
Spain: Furhter novelties on the extension of the ERTE

Submitted by mmarquez on

El Diario (26.01.2021) The most outstanding novelties of this extension of the ERTE until May 31st, are based on facilitating administrative procedures, such as to go from an ERTE of limitation to one of impediment and vice versa, as well as that it is not necessary to re-process the unemployment benefits of workers affected by the extension.

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Spain: Postponement of rent until May 9 for vulnerable persons

Submitted by mmarquez on

El Diario (26.01.2021) If you are in a vulnerable situation and your landlord is a "large landlord", you can request a postponement of the payment of the rent until May 9. This new decree extends the possibility of requesting a "temporary and extraordinary" postponement if the following conditions: that the tenant is in a situation of vulnerability caused by the coronavirus crisis and that the owner has more than ten properties.

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Spain: Extension of unemployment emergency benefit for the self-employed

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El Diario (26.01.2021) From February the access to the so-called 'unemployment' aid for the self-employed created due to the pandemic will be extended until May 31. There are some changes, among them the requirement of a drop in income from 75% to 50% is relaxed in order to access severance benefits. The requirement of having to have been a beneficiary of the extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity until June 30, during the first state of alarm, in order to benefit from these aid, a criterion that had generated a protection gap, is also abolished .

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Spain: Further extension of the ERTE until May 31st

Submitted by mmarquez on

El Diario (26.01.2021) The Government has approved this Tuesday a macro-decree with the extension of several labor and social protection measures, part of the so-called 'social shield' against the pandemic. The Council of Ministers has extended the current ERTE model due to COVID practically without changes until next May 31, after Easter, which will also be the new limit for 'unemployment' aid for the self-employed. The ERTE scheme articulated last September is maintained until May 31st, 2021: those aimed at the 'ultra-protected' sectors (considered most affected by the pandemic)

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Spain: New postponements of Social Security contributions for companies and the self-employed

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Social Security State's Secretary (25.01.2021) With the beginning of the year, new moratoriums on Social Security contributions have come into force. These postponements are regulated in Final Provision 43 of Law 11/2020 on General State Budgets for the year 2021 (LPGE) and are aimed at companies and freelancers who are up to date with their obligations and do not have any other postponement in vigor. In the case of self-employed workers, the moratorium covers the quotas whose accrual corresponds to the months of January to March 2021.

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Contribution collection and compliance
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Spain to extend temporary lay-off schemes for 800,000 workers

Submitted by pmassetti on (14.01.2021) The Spanish government is ready to approve before Friday (15 January) an extension of temporary lay-off schemes put in place March last year to protect jobs for around 800,000 workers affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the tourism and services sectors. Under the scheme, the Spanish state gives workers about 70% of their salary and prohibits companies from firing people. In case of fraud or redundancies, companies must return exemptions from contributions to the social security system and risk heavy penalties.

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Spain: Social Security pays tomorrow 234.21 million euros in benefits to more than 256,000 self-employed workers

Submitted by mmarquez on

La Seguridad Social abona mañana viernes 234,21 millones de euros a más de 256.000 trabajadores autónomos a los que les ha sido reconocida alguna de las prestaciones puestas en marcha para paliar la situación de este colectivo como consecuencia de la pandemia de la COVID-19.

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Global challenges
Cash transfers
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