
european union
Family benefits


Document Type

Financing social protection through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Submitted by pmassetti on (25.11.2021) This report is produced for the G20 Development Working Group by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the World Bank. It demonstrates the key role that social protection has played in countries at all income levels in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Document Type

Employment policy: ILO launches new online database on employment policies and strategies to promote an inclusive job-rich recovery

Submitted by pmassetti on (19.10.2021) The online platform will serve as a unique worldwide reference and source of information on national employment policies, and strategies to promote youth employment.

Global challenges
Employment of young workers
Document Type

Sistema Nacional de Cuidados

Submitted by rruggia on

Al Sistema Nacional de Cuidados le competen:

  • Aumentar la cobertura y elevar la calidad de los servicios de cuidado para la primera infancia, que estimulen el desarrollo de niños y niñas, faciliten su acceso a la educación y brinden a los hogares una alternativa corresponsable de cuidados.

Regions / Country
Long-term care
Document Type

English families get extended support with food and utility bills

Submitted by pmassetti on

The government’s COVID Local Support Grant, first introduced in December 2020, has been extended through to September bringing it in line with the end date for furlough and other COVID-related support. This is beyond the planned ending of restrictions, to help families get back on their feet as the economy recovers and the vaccine rollout continues.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Family benefits


Document Type

Council adopts European Child Guarantee

Submitted by pmassetti on (04.06.2021) The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) has adopted the Commission proposal on establishing a European Child Guarantee. The objective of the European Child Guarantee is to prevent and combat social exclusion by guaranteeing the access of children in need – persons under the age of 18 years who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion – to a set of key services: early childhood education and care, education, healthcare, nutrition and housing.

Regions / Country
european union
Document Type

Growing old in Europe: two new reports shed light on long-term care and pensions across the EU

Submitted by pmassetti on

European Commission (14.06.2021) On 14 June 2021, the Council of the EU endorsed the key conclusions of the 2021 reports on long-term care and on pension adequacy, that illustrate the situation of older people in the EU. The two reports analyse the situation of older people in the EU, looking into whether Europeans can maintain decent living standards in retirement, how many older people need support in their daily activities and whether they can access and afford the help they need. 

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Document Type