Zimbabwe: NSSA contributes towards fight against COVID-19

Submitted by mmarquez on

nssa.org.zw (31.03.2020) The National Social Security Authority contributes to national efforts related to the coronavirus crisis by providing facilities and contribution to health equipment. In addition,  a one-off discretionary transfer amounting to one monthly pension is paid to old-age pensioners in April. The NSSA encourages pensioners to use mobile money and bank cards to access these funds and not to visit banks.

measures summary

The National Social Security Authority contributes to national efforts related to the coronavirus crisis by providing facilities and contribution to health equipment. In addition,  a one-off discretionary transfer amounting to one monthly pension is paid to old-age pensioners in April. The NSSA encourages pensioners to use mobile money and bank cards to access these funds and not to visit banks.

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Global challenges
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