
Boosting Social Inclusion in Spain : Improving Pathways and Co-ordination of Services

Submitted by pmassetti on

OECD (29.09.2023) Spain has a high share of the working age population at risk of poverty or social exclusion and a high incidence of child poverty. While Spain has introduced a minimum income at the national level, social inclusion policies are the responsibility of the regions. At present, the coverage of the minimum income remains low and there are many differences in the design and implementation of social inclusion policies across regions, especially as a number of regions do not develop social inclusion strategies.

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Spain gives labor benefits to domestic cleaners, carers

Submitted by pmassetti on

AP News (06.09.2022) The Spanish government on Tuesday passed a law giving hundreds of thousands of domestic cleaners and carers the right to unemployment benefits and other job protection measures for the first time. Labor Minister Yolanda Díaz said the law would benefit more than 370,000 people, 95% of whom are women. She said the bill was intended to end discrimination against workers whose jobs have been undervalued for too long.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

First collective agreement for platform workers in Spain

Submitted by pmassetti on (13.01.2022) After several reports by the labour inspectorate and contradictory judgments by the courts, in September 2020 the Supreme Court finally ruled that platform workers were employees and not self-employed workers—and that, therefore, the labour and social-security rights applying to all other workers had to apply to them as well.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

Spain declares delivery riders to be staff, in EU first

Submitted by pmassetti on (12.03.2021) Spain’s government announced a deal that will recognise riders working for delivery firms such as Deliveroo and UberEats as salaried staff following complaints about their working conditions — a first in the EU. The move came six months after Spain’s leftwing government pledged to clarify the legal status of couriers working for online delivery firms, saying they should be considered employees rather than “gig” workers.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

New Spanish law to make food delivery workers ‘permanent staff’

Submitted by pmassetti on (12.02.2021) Spain’s labour ministry, trade unions, and employer’s associations have agreed this week in principle to a law improving the rights of food delivery workers employed by global digital platforms like Deliveroo, granting them the status of “permanent staff” instead of self-employed.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

Spain: Extended exemption of social securituy contributions for companies until May 31st

Submitted by mmarquez on

El Diario (26.01.2021) With the extension of the ERTEs until May 31st, companies will maintain high exemptions in the different ERTE modalities, which even reach 100% in some cases. For the 'ultra-protected' sectors and their dependent companies and their value chain, the savings in the Social Security contribution is 85% for companies with less than 50 workers and 75% for those with more than that level of staff, both for reinstated and suspended employees.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Spain: Layoffs due to COVID-19 still prohibited

Submitted by mmarquez on

El Diario (26.01.2021) The so-called "forbidden firing" also extends until May 31, which in reality supposes a government veto of objective dismissals motivated by the pandemic. The measure is extended, which has generated two interpretations in the Social Courts: both sentences that declare these dismissals as inadmissible (the majority) , and some that consider them invalid. A Barcelona court has declared a dismissal appropriate in this context .

Regions / Country
Global challenges


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