The COVID-19 pandemic has put a lot of pressure on health care services and elderly care. Staff have had an extremely heavy and often stressful workload and have worked very hard. The risk of mental ill health may have increased. This is why the Government proposes funds to support staff in…
A fund at the regional and municipal levels is aimed at providing crisis support for staff in health and elderly care who worked with COVID-19 patients. This entails mental health services, such as crisis support, counselling and trauma support.
EU Reporter (27.08.2020) German coalition parties agreed on Tuesday (25 August) to extend measures to cushion the effects of the coronavirus crisis on Europe’s biggest economy at a cost of up to €10 billion, including prolonging a short-time work scheme and freezing insolvency rules, write Andreas…
The BG BAU (Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft/construction industry) provides various information material for protection against corona. Please find attached the links to the different materials. (Attention: Most of them only exist in German).
Die BG BAU (Berufsgenossenschaft der…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks,COVID-19
The scientific community's understanding of how the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spreads is evolving. This COVID-19 Clearinghouse was established as a central resource for construction employers and workers to find the latest research, guidance documents, training and other resources to help…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks,COVID-19
This website of the Special Commission on Prevention presents international examples in 5 languages for small and medium sized enterprises in almost all areas of occupational safety and health. A new topical cluster on Corona has now been set up to support small and…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
The International Section on Prevention in Transportation, together with its member BG Verkehr, has produced five fact sheets on Covid-19 protective measures for various transportation sectors in six languages. The fact sheets on infection prevention in road haulage, waste disposal, postal…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks,COVID-19
In wake of the COVID-19 crisis and nationwide lockdown, India has been grappling with unprecedented challenges that range from maintaining law and order, access to medical facilities, food, social security to availability of medical facilities. The newest hurdle to have joined this bandwagon has…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks,COVID-19
„Corona-Spezial“ nennt sich ein neues Lern- und Unterweisungsmodul der BGHW. Die Beschäftigten lernen, wie sie sich richtig verhalten, um eine mögliche Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus zu vermeiden. Das Modul ist Teil des Online-Lernprogramms (WBT) „Sicher arbeiten – Gesundheit schützen“ der BGHW.
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
The New York Times (22.05.2020) More than a third of America’s Covid-19 deaths can be traced back to these facilities. Experts suggest several ways to make them safer.
Published: May 2020
By: Jay Patel, Research Assistant for Income Security Policy
The U.S. workers’ compensation system in its current form is complex, opaque and fragmented. Unlike other social insurance programs, it is wholly administered at the state level, and there is neither federal…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
The japanese company IDEC, an Vision Zero Supporter who signed up on the Vision Zero website to promote safety, health and wellbeing, has developed this interesting tool to manage wellbeing in times of COVID-19. Leveraging the Vision Zero philosophy to ensure Safety, Health, and Wellbeing…
COVID-19 Series: Fumigation or Disinfection, they are not the same.
We have seen people jostle for fumigation in the phase of the pandemic. Is this what we really need? Our Vision Zero Profiler Ehi Iden doesn't think so. Fumigation is for vectors while disinfection is for micro organisms, it…
UN Secretary-General Policy Brief: COVID-19 and the need for action on mental health
Key messages:
The problem:
COVID-19 has the seeds of a major mental health crisis.
The mental health and wellbeing of whole societies have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and are a priority to…
Health promotion,Workplace health promotion,Prevention of occupational risks
The WHO information network for epidemics (EPI-WIN) publishes Corona Virus Updates in regular intervals, each time looking at a different risk or risk group.
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Already facing exclusion in employment, persons with disabilities are more likely to lose their job and experience greater difficulties returning to work during recovery. In most countries social protection systems offer little support to persons with disabilities and their families with much less…
Le Service Public Fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale (SPF) a publié plusieurs guides sur COVID-19 qui traitent les questions suivantes: Quelles mesures de prévention l’employeur peut-il prendre ? Et quelles sont les conséquences en matière de réglementation du travail ?
Unemployment,Employment policies,Prevention of occupational risks
El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia ha expedido varios documentos técnicos para la emergencia sanitaria generada por el Coronavirus COVID-19. Entre estos se incluye un documento con orientaciones para la reducción del riesgo de contagio de Covid-19 en actividades industriales en…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
El Instituto Nacional de Calidad (Inacal) de Perú, organismo público adscrito al Ministerio de la Producción, aprobó la Guía para la limpieza y desinfección de manos y superficies, aplicable a nivel doméstico, como medida para prevenir la propagación de infecciones en los hogares del país. La Guía…
The UK Energy Networks Association (ENA) has launched a public information campaign entitled ‘Keeping Britain’s energy flowing’ as a response to the coronavirus. To learn more about the campaign, please visit
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
The Corona (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic affects social and economic life equally, employed, and unemployed. This pandemic situation is a danger to the health of an undetermined number of people and at the same time to public safety and order. It has a significant impact on everyone's life. It affects all…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
The Department of Labour Inspection (DLI) of the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance in Cyprus has published “Simple Guidelines for the Protection of workers on construction sites from COVID-19” in 6 languages, Arabic, Bulgarian, English, Greek, Romanian and Turkish.…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Recognizing the great challenge that governments, employers, workers and whole societies are facing worldwide to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work will focus on addressing the outbreak of infectious diseases at work, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic. …
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
24 April 2020 On the occasion of the World Day on Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, the International Social Security Association (ISSA) wants to pay tribute to all the courageous health workers who risk their lives to save others during the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Am 16. April 2020 hat das Bundesarbeitsministerium den Sars-CoV2-Arbeitsschutzstandard veröffentlicht. Eine Frage, die viele Unternehmen beschäftigt: Welche Anforderungen sind mit Blick auf die nach Arbeitsschutzgesetz vorgeschriebene Gefährdungsbeurteilung zu erfüllen? So haben Bund und Länder am…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Una contribución de la Comunidad Visión Zero: La Cámara de Construcción de Chile está ayudando a sus miembros a implementar procedimientos para enfrentar la pandemia que ha afectado a todos los países. Los siguientes materiales, y otros, han sido producidos y distribuidos por CChC y se pueden…
L’OPPBTP a lancé, lundi 20 avril, une plate-forme d’entraide et de partage pour les professionnels du BTP . Vous pourrez y présenter et consulter des pratiques de terrain mises en place en période de pandémie du Covid-19. Cet outil, qui est entièrement destiné aux entreprises du BTP, vous…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
A contribution from the Vision Zero Community.
Einstein is a Healthcare Company, which has implemented many safety and health measures, all of which are based on WHO recommendations, instructions from the Brazilian Ministry of Health and on internal practices (developped by their…
Una contribución de la Comunidad Visión Zero:
THALESCORP SAC ha emitido un conjunto de medidas preventivas para proteger a sus empleados del Covid-19. Éstas se enumeran en una guía que también explica cómo se ha contenido el virus en otros países, los síntomas y las recomendaciones de medidas…
Workplace health promotion,Safety and health at work
Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz haben oberste Priorität, wenn es um Arbeit in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie geht. Dem Arbeitsschutz kommt dabei eine zentrale Rolle zu. Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil hat dazu heute gemeinsam mit dem Hauptgeschäftsführer der Deutschen Gesetzlichen…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Ein Beitrag aus der Vision Zero Community
Die Vision Zero Firma Adresys hat Plakate entworfen mit Vorschlägen, wie man sich in Zukunft grüssen kann. Darin enthalten sind z.B. der "Wuhan Shake", der "Elbow-Bump", oder auch der "Thai Wai".
Download the "HowToGreet" Posters (in…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
A contribution from the Vision Zero Community:
The Vision Zero Company "ОхраПро" has produced their own posters to promote prevention measures in times of COVID-19 and has offered them as free ressources to the Vision Zero Community for download (in Russian only):
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
A contribution from the Vision Zero Community:
Roanoke-based Virginia Transformer has rolled out a new set of initiatives to help protect its workers as production continues amid the global COVID-19 pandemic. “We’ve seen past outbreaks such as SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2015, so we’ve navigated…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks (12.04.2020) Decreto 538. Artículo 13. Requisitos para inclusión del Coronavirus COVID-19 como enfermedad laboral directa. Elimfnense los requisitos de que trata el parágrafo 2 del artículo 4 de la Ley 1562 de 2012 para incluir dentro de la tabla de enfermedades laborales, el…
The coronavirus-19 is considered as an occupational disease for workers in the health sector and are, therefore, eligible to all the existing sick leave benefits. In addition to the normal sickness benefits, workers diagnosed with Covid-19 will also have access to the temporary invalidity subsidy, a cash benefit and to a funerary benefit.
The Occupational Safety and Health Council has developed a COVID-19 OSH Information Pack, which includes a wealth of ressources for many areas of economic activity. Some of these ressources are available in multiple languages, such as Chinese, English, Filipino, Nepali and Urdu:…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Die BGHW hat eine Sammlung von Praxisbeispielen zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Infektionen aus dem HANDEL für den HANDEL auf ihrer Webseite veröffentlicht. Diese Beispiele sollen Ihnen Anregungen geben, wenn Sie Lösungen für ähnliche arbeitstechnische Probleme suchen.
Hier geht's…
As countries introduce measures to restrict movement as part of efforts to reduce the number of people infected with COVID-19, more and more of us are making huge changes to our daily routines. The new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of…
Health,Health promotion,Workplace health promotion,Safety and health at work
El Gobierno de México ha desarrollado una campaña de comunicación preventiva y reactiva contra el COVID-19. En la página web del gobierno mexicano ( está disponible una variedad de documentos y videos para diferentes grupos objetivo, que educan e informan sobre el…
The ILO Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV) has published a coprehensive analysis of Government responses to COVID-19.
Governments' Responses to COVID-19 (Countries A-L)
Governments' Responses to COVID-19 (Countries M-Z)
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks (12.02.2020) The provinces and autonomous regions will announce the online handling platforms within their jurisdictions that have achieved stable job returns to online claiming cities (states and alliances), and will take the initiative through SMS push, website link, handling…
In order to avoid physical contact, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security encourage the use of the online application platform to claim the Unemployment Insurance.
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Announces Online Application Platform for Unemployment Insurance Steady Return
Release Date: 2020-02-12 Source: Department of Unemployment Insurance… (23.01.2020) The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Finance and the National Health Commission jointly released an announcement on insurance matters for healthcare workers and other employees infected with Covid-19 when fulfilling job…
Healthcare workers and other employees infected with Covid-19 when fulfilling job responsibilities will count as work injuries. Workers will qualify for work injury insurance reimbursement, and local fiscal authorities should provide assistance when needed.
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Finance, National Health Commission
Notice on medical care and related staff related to the protection of new coronavirus pneumonia due to performance of duties
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security [2020] No. 11… (20.01.2020) According to the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, based on the current understanding of the etiology, epidemiology, and clinical characteristics of new coronavirus-infected pneumonia, the State Council approved the…
The NHC (National Health Commission) issued a notice stating that even though pneumonia caused by the coronavirus should be included in Class B under the PRC Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Law (PTID), and so, employers must follow the more aggressive prevention and control measures listed for infectious diseases under Class A.
The NHC (National Health Commission) issued a notice stating that even though pneumonia caused by the coronavirus should be included in Class B under the PRC Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Law (PTID), employers must follow the more aggressive prevention and control measures… (23.03.2020)
Ainsi au regard de ces mesures, les dispositions suivantes sont de stricte application : 1.Seul le personnel essentiel est tenu d’assurer le service minimum ; 2.Aucun bureau ne peut abriter plus de 5 (cinq) agents ; 3.Les lave-mains sont placés…
Le Covid-19 peut-il être reconnu comme une maladie professionnelle?
Oui, il peut s’agir d’une maladie professionnelle, à condition que les collaborateurs exerçant l’activité professionnelle en question soient exposés à un risque bien plus élevé de contracter le coronavirus que le reste de la…
Cornoavirus is recognized as an occupational disease for workers having an activity presenting a hightened risk such as medical personnel.
Other workers with some risk, but more limited (for exemple vendors) are not concerned.
Le Covid-19 peut-il être reconnu comme une maladie professionnelle?
Oui, il peut s’agir d’une maladie professionnelle, à condition que les collaborateurs exerçant l’activité professionnelle en question soient exposés à un risque bien plus élevé de contracter le coronavirus que le reste de la…
Diese Frage kann sich aktuell in jedem Betrieb stellen: Was ist zu tun, wenn ein Mitarbeiter oder eine Mitarbeiterin sich mit dem Corona-Virus infiziert hat oder der begründete Verdacht auf eine Infektion besteht. Eine neue Broschüre von Berufsgenossenschaften und Unfallkassen nennt die richtigen…
in Pandemieplan hilft: Auch Unternehmen, die noch keinen Pandemieplan erstellt haben, können dies jetzt noch tun. Er legt zum Beispiel fest, wer die Ansprechpartner im Betrieb sind und wie die interne Kommunikation erfolgen soll. Welche Hygienemaßnahmen getroffen werden und wie die…
Die Berufsgenossenschaft für Handel und Warenlogistik hat ihre speziellen Sicherheitshinweise für die Handels- und Warenlogistikbranche nun auch in Englisch und Türkisch veröffentlicht.
The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Trade and Logistics industry…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
The international occupational safety and health comunity has developped a set of guides, actions and sources of information to formulate COVID-19 responses for the workplace. Here are the links to their websites:
International Labour Office (ILO)
International Organisation of…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks (27.03.2020) El Subsidio de emergencia es un beneficio que se otorga a partir del decreto 488 de 27 de marzo de 2020. Como una medida de orden laboral, dentro del Estado de Emergencia, Económica, Social y Ecológica.
¿Quiénes pueden acceder a este subsidio?…
Emergency subsidy for dismissed workers who do not have any other income, including from social assistance. Workers- including the self-employed- must have contributed at least for a year to Colsubsidio (the Family Compensation Fund). The subsidy consists of:
an economic transfer of $1.755.606 pesos (2 times the minimum salary) paid in 3 monthly installments;
Payment of the old-age pension and health insurance contributions for 6 months (based on the minimum salary)
Payment of monetary…
Trabajadores dependientes e independiente cesantes con una escala salarial desde 1 hasta 4 s.m.l.v. (desde $877.803 hasta $3.511.212)
Que haya realizado aportes a una caja de compensación durante un (1) año continuo o discontinuo, en el transcurso de los…
On 29 February, the number of new COVID-19 cases for the day surged to 909 in Korea. 4 weeks later, on March 30, the number of new cases dropped to 78. “South Korea took rapid, intrusive measures against COVID-19 and they worked” (The Guardian, March 20).
The Report on “…
Prevention of occupational risks,Social assistance
The Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC) provides information about the quality of health care to those who commission, manage, deliver and experience critical care through national clinical audits and clinical and health services research studies…