Viet Nam: Provinces and cities requested to confirm list of unemployed workers

Submitted by mmarquez on
Body (15.05.2020) Viet Nam Social Security has ordered its units in provinces and cities nationwide to check and confirm the list of employees who have been temporarily suspended from the performance of labour contracts or taken unpaid leave, as well as employees who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This action aims to avoid enterprises illegally profiteering from the policy that allowed COVID-19-affected enterprises to temporality suspend payments of social insurance to the retirement and death fund.

measures summary

In an effort to prevent abuse and fraud in the temporary suspension of social security contributions to the retirement and death funds,  Viet Nam Social Security has requested province and city authorities to check the list of unemployed persons submitted byt the various enterprises. 

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Viet Nam Social Security takes measures to prevent enterprises from abusing policies

15/05/2020 05:00 PM


Viet Nam Social Security has ordered its units in provinces and cities nationwide to check and confirm the list of employees who have been temporarily suspended from the performance of labour contracts or taken unpaid leave, as well as employees who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


It aims to avoid enterprises illegally profiteering from the policy that allowed COVID-19-affected enterprises to temporality suspend payments of social insurance to the retirement and death fund.

The order came under legal document No 1391/BHXH-BT recently issued by Viet Nam Social Security.

The document said the social insurance unit in each province and city had to check relevant data of social insurance, health insurance and unemployment payment to confirm the list.

After checking, if the list provided by enterprises is correct, the social insurance unit has to confirm on the printed or digital version and send back to the enterprises.

The social insurance unit was told to not issue any confirmation for employees stopping their labour contracts to enjoy the retirement or gain unemployment allowance.

The legal representative of each enterprise must take responsibility for the accuracy of the list.

Enterprises are required to follow legal document No 1511/LĐTBXH-BHXH, issued by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and legal document No 860/BHXH-BT, issued by Viet Nam Social Security, to seriously implement the policy.

Viet Nam Social Security also orders directors of social insurance units in provinces and cities to ensure the policy be implemented correctly and seriously./.