data management

Croatia: Stop COVID-19 application now works cross-border

Submitted by siha on

Government of the Republic of Croatia (19.11.2020) Cross-border data exchange between the Croatian Stop COVID-19 application and official applications of other EU member states has been established. This makes Croatia the seventh EU country in a row, along with Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia and Spain, which exchanges "infected keys" through the federation gateway (European Federation Gateway Service) and thus enables anonymous notification of foreign contacts about the risk of infection. 

Regions / Country
european union
Information and communication technology
Mobile technologies
Data management
Document Type

Bahamas: Extension of government-funded unemployment benefit (GovUEBex)

Submitted by mmarquez on (16.07.2020) The National Insurance Board (NIB) will launch a new online portal for eligible individuals to register for the Government-Funded Unemployment Benefit Extension Programme (GovUEBex). Individuals who were unemployed due to the COVID-19 shutdown between March 23 – June 30, and continue to be unemployed, are eligible for the extension programme if they fall under one of four categories: 1. They have exhausted their 13 weeks of NIB’s unemployment benefit (UEB) payments which became payable because of layoffs/termination due to COVID 19. 2.

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Global challenges
Data management
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Viet Nam: Online payment service in social insurance and health insurance

Submitted by mmarquez on (09.04.2020) Starting from April 8, 2020, individuals and organizations with accounts registered at the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) may contribute to health insurance and social insurance on the e-Banking application platform. The result of the coordination between Vietnam Social Security and BIDV aims to facilitate people, employees and employers in transactions with social security authorities, especially when the COVID-19 epidemic is maintaining complicated and social distancing is being implemented.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
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Viet Nam: Provinces and cities requested to confirm list of unemployed workers

Submitted by mmarquez on (15.05.2020) Viet Nam Social Security has ordered its units in provinces and cities nationwide to check and confirm the list of employees who have been temporarily suspended from the performance of labour contracts or taken unpaid leave, as well as employees who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This action aims to avoid enterprises illegally profiteering from the policy that allowed COVID-19-affected enterprises to temporality suspend payments of social insurance to the retirement and death fund.

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Global challenges
Service quality
Error, evasion and fraud
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Société | Les "damnés de la terre" : fraudes sociales, ouvriers "en esclavage"... le procès qui fait trembler Terra Fecundis | La Provence

Submitted by gfilhon on

L'un des cas les plus emblémamtiques de la fraude au détachement européen dans le secteur agricole. Pour la seule période de 2012 à 2015, celle retenue par la procédure pénale, c'est un peu plus de 112 millions d'euros de cotisations qui auraient échappé à la Sécurité sociale, selon l'accusation, grâce à un système parfaitement huilé consistant à "jouer sur des conflits d'interprétation entre notre législation nationale et le droit communautaire", a analysé Béatrice Mesini, chercheuse au CNRS. "Cette affaire hors norme est celle qui présente l

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Contribution collection and compliance
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Government of Liberia, ESOKO Sign US$2M Social Data Collection Agreement

Submitted by dfabbri on

FrontPageAfrica (25.06.2019) The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Monday signed a US$2 million contract with a Ghanaian company — “Esoko” — to collect social data in four counties Nimba, Bong, Bomi and Maryland Counties.

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Global challenges
Governance and administration
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Décision n° 2019-789 QPC du 14 juin 2019 | Conseil constitutionnel

Submitted by gfilhon on

Décision de Conseil constitutionnel restreignant le droit de communication des banques aux organismes de Sécurité sociale pour violation de la vie privée. Mauvaise nouvelle pour l'EEF. 

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Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Data management
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Suisse: Thierry Weber: «La pratique de la médecine va vivre une révolution»

Submitted by dfabbri on

Le Temps (03.06.2019) Médecin-entrepreneur et spécialiste de la santé numérique, Thierry Weber considère le dossier électronique du patient comme une solution pour réduire les coûts de la santé. Les hôpitaux le proposeront dès 2020

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Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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La Belgique récompensée pour sa sécurité sociale -

Submitted by dfabbri on

LeVif (16.05.2019) L'Association internationale de la sécurité sociale (AISS) a remis son prix des bonnes pratiques en Europe aux institutions belges, pour la numérisation et l'automatisation de leurs services, indique-t-elle dans un communiqué mercredi soir

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Maroc: Registre social unique. Rendez-vous en novembre prochain

Submitted by massetti on (14.09.2018) Le Registre social unique (RSU) vise à améliorer le ciblage des prestations des programmes de protection sociale. La préparation de ce projet est passée à la vitesse supérieure depuis juillet dernier.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Information and communication technology
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