social security education

Korean health insurance system to be promoted through World Bank

Submitted by mmarquez on

 Korea Biomedical Review (19.06.2020) The National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) said it would team up with the World Bank to create online content for learning Korea’s experience of running the national health insurance system. At the request of the World Bank, the NIHS has signed a memorandum of understanding with the bank to make the online learning contents about the excellence of the nation’s healthcare coverage and the NIHS’ operation experience, the NIHS said.

Regions / Country
korea, Republic of
Global challenges
Health promotion
Health insurance
Document Type

Société | Les "damnés de la terre" : fraudes sociales, ouvriers "en esclavage"... le procès qui fait trembler Terra Fecundis | La Provence

Submitted by gfilhon on

L'un des cas les plus emblémamtiques de la fraude au détachement européen dans le secteur agricole. Pour la seule période de 2012 à 2015, celle retenue par la procédure pénale, c'est un peu plus de 112 millions d'euros de cotisations qui auraient échappé à la Sécurité sociale, selon l'accusation, grâce à un système parfaitement huilé consistant à "jouer sur des conflits d'interprétation entre notre législation nationale et le droit communautaire", a analysé Béatrice Mesini, chercheuse au CNRS. "Cette affaire hors norme est celle qui présente l

Regions / Country
Contribution collection and compliance
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Le krach boursier menace les retraites dans de nombreux pays

Submitted by gfilhon on

Selon le Congressional Budget Office (CBO), les fonds auraient perdu au total 2 000 milliards de dollars en quinze mois (20 % de leur valeur). Les célèbres CalPERS et CalSTRS, dédiés au financement des retraites des fonctionnaires et professeurs de Californie, ont fondu de 26 % et 10 % depuis fin juin.

Old-age pensions
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Societal Impact
New risks
Document Type

En Suisse, bataille autour de l’espionnage des bénéficiaires des aides sociales

Submitted by gfilhon on

Corpus législatif suisse de lutte contre la fraude aux prestations

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Risk management
Information and communication technology
Social policies & programmes
Policy analysis
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Measuring Financial Literacy - OECD

Submitted by siha on

Measuring Financial Literacy

Assessing the levels of financial literacy in the population is a key component of a successful national strategy for financial education, enabling policy makers to identify gaps and design appropriate responses. International comparisons increase the value of such an assessment by enabling countries to benchmark themselves with other countries. Where similar patterns are identified across countries, national authorities can work together to find common methods for improving financial literacy within their respective populations.

Document Type

National curriculum in England: citizenship programmes

Submitted by iha on

National curriculum in England

The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

Citizenship programmes in  the national curriculum cover income and expenditure, credit and debt, insurance, savings and pensions, financial products and services, and how public money is raised and spent

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Global challenges
Document Type

Social Security Education Program

Submitted by iha on

The Social Security Education Program is developed in Uruguay since 2007.

The Program incorporates thematic axes related to Social Security as a compulsory subject in the curricula of study of the education plans of all the public and private centers of the country.

Education materials are available on the website.

- Student's book 'Growing together'

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type