Workplace health promotion

Sweden: Crisis support for staff in health and elderly care who worked with COVID-19 patients

Submitted by mmarquez on

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a lot of pressure on health care services and elderly care. Staff have had an extremely heavy and often stressful workload and have worked very hard. The risk of mental ill health may have increased. This is why the Government proposes funds to support staff in regional and municipal health care and elderly care in its autumn amending budget for 2020. This will make money available for crisis support, counselling and trauma support. The proposal is based on an agreement between the government parties, the Centre Party and the Liberal Party.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Workplace health promotion


Document Type

Réunion: The digital check: Strengthened to support meeting companies

Submitted by siha on

Réunion region (13.04.2020) To support small Reunion Island companies in the implementation of teleworking and encourage their digital transition, the Region has decided to strengthen its “Digital Check” so that it responds more effectively to current needs. Thus, the procedures are simplified and the subsidy rate goes from 50% to 80% (the subsidy ceiling going from € 2,000 to € 3,200). Projects can now include consulting and data security services to support companies in the implementation of teleworking. 

Regions / Country
Workplace health promotion
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Document Type

UN leads call to protect most vulnerable from mental health crisis during and after COVID-19 | | UN News

Submitted by btreichel on

UN Secretary-General Policy Brief: COVID-19 and the need for action on mental health

Key messages:

The problem:

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health promotion
Workplace health promotion
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

VZ: Thales Sac implementa medidas preventivas frente al Covid-19

Submitted by mmarquez on

Una contribución de la Comunidad Visión Zero:

THALESCORP SAC ha emitido un conjunto de medidas preventivas para proteger a sus empleados del Covid-19. Éstas se enumeran en una guía que también explica cómo se ha contenido el virus en otros países, los síntomas y las recomendaciones de medidas generales de higiene y distanciamiento físico con infográficos.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Workplace health promotion
Safety and health at work
Document Type

WHO: #HealthyAtHome - Mental health

Submitted by btreichel on

As countries introduce measures to restrict movement as part of efforts to reduce the number of people infected with COVID-19, more and more of us are making huge changes to our daily routines. The new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact with other family members, friends and colleagues take time to get used to. Adapting to lifestyle changes such as these, and managing the fear of contracting the virus and worry about people close to us who are particularly vulnerable, are challenging for all of us.

Global challenges
Health promotion
Workplace health promotion
Safety and health at work
Document Type

Odisha Governor Dr. S.C. Jamir inaugurates International Symposium “Vision Zero-From Problems to Practical Solutions”

Submitted by fabbri on

OdishaDiary  (222.02.2018) Bhubaneswar: Work plays a central role in people’s lives. Therefore, work environments should be safe and healthy. Yet this is not the case for many workers. Every day workers all over the world are faced with a multitude of health hazards and even there are instances of fatal injuries. This, of course, prompted a number of legislations by government and a series of collective and concerted actions by industry stakeholders. Even so, we cannot afford to let up on our efforts.

Occupational accidents and diseases
Workplace health promotion
Safety and health at work
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

[Interview] France: Ils sont malades « de longue durée » et ils travaillent

Submitted by -filhon on (27.11.2017) Dans votre ouvrage, Que font dix millions de malades ? (éditions Erès), vous interrogez le rapport entre travail et affections de longue durée, en donnant notamment la parole aux malades. Quelles sont ces maladies ? Et pourquoi vous emparer de cette problématique ?

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Employment policies
Workplace health promotion
Return to work
Document Type

Rire au travail rend-il les salariés plus performants?

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Temps (18.10.2017) L’humour est un baromètre de l’état de santé d’une entreprise. Bien manié, il permet de motiver les troupes et renforce la cohésion d’équipe

Health promotion
Occupational accidents and diseases
Workplace health promotion


Document Type

Argentina: Buscan acordar una ley de prevención de accidentes laborales

Submitted by monitor on

clarin (23.05.2017) Hoy se inició el camino hacia la elaboración de una ley de Protección y Prevención laboral, que busca evitar los accidentes de trabajo. La norma que deberá cristalizarse en tres meses en un borrador definitivo que llegue al Congreso.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Workplace health promotion
Safety and health at work