reference website

Digital Platform Observatory - Establishing workers representation and social dialogue in the platform and app economy

Submitted by xaltamirano_rosas on

The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the  platform economy.

Regions / Country
Document Type

Gigpedia - Gigpedia

Submitted by xaltamirano_rosas on

Gigpedia provides an overview of available information about the global platform economy. You will find information about existing legislation, court cases and ratings of labour standards for specific platforms. The data at Gigpedia was collected by leading research organisations in the field, including WageIndicator, Fairwork and Leeds Index of Platform Labour Protest. This includes Platform Labour Ratings, Platform Case Studies, Repository of Court Cases and Platform Economy News.

Document Type

Eurofound Platform Economy Database

Submitted by pmassetti on

Eurofound’s platform economy database provides information on 296 initiatives and court cases that exist or have been implemented in relation to activities in the platform economy. The database was last updated in February 2023 and provides metadata for each entry, such as geographical scope, year, type of initiative, actors involved, sector and companies concerned. Initiatives include legal instruments such as legislative changes or court decisions, as well as voluntary interventions undertaken by different stakeholders to address issues around platform work.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

Mapping Platform Economy: FES Future of Work – Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Submitted by pmassetti on

In the volatile and crisis-ridden European economic context, online work has grown in popularity through the adoption of technology that can help organise work, and manage and monitor workers. According to the ETUI report published in February, Juggling Online Gigs with Offline Jobs, online roles are more prevalent in European regions where there are very few opportunities to get into traditional jobs.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type