During this unprecedented time the world and India are facing due to the Coronavirus outbreak, it has been the endeavour of Indo-German Focal Point (IGFP) to rise to the ocassion in supporting the important role of the State in investing in prevention, by addressing issues such as the vulnerability…
If you have been in contact with the virus, you may need to self-isolate at home. It’s natural for people to feel a range of emotions in this situation, such as stress, worry, anxiety, boredom or low mood. You may find the following tips helpful to cope and maintain your emotional wellbeing:…
The WHO provides latest updates, including figues of Corona infections on a dedicated COVID-19 News website. The Website is updated on a regular basis and also includes the latest WHO briefings.
In addition, the WHO information network provides relevant information on a dedicated…
The Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) has been promoting three important Korean occupational safety and health documents to tacke the Corona outbreak in the Republic of Korea.
1) KOSHA_COVID19 guide for staff (PDF)
2) KOSHA_COVID19 guideline for workplaces (PDF…
Worldwide almost 2.4 million people die due to an occupational disease, compared to 0.38 million that die because of a work accident. Insurance covering occupational diseases is an important pillar of social security and a safety net to all workers who may be exposed to chemical, physical or…
IOSH has put together a COVID-19 webpage with advice, guidance and resources for the occupational safety and health community. It includes
Preventative measure
Emergency planning advice
Managing your workers
Travelling for work
as well as a list of useful ressources.
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
This list provides resources from the United State’s OSH agencies charged specifically with OSH issues: the National Institute for Occupational Safety (NIOSH) and Health and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The resources include links to information on the Centers for…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
lefigaro.fr (02.04.2020)
Les soignants atteints par le Coronavirus auront droit à la prise en charge à 100% au titre de la maladie professionnelle.
Coronavirus will be systematically and automatically recognised as an occupational disease for all carers, including self-employed carers. This implies full coverage of medical care, increased daily allowances, and increased protections associated with this type of risk.
Le coronavirus sera systématiquement et automatiquement reconnu comme une maladie professionnelle pour tous les soignants, y compris les indépendants. Cela implique une prise en charge intégrale des soins médicaux, des…
Le vaccin BCG aurait des conséquences sur le développement réduit du Covid16 chez les enfants...
Il s'agit d'une piste de recherche, parmi les nombreuses actuellement suivies pour tenter de mettre des bâtons dans les roues ou même pour faire tomber la couronne du Sars-CoV-2, dont la progression ne cesse d'inquiéter, partout dans le monde.
Celle-ci porte sur l'action possible du BCG. Oui, le fameux vaccin contre la tuberculose, le bacille de Calmette et Guérin, mis au point il y a près de 100 ans. Les dernières décennies ont permis de lui découvrir des effets autres que la prévention…
Hier finden Sie Informationen der AUVA für Arbeitgeberinnen und Arbeitgeber zu Schutzmaßnahmen betreffend Coronavirus.
Betriebliche Maßnahmen
Hygiene in der Arbeitsstätte
Persönliche Hygiene
Was ist zu tun, wenn eine Person verdächtige Symptome am Arbeitsplatz aufweist?
Verhindern einer…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Die SUVA bietet allgemeine Informationen sowie Informationsblätter an, die auf Deutsch, Französisch und Italienisch erhältlich sind.
PDF: Merkblatt Gesundheitsschutz COVID19 (DE), (FR), (IT)
PDF: Checkliste Baustellen COVID19 (DE), (FR), (IT)
To help leaders and their employees face the challenges ahead, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) and HowattHR have launched this Psychological Safety Blog. It will be a trusted source for information, tools and resources to help leaders protect the health, safety and wellness…
Health,Health promotion,Occupational accidents and diseases
The Korean Ministry of Employment and Labour together with the Industrial Accident Prevention and
Compensation Bureau, Occupational Health Division has published this comprehensive Response Guidance, which will help businesses to respond to COVID-19. This…
Health,Medical care,Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
mscbs.gob.es (13.03.2020)
Se ha decidido también que el personal al servicio de la Administración Pública encuadrado en el régimen especial de mutualismo administrativo que se encuentre en situación de aislamiento preventivo, así como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se considerarán en…
Se ha decidido también que el personal al servicio de la Administración Pública encuadrado en el régimen especial de mutualismo administrativo que se encuentre en situación de aislamiento preventivo, así como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se considerarán en Incapacidad Temporal asimilada a la baja laboral por Accidente deTrabajo. Se extiende de esta forma a los empleados públicos la medida adoptada el pasado martes para el Régimen General de la Seguridad Social.
12 de marzo de 2020.- El plan ha sido acordado a propuesta de la vicepresidenta tercera del Gobierno y ministra de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, y de los ministerios de Hacienda, Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, Trabajo y Economía Social, Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Sanidad…
Cash sickness benefits,Occupational accidents and diseases
salute.gov.it (18.03.2020)
Extraordinary measures in the Cura Italia decree, came into force on 17 March 2020. The decree provides for the recruitment of Army doctors (for one year) and doctors and nurses by INAIL (for no more than 6 months, extendable as the emergency continues…
The expected expenditure for the recruitment of doctors and nurses is budgeted with 15,000,000 EUR for 2020. The decree foresees the following measures:
the recruitment of doctors and nurses who have completed their specialization abroad and are regulated by EU directives;
the recruitment of previously retired doctors and nurses;
measures to increase purchases and production of medical materials;
the National Emergency Fund is increased by a total of 1.65 billion EUR;…
The Council of Ministers, on a proposal from President Giuseppe Conte, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Roberto Gualtieri, the Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli, the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Nunzia Catalfo and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza has…
Health,Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
dguv.de (31.03.2020)
In order to relieve the burden on hospital and GP staff in particular in the current crisis, retired doctors, nurses and medical students are now being asked for support. Some have already signalled their willingness to do so.
Against this background, professional…
- Anyone who works for a health care or welfare institution without remuneration, especially on a voluntary basis, is automatically covered by the statutory accident insurance. All employees working in these institutions are also covered by statutory accident insurance;
- Retired doctors, nurses and medical students are now being asked for support
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Der Güterkraftverkehr und andere in der BG Verkehr versicherte Branchen der Verkehrswirtschaft nehmen in der derzeitigen Lage eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Sie sorgen dafür, dass die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Gütern und Waren unterbrechungsfrei gewährleistet ist. Dazu müssen sich Mitarbeitende der…
ROME - "Covid-19 and protection of health workers" is online, the second edition of the document published by the Inail which contains indications to protect the health and safety of this category of workers, at the forefront of the fight against the health emergency in course in our country,…
ROME - The new Coronavirus infections of doctors, nurses and other employees of the National Health Service and of any other public or private health facility insured with Inail, which occurred in the work environment or due to the performance of the work activity, are fully protected as accidents…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Manche Krankheiten verbreiten sich schnell in viele Länder. Das nennt man: Pandemie. Dazu gehört auch Grippe und die neue Krankheit Corona. Hier lesen Sie Tipps, damit Sie sich bei der Arbeit nicht anstecken:
Halten Sie Abstand - Schütteln Sie keine Hände -Waschen Sie sich oft die…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
Die Gesundheit der Kunden und Beschäftigten liegt Ihnen am Herzen. Mit diesen Aushängen können Sie Ihre Kunden auf die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen hinweisen.
Aushang Kasse Verhaltensregeln an der Kasse (bargeldlos bezahlen, Abstand halten) (PDF, 1321 KByte)
Aushang Kasse und Bedientheke 2 m…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
The Globe and Mail (26.03.2020) The federal government is drafting mandatory, national standards to protect the health and safety of workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
The federal government is drafting mandatory, national standards to protect the health and safety of workers during the coronavirus pandemic. Federal Labour Minister Filomena Tassi spoke with her provincial and territorial counterparts during a conference call on Thursday regarding how they can…
Safety and health at work,Prevention of occupational risks
Die ständige Intensivierung der Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus erhöht weltweit den Handlungsdruck - auch für die Bereiche des öffentlichen Lebens. Aufgrund der hohen Infektiosität sind Schutzmaßnahmen für die Beschäftigten im Bereich des Handels und der Warenlogistik notwendig. Wir…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
The Compensation Commissioner has clarifoed that COVID-19 will be recognized as an occupatioal disease if acquired by employees arising out of employment through exposure to confirmed cases in the workplace or after an official work trip to a high risk country or area. To qualify for…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
OECD (20.03.2020) Many affected countries introduced or announced bold measures over the last days and weeks, often with a focus on supporting the most vulnerable who are bearing a disproportionate share of the burden. This note and the accompanying policy table contribute to evidence-sharing on…
Cash sickness benefits,Family benefits,Unemployment,Prevention of occupational risks
dguv.de (19.03.2020) Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Krise ermöglichen viele Arbeitgeber ihren Beschäftigten, von zuhause aus zu arbeiten. Was ist, wenn im häuslichen Umfeld ein Unfall passiert? Wann ist es ein Arbeitsunfall und wann nicht? Grundsätzlich gilt: Ein Unfall infolge einer versicherten…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Safety and health at work
timesofindia.indiatimes.com (19.03.2020)
The state government on Wednesday asked the management of various factories, plants as well as contractors to strictly follow its guidelines for workplaces and construction sites where work from home for the workers is not possible. The managements of…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks
visionzero.global (20.03.2020) The Corona outbreak makes us face a new challenge at the workplace. The seven Golden Rules provide useful guidance to address occupational risks at work, which should not be neglected. Vision Zero, promotes a participatory approach amongst employers and workers at the…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Safety and health at work,Prevention of occupational risks
El aislamiento o contagio derivado del coronavirus será considerado accidente laboral para el autónomo, tras la publicación del Real Decreto-ley 6/2020 de 10 de marzo, que incluye medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de la salud pública.
Según informa el texto oficial,…
The isolation or infection derived from the coronavirus will be considered an occupational accident for the self-employed, following the publication of Royal Decree Law 6/2020 of 10 March.
Occupational accidents and diseases,Shocks & extreme events
Medidas especiales por el COVID-19 – Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo (BOE de 11.03.2020)
Le informamos que en el BOE del día de hoy se ha publicado el Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo, por el que se adoptan determinadas medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de…
Occupational accidents and diseases,Shocks & extreme events