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Netherlands: No effect of telework on coverage of frontier workers pgirard

Coronavirus and living or working across the border: social insurance does not change in principle The government has taken temporary measures to ensure that the coronavirus does not spread further. Many people therefore have to work from home. For frontier workers this may mean that they work in a different country than usual. However, this particular situation has no consequences for the social security of frontier workers.

Now that frontier workers are forced to work at home due to the corona crisis, this would have an unintended adverse effect on them. It has therefore been decided that the current measures have no effect on the social security rules for cross-border workers who do not have or will not have a new employer. 

(des)formalization, covid19 Extension of coverage, Migration netherlands
India: Government Allows Provident Fund Withdrawals As Emergency Measure mmarquez (26.03.2020) The Indian government will make amendments to the Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act to allow members to withdraw up to 75 percent of their balance in the fund or three months’ wages, whichever is lower, as an emergency measure to tide over any difficulties arising from the coronavirus pandemic.

covid19 Old-age pensions india
India: Government gives more time for social security (ESI) contributions mmarquez (17.03.2020) NEW DELHI: The government has given employees and employers more time to submit their monthly insurance contribution by relaxing provisions of the Employees’ State Insurance Act in view of the Covid-19 outbreak. It has given 45 days, instead of 15 days as mandated under the Act, for submission of insurance contribution for February and March. The average monthly contribution to ESI Corporation (ESIC) by its subscribers is ₹1,300 crore. “Keeping in view the pandemic in the form of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in the country, the director general has relaxed the provisions as entered in regulation 26 and 31 of the Employees’ State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950,” ESIC said in a notification on Monday.

contribution collection, covid19 Contribution collection and compliance india
Algérie: Coronavirus : La CNAS prend des mesures de facilitations pour ses usagers cambrosio (23.03.2020) L’Agence d’Alger de la Caisse nationale des assurances sociales (CNAS) a annoncé dimanche des mesures de facilitations au profit de ses usagés, relatives notamment aux congés de maladie, aux contrôles et révisions médicaux, à l’usage de la carte CHIFA et aux paiements des cotisations.
- Prolongation des droits sur la carte à puce CHIFA automatiquement jusqu’au 30 avril 2020 pour ceux dont les droits expirent le 31 mars 2020.
Les révisions médicales périodiques des pensions d’invalidité   et des rentes d'accidents    du travail   et de maladies   professionnelles, qui doivent normalement   s'effectuer   au mois de mars, d’avril ou de mai doivent être différées au mois de juin 2020. A cet égard, les assurés sociaux titulaires de ces avantages doivent continuer à bénéficier du paiement de leurs pensions et rentes, sans être soumis à un contrôle médical de révision, jusqu’au 31 mai 2020.
-Assurer la réception des arrêts de travail au niveau des structures de paiement et les transmettre, pour avis, au contrôle médical.
Les prolongations   d’arrêt de travail déposées par les assurés sociaux admis en affection   de longue   durée « ALD » ne doivent   pas être soumises   au contrôle   médical, lorsqu’elles portent sur une période déjà couverte     par un accord médical -Des facilitations ont été octroyées aux employeurs à l’effet de satisfaire leurs obligations en matière de paiement des cotisationsinitial.            


contribution collection, covid19 Disability, Pensions, Contribution collection and compliance algeria
Indonesia: Government to give cash aid to 4.1 million people affected by COVID-19 mmarquez (08.04.2020) The government is preparing cash aid for 4.1 million people in Greater Jakarta whose livelihoods have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. "[The aid is to be given to] 3.7 million people in Jakarta. [Cash aid for] the other 1.1 million people is to be provided by the Jakarta administration," Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said on Tuesday. In addition to Jakarta, the government will also distribute aid to 1.64 million people in the capital's satellite cities, such as Bogor, Depok and Bekasi in West Java, as well as Tangerang in Banten, she added. "The beneficiaries will receive Rp 600,000 [US$37.11] per person [that is supposed to be sufficient] for three months," Sri Mulyani said.

covid19 Social assistance indonesia
Indonesia: Full coverage of health costs for COVID-19 patients mmarquez (24.03.2020) The government has announced that it is providing full medical coverage for COVID-19 patients through the national health insurance provider, the Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan). Coordinating Human Development and Culture Minister Muhadjir Effendy said the decision was made because of BPJS Kesehatan’s coverage capacity.  "All costs for hospital treatments for COVID-19 patients will be handled by BPJS Kesehatan, because it has extensive experience in verifying claims from hospitals," Muhadjir said in a statement on Monday as reported by

covid19 Health, Health insurance, Social assistance indonesia
Maldives: Providing services via online platforms mmarquez (11.03.2020) As a precautionary measure to COVID-19, Pension Office has decided to opt for utilising online platforms effective today.  For information, assistance, and submission of documents, clients are encouraged to use online services rather than visiting our reception. 

customer_services E-services, Service delivery maldives
Maroc: Communiqué de la CNSS pour inciter ses clients à ne pas se déplacer aux agences en vue de lutter contre la propagation du Coronavirus cambrosio (19.03.2020)

Dans le cadre des mesures préventives annoncées par les autorités compétentes la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) a mis en place une série de mesures exceptionnelles destinées à réduire les déplacements des affiliés et à garantir leur sécurité et celle du personnel. Parmi les mesures:
- Le suivi de l’état d’avancement du traitement des dossiers est possible via le portail assuré, l’application mobile MA CNSS et le centre d’appel Allo Damane;
- Orientation des clients vers le centre d’appel, le serveur vocale, une nouvelle version de son Site CNSS, les portails de la CNSS, l’application Smarthpone Ma.cnss et la page Facebook officielle de la CNSS.

covid19, mobile technologies E-services morocco
Maroc: Mesures entreprises par le Comité de Veille Economique pour soutenir les Salariés cambrosio (28.03.2020)

Le fonds spécial pour la gestion de la pandémie du Coronavirus « La Covid19 » a été créé à l’effet de prendre en charge les dépenses de mise à niveau du dispositif médical, et de soutenir l’économie marocaine et ses acteurs face aux retombées négatives de cette pandémie. Le Comité de Veille Economique (mis en place pour faire face à la pandémie), a pris, parmi d'autres mesures qui visent la préservation du pouvoir d’achat des salariés, les mesures suivantes:
- Octroyer une indemnité forfaitaire mensuelle nette du 15 mars au 30 juin 2020, soit 1000 DH pour le mois de mars 2020 et 2000 dirhams pour les mois d'avril, mai et juin 2020. Cette indemnité concerne les salariés déclarés à la CNSS au titre du mois de février 2020, en arrêt temporaire de travail et relevant des entreprises en difficulté ;
- continuer de bénéficier, selon les dispositions en vigueur, des allocations familiales et des prestations de l'Assurance Maladie Obligatoire.

covid19 Social assistance, Cash transfers morocco
Fiji: The Fiji National Provident Fund announces COVID-19 Assistance mmarquez (30.03.2020) Following the announcement of the Supplementary Budget for COVID-19 and in collaboration with Government, the Fiji National Provident Fund will be working closely with Employers when it rolls out the assistance program for members through existing digital platforms. The Fund is taking its cue from health advisories for physical distancing during this period and will be carrying out bulk of the assistance processes digitally. FNPF is liaising with Employers to ensure members in the affected areas that have been prioritized, are assisted.

covid19, self-employed Unemployment fiji
France : situation des travailleurs frontaliers pgirard covid19 Extension of coverage, Migration france
Gabon : Ali Bongo dégage 250 milliards de FCFA pour faire face aux conséquences du Coronavirus cambrosio (04.04.2020)

Le président gabonais dégage 250 milliards de FCFA pour faire face aux conséquences du Coronavirus. Pour les personnes les plus fragiles et économiquement faibles, l’État injectera quatre milliards de FCFA par mois, pour le règlement des factures d’électricité et deux milliards de FCFA pour l’ensemble des factures d’eau. Tout bailleur suspendra, le temps du confinement partiel, la perception des loyers des personnes sans revenus dont la liste sera arrêtée ultérieurement par le gouvernement; un fonds d’aide de 2,5 milliards de FCFA sera mis en place pour compenser les pertes des petits propriétaires liées à la précédente mesure; les transports terrestres assurés par les compagnies publiques seront totalement gratuits pour l’ensemble des usagers à compter de la semaine prochaine et jusqu’à nouvel ordre; le pouvoir d’achat des travailleurs sera préservé, par la mise en place d’une allocation de chômage technique. Les employees percevront entre 50 et 70% du salaire brut mensuel hors primes; pour les faibles revenus, compris notamment entre 80 000 FCFA et 150 mille FCFA, ils seront intégralement maintenus.

covid19, family Social assistance, Cash transfers gabon
European Union: Frontier workers and posted workers pgirard covid19 Extension of coverage, Migration european union
Iran: $305 million to Support Those Who Have Lost Jobs Amid Coronavirus Outbreak mmarquez (06.04.2020) The government will allocate 50,000 billion rials ($305 million) to Unemployment Insurance Fund to support those who have lost their jobs amid the outbreak of coronavirus, an official with the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said. “To prevent the spread of the virus, applicants are urged to fill out online forms for unemployment benefits at the newly-designed website '' within 30 days, rather than going personally to the ministry’s bureaus," Masoud Babaie added.  “As per a joint guideline signed by the Cooperatives Ministry and the Social Security Organization on March 30, workers of 10 job groups and economic subsectors that have been hit by coronavirus outbreak and are subject to the provisions of the Islamic Republic of Iran Labor Law, the Social Security Act and the Unemployment Insurance Law will qualify to receive unemployment benefits for three months,” he was quoted as saying by IRNA. 

covid19 Unemployment, Service delivery iran
Corona-Fall im Betrieb – Was ist zu tun? btreichel

Diese Frage kann sich aktuell in jedem Betrieb stellen: Was ist zu tun, wenn ein Mitarbeiter oder eine Mitarbeiterin sich mit dem Corona-Virus infiziert hat oder der begründete Verdacht auf eine Infektion besteht. Eine neue Broschüre von Berufsgenossenschaften und Unfallkassen nennt die richtigen Ansprechpartner und gibt Hinweise, wie auch in dieser Situation Sicherheit und Gesundheit im Unternehmen bestmöglich gewahrt werden können. 

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases germany
Germany-BGHW: Aushänge für Kassen und Bedientheken auf Englisch und Türkisch btreichel

Die Berufsgenossenschaft für Handel und Warenlogistik hat ihre  speziellen Sicherheitshinweise für die Handels- und Warenlogistikbranche nun auch in Englisch und Türkisch veröffentlicht.


The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Trade and Logistics industry provides their special safety notices for the trade and goods logistics industries now also in an English and a Turkisch version.

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks turkey, germany
COVID actions for the workplace from ILO, IOE and ITUC btreichel

The international occupational safety and health comunity has developped a set of guides, actions and sources of information to formulate COVID-19 responses for the workplace. Here are the links to their websites:

International Labour Office (ILO)

International Organisation of Employers (IOE)

International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)


covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks
Colombia: Subsidio de emergencia para cesantes mmarquez (27.03.2020) El Subsidio de emergencia es un beneficio que se otorga a partir del decreto 488 de 27 de marzo de 2020. Como una medida de orden laboral, dentro del Estado de Emergencia, Económica, Social y Ecológica.

¿Quiénes pueden acceder a este subsidio?

  • Trabajadores dependientes e independientes cesantes con una escala salarial desde 1 hasta 4 s.m.l.v. (desde $877.803 hasta $3.511.212)
  • Que haya realizado aportes a una caja de compensación durante un (1) año continuo o discontinuo, en el transcurso de los últimos 5 años.
  • Personas que no tengan empleo cesantes. Sin ningún tipo de ingreso, pensión o renta mensual y no estar afiliado como cotizante a una EPS.
  • Solo los que hayan cotizado en Colsubsidio durante su último trabajo.
  • Los cesantes que a partir del 17 de marzo de 2020 hayan realizado su postulación al subsidio de emergencia según el decreto 488 del 2020.
covid19 Unemployment colombia
Spanish Government Aims to Roll Out Basic Income ‘Soon’ pmassetti

Bloomberg (05.04.2020) The Spanish government is working to roll out a universal basic income as soon as possible, as part of a battery of actions aimed at countering the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Economy Minister Nadia Calvino. Social Security Minister Jose Luis Escriva is coordinating the project and plans to put some sort of basic income “in place as soon as possible,” with the main focus on assisting families, Calvino, who also serves as deputy prime minister, said in an interview Sunday night with Spanish broadcaster La Sexta. But the government’s broader ambition is that basic income becomes an instrument “that stays forever, that becomes a structural instrument, a permanent instrument,” she said.

covid19, universal-basic-income Social assistance spain
Kenya: Cash transfer to the elderly, orphans and other vulnerable groups mmarquez (25.03.2020) Some of the measures announced by the government are: Appropriation of an additional Ksh. 10 Billion to the elderly, orphans and other vulnerable members of our society through cash-transfers by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, to cushion them from the adverse economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and tax relief for persons earning gross monthly income of up to Ksh. 24,000.

covid19 Social assistance kenya
Argentina: La ANSES informará a partir del lunes quienes podrán continuar su trámite para cobrar el IFE mmarquez (05.04.2020) La ANSES comunica que los solicitantes del Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia (IFE) podrán conocer, a partir de las 00 horas del lunes 6 de abril, si reúnen los requisitos para poder acceder a esta prestación extraordinaria de 10.000 pesos que se cobrará en el curso de este mes. Quienes hayan cumplido con los requisitos exigidos podrán continuar con el trámite, siguiendo los pasos que oportunamente le comunique ANSES. Los solicitantes del IFE deberán ingresar a consultar su situación en la página Web de la ANSES (

covid19, family Family benefits, Social assistance argentina
Singapore: Nominated MP proposes temporary universal basic income scheme to help S'poreans get through Covid-19 crisis pmassetti

The Straits Times (07.04.2020) Give all Singaporeans a universal basic income for the duration of the coronavirus crisis, to assure them that their basic needs will be met even if they lose their jobs, said Nominated MP Walter Theseira. Under his proposal, dubbed the Majulah Universal Basic Income Scheme (MUBI), all Singaporeans - including children and retirees - will get $110 a week for 12 weeks. This will be considered taxable income and cost $4.62 billion.

covid19, universal-basic-income Cash transfers singapore
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Coronavirus COVID-19 Cases in Latin American and Caribbean Countries pmassetti covid19 Americas