transnational workers

Luxembourg: Extension of the agreement between Luxembourg and Germany regarding the social security affiliation of cross-border workers who are teleworking

Submitted by siha on (06.07.2020) The agreement between Luxembourg and Germany regarding the social security affiliation of cross-border workers who are teleworking is extended until 31 August 2020. Thus, the days of teleworking due to the COVID-19 crisis: are not taken into account for the determination of the social security legislation that should apply to the workers concerned; will not have any influence on their social security affiliation.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Bilateral agreements
Document Type

Société | Les "damnés de la terre" : fraudes sociales, ouvriers "en esclavage"... le procès qui fait trembler Terra Fecundis | La Provence

Submitted by gfilhon on

L'un des cas les plus emblémamtiques de la fraude au détachement européen dans le secteur agricole. Pour la seule période de 2012 à 2015, celle retenue par la procédure pénale, c'est un peu plus de 112 millions d'euros de cotisations qui auraient échappé à la Sécurité sociale, selon l'accusation, grâce à un système parfaitement huilé consistant à "jouer sur des conflits d'interprétation entre notre législation nationale et le droit communautaire", a analysé Béatrice Mesini, chercheuse au CNRS. "Cette affaire hors norme est celle qui présente l

Regions / Country
Contribution collection and compliance
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Ukraine to strengthen social protection of displaced persons

Submitted by dfabbri on

ukrinform (15.08.2019) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution the implementation of which will help strengthen the social protection of internally displaced persons and ensure the provision of targeted assistance.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Europe sociale : la fin des galères administratives pour les frontaliers ? - Europe et hop !

Submitted by dfabbri on

Arte (20.03.2019) Bien sûr, le Brexit reste le feuilleton dramatique du moment. Mais l’Union européenne avance aussi pour renforcer les droits aux aides sociales des personnes qui travaillent et vivent dans un autre pays européen que le leur. Dans ce journal, nous irons aussi en Italie, où Matteo Salvini devrait échapper à la justice et nous partirons en Hongrie où Viktor Orban se prépare à sa possible exclusion du Parti populaire européen. Enfin, pourquoi ne pas revenir sur notre vision de l’Union européenne, qui fait l’objet de sondages aux résultats parfois étonnants ?

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Document Type

Les entreprises, championnes de la fraude sociale | Alternatives Economiques

Submitted by gfilhon on

Origine principale de la fraude sociale 

Regions / Country
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms

First employment centre at Jordan Refugee camp: Job centre for Syrian refugees opens in Jordan camp

Submitted by fabbri on

ILO (22.02.2018) The ILO and UNHCR launch the Azraq Centre for Employment to help refugees access work permits and find employment.  The Azraq Centre for Employment (ACE), set up in coordination with the Government of Jordan and sponsored by the Dutch Government, aims to facilitate access to formal work opportunities across Jordan for Syrian refugees living in the camp.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Commission wants new EU labour authority to crack down on worker abuse

Submitted by massetti on (14.09.2017) European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker wants to set up a new EU institution to monitor how labour law is applied in member states. The Commission will outline its plans for the supervisory authority by the end of 2018.

Regions / Country
european union
Document Type

Posted workers: Macron’s first victory in reforming the EU

Submitted by massetti on (24.10.2017) After lengthy negotiations, EU member states found a compromise on Monday (23 October) on the reform of posted workers, one of the pivotal issues for the EU reform pushed by Emmanuel Macron. 

Regions / Country
european union
Employment policies
Document Type

Où sont les gisements d'économies de la Sécurité sociale - Le Parisien

Submitted by -filhon on

Les différentes sources d'économie ouvertes au sein de la protection sociale sont liées à une meilleur gestion des processes internes et une utilisation plus poussée des moyens ouverts par les technologies de l'information et de la communication, notamment pour les profils spécifiques comme les travailleurs migrants, ou les réseaux des médicaments, ou encore la répartition des centres chirurgicaux...

Regions / Country
Bilateral agreements
Social policies & programmes
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Business processes
Document Type

Launch of the Global Commission on the Future of Work

Submitted by lasalle on (21.08.2017) This event launched the Global Commission on the Future of Work, a body of 20 experts who will come together to tackle the fundamental question of how a rapidly transforming world of work should be organized so that it responds to the values of social justice. During the event, the names of the Commission members  were announced by the Commission's co-chairpeople: President of Mauritius Ameenah Gurib-Fakim and Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven

Employment policies
Employment of young workers
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type