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Malta: Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package | cambrosio | (18.03.2020) Financial assistance for families and unemployed persons: Where one of parents is required to stay at home to take care of children due to school closure and neither of the parents is able to telework– the Government will pay a benefit of €800 per month per family (expected to be for 2 months). Individuals which ended up unemployed due to the employer’s mandatory suspension of business, will benefit from 2 days per week based on a salary cap of €800 per month covered by government. This is expected to apply to individuals previously employed in the accommodation, food and beverages, language schools and entertainment. Employees who ended up unemployed as from 9th March, will benefit from a special unemployment benefit of €800 per month. Disable individuals who due to their medical condition were unable to continue working will also be entitled to a €800 per month for a period to be specified. Persons ending unemployed and previous not benefitting from rent subsidy, can now benefit from the rent subsidy. In case of individuals already benefiting from rent subsidy this will be increased (to an amount not specified). This measure is applicable also if only one dependent has his job terminated. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Unemployment, Social assistance, Cash transfers | malta |
Malta: COVID-19 Update: More fiscal measures to support businesses and individuals in Malta | cambrosio | (24.03.2020) Salary and wage support for Maltese employers The forms of assistance which will be available to employers in these situations for the time being are the following: A financial allocation to employers of €350 for each employee who has been required to take quarantine leave, in line with new regulations. Financial compensation in respect of salaries payable by business which were directly affected by governmental closure orders, subject to an €800 per month, for businesses and self-employed persons which were most affected by the Government’s order of suspension of operations to protect public health and safety. Where the affected business is a self-employed person, this assistance is increased to cover wage expenses payable in respect of three days per week. Additional compensation for self-employed persons who have recorded a decrease of at least 25% in their operational sales, in respect of losses incurred on one day per week. Where the business engages employees, the aid available is increased to the losses incurred on two days per week, capped at €800. |
covid19, self-employed | Social assistance, Cash transfers | malta |
Sri Lanka: Food packages to low income persons | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) Samurdhi Authority should issue title certificates to Samurdhi and low income families immediately for issuing nutritious food items to low income persons. They should be provided with rice, dhal and salt on a weekly basis with their food cards. |
covid19, family | Social assistance | sri lanka |
Sri Lanka: Grace period for the payment of income tax | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) A grace period for the payment of income tax and VAT, driving licence renewal fee, water bills and assessment tax less than Rs. 15,000, monthly credit card bills less than Rs. 50,000, be extended until April 30th. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | sri lanka |
Bahamas: Unemployment benefit to dismissed employess | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) The Unemployment Benefit is payable where an employed person is temporarily laid off because of the negative impacts of COVID-19. The benefit is payable for up to 13 weeks at a rate of 50% of the employee's average insured income. |
covid19 | Unemployment | bahamas |
Bahamas: Sickness benefit to employees quarantined | mmarquez | (20.03.2020) The National Insurance Act & Regulations provides for the payment of Sickness Benefit when a worker is quarantined. Employees with at least 40 contributions to the NIB, have a doctor's certificate and the employer's confirmation. The benefit is 60% of the insured's average insured income and is payable for 14 days. |
covid19 | Cash sickness benefits | bahamas |
Bahamas: Unemployment assistance for self-employed in the tourism sector | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) The Government of The Bahamas, in collaboration with the National Insurance Board (NIB), is responding to bring financial support to self-employed Bahamians in the tourism sector whose income sources have been disrupted by COVID-19. While the programme will be administered by the National Insurance Board, it is outside of the NIB package of benefits; it is not an earned entitlement; does not require the satisfying of National Insurance contribution conditions; and does not require Department of Labour involvement. |
covid19, self-employed | Unemployment, Social assistance | bahamas |
Bahamas: Early pension payments | mmarquez | (02.04.2020) The National Insurance Board is anticipating the old-age pension payments. |
covid19 | Old-age pensions | bahamas |
Greece: Placement of the Minister of Finance Mr. Christos Staikouras, for the second set of measures to deal with the effects of the coronavirus | cambrosio | (24.03.2020) All employees for whom their employment contract is temporarily suspended, due to the suspension of the operation of the company with a state mandate, will receive compensation in early April, from the state budget, amounting to 800 euros. The measure concerns about 500,000 workers, at a cost of about 400m euros. The State fully covers the insurance, pension and health rights of employees and their insurance contributions, based on their total nominal salary. At the same time, for these employees, the payment of March tax liabilities is suspended for 4 months. For self-employed persons and sole proprietorships operating in sectors where there is a drastic reduction in economic activity due to the emergence and spread of the coronation, all tax liabilities, payable in March, are deferred for 4 months. |
covid19 | Social assistance, Cash transfers | greece |
Turkey: Social Security Payment Extensions Due to COVID-19 | mmarquez | (20.03.2020) Turkey's Social Security Institution has issued a release announcing that six-month extensions are being provided for social security contribution payments due to COVID-19. The extensions are provided based on the deadline extensions for force majeure announced by the tax administration in March (previous coverage). As such, the extensions apply for taxpayers covered by the force majeure extensions and certain others as follows: |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | turkey |
Lebanon: launches coronavirus aid measures with cash payments | cambrosio | (08.04.2020) Lebanon's Social Affairs Ministry announced it is launching an aid programme for those most in need as the country's worst economic crisis in a generation is exacerbated by a nationwide lockdown to stem the spread of coronavirus. In its first phase, the 75 billion Lebanese pound programme aims to provide one-time cash assistance of 400,000 Lebanese pounds ($140 at current parallel market exchange rates) to about 187,500 families. The aid will be distributed to roughly 150,000 families already registered with the country's National Poverty Treatment Program, as well as 37,500 families that include front line healthcare workers and taxi and bus drivers who have been forced off the job by the lockdown. Cash aid would be distributed with the help of Lebanon's army. |
covid19 | Social assistance, Cash transfers | lebanon |
Albania: Increase of amount of cash transfer benefit for families | mmarquez | (24.03.2020) The Prime Minister further stated that the government will give twice the money it gives per month to families in need. Rama: Also, the amount that the Albanian state pays in peacetime for economic assistance is 340 million ALL per month. We know that in those families who are really in need during the time of peace, someone comes out and does some work for you, so for us to be okay, we will distribute to these families twice the money we share for these families, over 40 a thousand such. |
covid19 | Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers | albania |
Egypt: Protect, Provide, and Progress: Egypt's International Response in the COVID-19 Fight | cambrosio | (06.04.2020) Ministry of Social Solidarity added 60,000 households to Takaful and Karama Programs. An additional 100,000 will be added as the budget will increase to 19.3 Billion EGP compared to 18.5 billion EGP. The government also increased payments to women community leaders in rural areas from EGP 350 to EGP 900 per month to ensure gender equity. A one-off monetary compensation (500 EGP) offered to informal workers registered at the database of the Ministry of Manpower through post offices. Registration had been done for approximately one million individuals working in construction, agriculture, fishing, plumbing. |
covid19, extending coverage, rural world | Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Cash transfers | egypt |
Albania: We double the fund for small business salaries and families in need | mmarquez | (24.03.2020) Prime Minister Rama has stated that the government has decided to give more money to small business and families in need in these difficult times of coronavirus. Through a message on the social network, Rama took as an example the case of a self-employed family through a family business. "Compensating all employees or self-employed in a small business who do not work due to this crisis. 60440 people are the ones we will not leave alone." |
covid19, family, self-employed | Cash transfers | albania |
Czech Republic: Antivirus Employment Protection Program | cambrosio | (31.03.2020) On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, the government approved a proposal to modify the Antivirus employment protection program. This program. The is designed to help businesses protect their jobs . The state will use the Labor Office of the Czech Republic to compensate companies for the funds paid out. This measure will help employers better manage the current situation and will not have to resort to layoffs. Employers whose economic activity will be at risk due to the spread of the disease will be granted a contribution to pay (in whole or in part) wage reimbursements due to an obstacle on the part of the employee (quarantine) or employer (obstacle - closure of business closure) if it is proved that the obstacle to work is due to COVID-19. |
covid19, labour markets | Unemployment | czech republic |
République démocratique du Congo: Communique Officiel : Mesures Préventives et Sanitaires Contre le Coronavirus (COVID-19) | cambrosio | (23.03.2020) Ainsi au regard de ces mesures, les dispositions suivantes sont de stricte application : 1.Seul le personnel essentiel est tenu d’assurer le service minimum ; 2.Aucun bureau ne peut abriter plus de 5 (cinq) agents ; 3.Les lave-mains sont placés dans toutes les entrées des Bâtiments administratifs ; 4.Les entrées et sorties au sein desdits Bâtiments seront contrôlées et filtrées ainsi qu’un prélèvement de la température des Agents et visiteurs seront observées ; 5.Toute personne dont la température est au moins 37,5° n’aura pas accès aux Bâtiments. |
covid19, prevention | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | |
Tunisie: La CNSS annonce des mesures exceptionnelles | cambrosio | (23.03.2020) La Caisse nationale a appelé les non-salariés détenteurs d’une carte bancaire à ne pas se déplacer et à verser leurs cotisations sur le site internet de la CNSS : Les employeurs qui détiennent un certificat électronique sont aussi appelés à souscrire à distance au service de déclaration des salaires et payer les cotisations sur le site internet également. |
contribution collection, covid19 | E-services, Contribution collection and compliance | tunisia |
Tunisie: CNSS: La déclaration des salaires et le paiement des cotisations au titre du 1er trimestre de 2020 auront lieu dans les délais habituels | cambrosio | (23.03.2020) La déclaration des salaires et le paiement des cotisations au titre du 1er trimestre de 2020 auront lieu dans les délais habituels. La CNSS a décidé de retarder de trois mois le paiement des cotisations devant être payées par les employeurs au titre du 2ème trimestre de 2020 au début du mois de juillet, à condition de préserver les postes d’emploi créés. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | tunisia |
British Virgin Islands: Early payment of pensions and alternative payment channels | mmarquez | (26.03.2020) The Social Security Board (SBB) anticipated payments of old-age pensions. In addition, alternative payment channels have been activated, such as payment to credit cards and wire transfers. |
customer_services | Old-age pensions, Service delivery | british Virgin Islands |
Anguilla: Payment of social security contributions now online | mmarquez | (01.04.2020) In adherence to the safety protocols our Office is currently closed to the public until further notice. However, in an effort to continue serving you and ensure business continuity, the Board has introduced the measures outlined below, as we closely monitor the developments of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our customers and stakeholders. Online Payments: Important: After making a payment select the NCBA option to print a receipt. Social Security Board (SSB) is now an online banking payee with the National Commercial Bank of Anguilla (NCBA) for both EC$ and US$ currencies. Employers and Self-Employed persons can now make their contribution payments online via the NCBA Online/Internet Banking service. Please note that customers must first have an NCBA Online Banking account; go to this account and follow NCBA's direction for setting up SSB as a Payee. You can select Social Security USD or Social Security XCD based on currency of payment. Click here for Instructions. Important: After making a payment select the NCBA option to print a receipt. Customers are asked to email this receipt together with their Contributions Return forms (CR1s) to |
covid19 | E-services | anguilla |
Zimbabwe: NSSA contributes towards fight against COVID-19 | mmarquez | (31.03.2020) The National Social Security Authority contributes to national efforts related to the coronavirus crisis by providing facilities and contribution to health equipment. In addition, a one-off discretionary transfer amounting to one monthly pension is paid to old-age pensioners in April. The NSSA encourages pensioners to use mobile money and bank cards to access these funds and not to visit banks. |
covid19 | Old-age pensions, Service delivery | zimbabwe |
Switzerland: Coronavirus considered as an occupational disease for activities with a hightened risk | pgirard | Le Covid-19 peut-il être reconnu comme une maladie professionnelle? Oui, il peut s’agir d’une maladie professionnelle, à condition que les collaborateurs exerçant l’activité professionnelle en question soient exposés à un risque bien plus élevé de contracter le coronavirus que le reste de la population. Il ne suffit pas que la personne ait été contaminée plus ou moins fortuitement sur son lieu de travail. Chaque cas doit être étudié de façon approfondie. Le risque peut être bien plus élevé pour le personnel des hôpitaux, des laboratoires, etc., qui sont en contact direct avec des personnes ou des objets infectés dans le cadre de leur activité. De même, les collaborateurs des EMS ainsi que des foyers pour personnes handicapées peuvent être exposés à un risque considérablement plus élevé dans le cadre des soins directement dispensés aux pensionnaires infectés. Aucune reconnaissance en tant que maladie professionnelle ne peut avoir lieu pour ceux dont l’activité n’est pas axée sur l’accompagnement et le soin de personnes infectées, p. ex. les vendeurs, la police, ou encore le personnel de nettoyage des hôtels. |
covid19 | Health, Occupational accidents and diseases | switzerland |
Saudi Arabia: Government to pay 60% of wages for citizens working in private sector for 3 months | mmarquez | (03.04.2020) Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman on Friday ordered the government to pay 60 percent of the Saudi employees’ salaries for a period of three months amounting up to SR9 billion ($2.39 billion), Saudi Press Agency reported. The financial support, which provides a major relief to the private sector companies impacted by coronavirus pandemic, will, however be in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the unemployment insurance system (SANID). According to the royal order, the employer instead of terminating the contract of a Saudi worker can apply for compensation request with the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI), claiming 60 percent of the registered wage for a duration of three months, at a maximum of SR9,000 monthly. |
covid19 | Unemployment | saudi arabia |
Belgium: telework will not impact applicable legislation | pgirard | The increased use of teleworking due to the coronavirus will not be taken into account for the determination of the applicable social security legislation. |
covid19, international_agreement | Extension of coverage, Migration | belgium |
Thailand: Social Security measures for both employees and employers on Covid-19 | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) Mr. Sutthi Sukosol, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor (MOL) and Social Security Committee Chairman, said employees who are insured will be entitled to 50 percent of monthly pay in the event of unemployment due to force majeure. This compensation will be paid for a maximum of 180 days per year. Insured employees working for government agencies which order a suspension of work will be entitled to 50 percent of monthly pay for a period not exceeding 60 days from March 1, 2020, onwards. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance | thailand |