contribution collection

China: Extension period for reduction of premium rates of unemployment insurance and work injury insurance

Submitted by cambrosio on (26.01.2021)

Considering that the risk of the pandemic still exists, some enterprises may be under great financial pressure, the policy of phased reduction of premium rates of unemployment insurance and work injury insurance will be extended for another year until 30 April 2022.

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Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Kenya: Parliament halts COVID-19 related tax relief

Submitted by cambrosio on (22.12.2020)

Kenya’s parliament on Tuesday voted to end tax cuts put in place in April to cushion the economy from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, a move lawmakers said would help to plug revenue shortfalls but investors said would hamper a recovery. The tax cuts were introduced weeks after Kenya reported its first case of the coronavirus and aimed to shield East Africa’s richest economy.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Singapore: Introduction of Government Match for Provident Fund Catch-up Contributions

Submitted by mmarquez on

Social Security Administration (25.02.2021) Singapore Introduces Government Match for Provident Fund Catch-up Contributions In January, Singapore's Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board introduced the Matched Retirement Savings Scheme, a program that provides a dollar-for-dollar government match of up to S$600 (US$450.56) per year in catch-up contributions for qualifying CPF members from 2021 to 2025.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Barbados: Change of Payment Deadline for Contributions from February 15, 2021

Submitted by mmarquez on

National Insurance Service (15.02.2021) The National Insurance Office wishes to advise the public that the February 15, 2021 payment deadline for January 2021 contributions, has been extended until March 2, 2021. Payments made after this date will attract interest. The public is reminded that contribution payments can be made online through EZpay+, via wire or bank transfer or placed in our drop boxes located at the Frank Walcott Building. For further payment information, please visit

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Slovakia: Deferral of payment of Social Insurance Premiums for January 2021

Submitted by cambrosio on (29.01.2021)

Regions / Country
eastern europe
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Andorra: Reduction of social security contributions in May 2020

Submitted by mmarquez on

Advantia (06.05.2020) In the case of the contributions of salaried persons, the government and the company proportionally assume the employer's part of the contribution of the general branch. Discharges due to isolation or diagnosis due to COVID-19 are covered with 100% of salary from the first day in the case of health personnel, and 66% from the first day in the case of other professionals.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Spain: Extended exemption of social securituy contributions for companies until May 31st

Submitted by mmarquez on

El Diario (26.01.2021) With the extension of the ERTEs until May 31st, companies will maintain high exemptions in the different ERTE modalities, which even reach 100% in some cases. For the 'ultra-protected' sectors and their dependent companies and their value chain, the savings in the Social Security contribution is 85% for companies with less than 50 workers and 75% for those with more than that level of staff, both for reinstated and suspended employees.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Spain: New postponements of Social Security contributions for companies and the self-employed

Submitted by mmarquez on

Social Security State's Secretary (25.01.2021) With the beginning of the year, new moratoriums on Social Security contributions have come into force. These postponements are regulated in Final Provision 43 of Law 11/2020 on General State Budgets for the year 2021 (LPGE) and are aimed at companies and freelancers who are up to date with their obligations and do not have any other postponement in vigor. In the case of self-employed workers, the moratorium covers the quotas whose accrual corresponds to the months of January to March 2021.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

France: Support measures for businesses during containment | Social charges deferral

Submitted by siha on (13.11.2020) Employers can postpone all or part of the payment of employee and employer contributions for the dates of November 5 and 15, 2020, on request online from URSSAF (in the absence of a response within 48 hours, this request is considered accepted). In addition, personal social contributions for self-employed workers (excluding contracted health professionals) will not be deducted in November .

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Contribution collection and compliance
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France: Support measures for businesses during containment | Social security tax exemption

Submitted by siha on (13. 11. 2020) This concerns companies with less than 50 employees closed administratively and those with less than 250 employees in the tourism, events, culture, sport, air transport sectors with a loss of activity of at least 50% :  

  • employers benefit from a total exemption from employer social contributions excluding supplementary pensions, and assistance with the payment of social contributions of 20% of the payroll;
  • the self-employed receive a lump sum reduction of social contributions.
Regions / Country
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type