contribution collection

Uruguay: Exemption from employer contributions for school transport companies and those who provide school canteen services

Submitted by mmarquez on

BPS (20.11.2020) Transportation companies and school canteens are exempted from paying employer retirement contributions in the period between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. There are already 293 companies that have this benefit.

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Monaco: Renewal of Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) measure

Submitted by siha on

Service Public (19.11.2020) As part of the Principality's economic recovery plan, the Government has decided to renew the Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) measure . From now on, new sectors of activity that have been permanently impacted are included, and the turnover ceiling is raised to 5 million euros achieved in 2019, instead of one million previously. In

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Greece: The additional measures of financial support activated by the Government/ Exemption of contribution and additional financial support for holidays

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Finance (05.11.2020) Employees of companies-employers, throughout the territory, who are affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, may be temporarily suspended from employment. Therefore, they are entitled to special purpose compensation, in proportion to the period during which they are suspended. For the above period, all insurance contributions, calculated on the nominal salary, are covered by the State Budget, proportionally. The cost of the measure is estimated, based on new data, at 675 million euros, for the month of November alone.

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Contribution collection and compliance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Greece: Joint Press Release of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs/ Special compensation, contribution exemption and protection of employment contract

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Finance (16.10.2020) The employees of business-employers who are based or have a branch in the Regional Unit at level 4 and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, may be temporarily suspended are entitled to special purpose compensation, proportional to the period set at a minimum of 14 days, estimated at EUR 534. For the above period, the full insurance contributions are calculated proportionally, calculated on the nominal salary from the state budget.

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Contribution collection and compliance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Italy: Postponement of contributions payment

Submitted by cambrosio on

29.10.2020 (

The Ristori Decree establishes the postponement of payment of Inps social security contributions and Inail premiums for compulsory insurance, due in November 2020. The payment deadline is 16 March 2021, in a single payment or in four equal monthly instalments.

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Contribution collection and compliance
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Poland: Expansion of eligibility for temporary social security contributions

Submitted by mmarquez on

Social Security Agency (18.04.2020) On April 18 and May 15, Poland's government amended its Anti-Crisis Shield (Tarcza Antykryzysowa) program to expand eligibility for temporary social security contribution reductions. Under the amended program, employers with 10 to 49 employees as of February 29 can receive a 50-percent reduction in the contributions they owe for March, April, and May.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
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India: Reduced EPF contribution for 3 months

Submitted by mmarquez on (15.06.2020) The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) will reduce its EPF contribution rate from 12 per cent to 10 per cent for both employers and employees for the months of months May 2020, June 2020 and July 2020. It is applicable to all class of establishments covered under the EPF & MP Act, 1952 except the establishments like Central and State Public sector enterprises or any other establishments owned or controlled of the Central govt or State govt.The reduced rate is also not applicable to establishments eligible for PMGKY

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Argentina: Reduction and postponement of social security contribution payment

Submitted by siha on

OFFICIAL BULLETIN REPUBLICA ARGENTINA - General Resolution 4788/2020 (04.08.2020) The postponement or reduction of up to 95% of the payment of employer contributions to the Argentine Integrated Pension System. Certain employers will enjoy the benefit of postponement of the expiration date for the payment of employer contributions to the Argentine Integrated Social Security System for the period accrued in March, April, May, June and July 2020.

a) Accrued in March 2020: from June 9 to July 31, 2020, inclusive.

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Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Fiji: Contribution reduction

Submitted by siha on

National Provident Fund (01.04.2020) To support all employers in Fiji, the statutory FNPF employer contribution is halved from 10 percent to 5 percent effective from 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2020. This expected to provide a $130 million relief to employers for the next 9 months. The employee Contribution is reduced from 8 percent to 5 percent effective from 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2020. This will put around $80 million back in the pockets of Fijian employees for the next 9 months.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
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New Caledonia: Deferral of social contributions for the self-employed

Submitted by siha on

CAFAT (30.07.2020) As a self-employed worker, the due date for payment of  your provisional contributions for the 2nd quarter of 2020 set on March 31 and the due date for payment of your provisional contributions for the 3rd quarter of 2020 set on June 30, are payable on September 30, 2020.

Regions / Country
New Caledonia
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type