Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Cash and the city: Digital COVID-19 social response in Kinshasa

Submitted by pmassetti on (08.09.2021)  As COVID-19 spread across the world, governments responded with an unprecedented increase in social assistance measures. Policymakers had to shift their focus to urban areas, particularly slums, whose residents were hit the hardest by the pandemic and its economic impact. Social safety nets, traditionally targeting chronic poverty in rural areas, had to be reinvented overnight: The new objective was to prevent informal workers affected by lockdowns from falling back into poverty.

Regions / Country
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Information and communication technology
Cash transfers


Document Type

DRC: The Covid-19 Fund benefits from a donation of USD 100,000 in protective equipment from TDB

Submitted by cambrosio on (28.12.2020)

The Trade Development Bank (TDB) has donated Covid-19 protection materials to the National Coronavirus Solidarity Fund (NCSF). The donation, valued at US$100,000, was handed over by Finance Minister Sele Yalaghuli, who is the Congolese government's focal point to TDB.

Regions / Country
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Global challenges
Safety and health at work


Document Type

DRC: payment due date for property and rental income tax deferred to 31 March 2021

Submitted by cambrosio on (02.02.2021)

Prévue pour le premier février 2021, l’échéance de paiement de l’impôt foncier et de l’impôt sur les revenus locatifs a été reporté par le Gouverneur de la ville de Kinshasa, Gentiny Ngobila, au 31 mars 2021.

Regions / Country
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Democratic Republic of Congo: Democratic Republic of Congo to provide free water and electricity amidst coronavirus

Submitted by siha on

smart warter magazine (07.04.2020) For the next two months, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is to supply water and electricity free of charge to its citizens, local authorities have said. According to the Anadolu Agency, the water supply business Regie de Distribution d’Eau (REGIDESO) and the country’s National Electricity Company (SNEL) have agreed to provide free water and electricity in the country for the following two months.

Regions / Country
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Global challenges
Shocks & extreme events
Document Type

RDC : le gouvernement dispose bien d’une politique d’emploi, selon Willy Makiashi

Submitted by monitor on

Radio Okapi (25.02.2016) Il existe une politique d’emploi du gouvernement en faveur des jeunes, a affirmé mercredi 24 février, le Vice-Premier ministre congolais en charge de l’Emploi, Willy Makiashi, à l’ouverture de la Conférence internationale sur l’investissement privé dans la région des Grands Lacs. Willy Makiashi a annoncé le lancement du premier pallier pour la formation des jeunes en début du mois de mars 2016.

Regions / Country
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Employment of young workers