Sweden/Germany: Working in the pandemic - more safety and health at work!

Submitted by btreichel on

The Corona (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic affects social and economic life equally, employed, and unemployed. This pandemic situation is a danger to the health of an undetermined number of people and at the same time to public safety and order. It has a significant impact on everyone's life. It affects all economic activity and therefore the whole world of work. Safety and health protection and the start-up of the economy can only work in unison if a stop-and-go effect is to be avoided.

The special occupational health and safety measures developed by the OSH consultancy and training provider Besus.net aim to protect the population by interrupting the infection chains, to safeguard the health of employees, to restore economic activity and, at the same time, to create a flat infection curve in the medium term. They are
 available in

Kindly note that the order of priority from technical to organizational and personal protective measures must be observed.

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