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Colombia: Desempleados continúan con acceso a salud mmarquez (05.06.2020) La expedición del Decreto 800 de 2020 tiene por objetivo garantizar el flujo de recursos a las EPS y otros aseguradores, así como a hospitales e IPS privadas pero, también garantiza el aseguramiento para aquellas personas que en el marco de la Emergencia Sanitaria por Covid-19 perdieron su trabajo y en consecuencia la capacidad de pago al Sistema de Salud.

coverage, covid19, self-employed Health, Cash sickness benefits, Unemployment colombia
Social Protection Response to the COVID-19 Crisis: Options for Developing Countries pmassetti

Economics for Inclusive Prosperity (April 2020) We provide an overview of the policies that could form a comprehensive social protection strategy in developing countries, with examples of specific policies adopted around the developing world in recent days. Our core argument is that middle-income and lower-income countries can cast an emergency safety net with extensive coverage if they use a broader patchwork of solutions than higher-income countries.

covid19 Social assistance
Chile: Nuevos montos y cobertura del beneficio Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia 2.0 cambrosio (15.06.2020) Nuevo Plan de Emergencia es anunciado por el gobierno en donde aumentaría a 100.000 pesos el Bono Familiar de Emergencia por integrante, alcanzando un universo de 2.1 Millones de hogares beneficiarios. ¿En que consiste las mejoras del nuevo Bono de Emergencia?

  • Se amplía el tramo de focalización socieconómica: del 60% pasará al 80% de mayor vulnerabilidad en el corto plazo (ISE, Indicador Socioeconómico de Emergencia), tanto para hogares sin ingresos formales como para aquellos que tienen ingresos formales por debajo del umbral establecido.
  • Aumento del monto: desde $260.000 a $400.000 a una familia de 4 personas sin ingresos formales. En otras palabras, en caso de no contar con ingresos formales, el monto por persona del hogar aumenta de $65.000 a $100.000. Al igual que en el IFE actual, este monto es válido hasta una familia de 4 y luego decrece proporcionalmente.
  • Más familias beneficiadas: el IFE vigente tiene un potencial de beneficiarios de cerca de 1,7 y 4,5 millones de hogares y personas, respectivamente. Las mejoras antes señaladas permitirán alcanzar a un potencial de más de 2,1 millones de familias y más de 5,6 millones de personas.
  • Fin a la caída mensual del aporte: Aporte mensual del 100% por los próximos 2 meses, 80% al cuarto mes. Posibilidad de ampliar el beneficio según situación Sanitaria.
covid19, family Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers chile
S. Korea: NPS operated community treatment centers and temporary housing cambrosio (12.03.2020)

At the outset of the virus infection, Daegu saw the largest increase in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19. Therefore, NPS offered its facilities to be used as community treatment centers and was entrusted by Central Disaster Management Headquarters with the management of Gyeonggi International 2 Community Treatment Center that hosted patients from abroad that have relatively mild symptoms.

covid19 Health, Housing korea, Republic of
S. Korea: Use of cutting-edge ICT capabilities to support controlling the spread of the virus cambrosio

NPS maintained coordination with the government to overcome the pandemic that has escalated to a national disaster, while leading the effort to put an end to the outbreak as a social security institution by utilizing its ICT capabilities to conduct self-monitoring of people from abroad. Additionally, it implemented the use of cutting-edge ICT capabilities to support controlling the spread of the virus. Moreover, closely coordinated with the government and used our benefit payment know-hows as well as ICT capabilities to establish paid leave compensation payment system.

covid19 Information and communication technology korea, Republic of
S. Korea: relief of contribution burden for insured cambrosio

National Pension Service of Korea introduced the relief of contribution burden for insured:
Expansion of contribution exemption for the insured: Whereas before contribution exemption was only granted to those without income for reasons such as business and employment termination, exemption is now temporarily applied to those whose incomes are reduced due to the pandemic, effectively relieving the contribution burden imposed on the insured.

Exemption of arrears for financially challenged members: Pension contribution burden for the insured was further relieved by arrears exemption for workplaces and members that have difficulty meeting due with their arrears liabilities. Targets in special disaster areas and special employment support industries were first relieved, and measure was expanded to the rest of the country. As part of the measure, pension scheme and claim procedure were more broadly advertised to relieve the pension contribution burden on small enterprises and low-wage workers. All in all, NPS performed its part as social security institution in the fight to overcome the unprecedented economic crisis.

covid19 Contribution collection and compliance korea, Republic of
Denmark: One-time grant of DKK 1,000 siha

Ministry of employment (16.06.2020) A tax-free one-time grant of DKK 1,000 is paid to beneficiaries who were fully or partially publicly supported by a public income transfer in the month of April. The grant is not offset by the citizen's public benefits.

covid19, economic crisis Cash transfers denmark
Sweden: New measures to strengthen care of the elderly and health care during the COVID-19 crisis siha (12.05.2020)  The COVID-19 pandemic has affected an already strained staffing situation for health and social care, not least in care of the elderly. To improve the supply of staff and make it more attractive to seek jobs in care of the elderly, a boost for care of the elderly is being implemented that means that employees in care of the elderly will be offered paid education and training during working hours. Central government will finance the costs for the time the employee is absent due to studies. The initiative comprises SEK 2.2 billion in 2020 and 2021.

covid19, human resources, youth employment Employment, Employment of young workers, Long-term care sweden
Sweden: Unemployed people matched to green industries siha (27.05.2020) The Government is investing to assist the green industries in the absence of foreign seasonal workers. SEK 11 million is being invested to facilitate the matching of unemployed people to the green industries.

The horticulture and forestry industries are experiencing acute difficulties recruiting seasonal staff for work such as planting, greenhouse work and harvesting. The situation has been caused by travel restrictions for seasonal workers related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

covid19, youth employment Employment, Employment of young workers sweden
Moldova: amendment to the Law on the State Social Insurance Budget for 2020 and increase of expenses cambrosio (21.04.2020)

Under these circumstances, the Government's priority was and remains the full payment of the established pensions and social benefits. In the context of the establishment of the state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, the Law on the State Social Insurance Budget for 2020 was amended by specifying the incomes and expenditures, in order to carry out the measures laid down and to ensure the non-disturbance of the insurance process with social payments for the beneficiaries. The implementation of the mentioned measures imposed the extension of the expenditures over the limits of the budgetary-fiscal legislation.

covid19 Pensions, Financing moldova, Republic of
Moldova: increase in the unemployment benefit and extension of coverage cambrosio (21.04.2020)

There has been an increase in the amount of unemployment benefit by almost 55% and the extension of eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits. The large number of labour migrants returned to the country after losing their jobs abroad will be automatically entitled to this social allowance. In the circumstances of an emergency, the unemployment benefit is also granted to patent holders and self-employed individuals in the retail trade sector.

coverage, covid19, extending coverage, self-employed Unemployment moldova, Republic of
Finland: Shorter daily commuting distance for commuting and relocation allowance siha

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (11.06.2020) The commuting and relocation allowance will be temporarily available to persons who work full-time and whose daily commute at the start of employment takes at least two hours instead of the three hours currently required. The allowance can also be paid to persons who move because of a job a distance comparable to the daily commuting requirement. 

The aim is to increase regional mobility to help people find full-time work. The amendment applies to both seasonal work in agricultural and horticultural enterprises and other full-time work. 

The legislative amendments will be in force from 12 June to 31 October 2020. 

covid19, labour markets Employment, Shocks & extreme events finland
Finland: Increase in the exempt amount of unemployment security siha

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (11.06.2020) The exempt amount of the unemployment benefit will be temporarily raised from the current EUR 300 to EUR 500 per month (i.e., from EUR 279 to EUR 465 per four calendar weeks). The exempt amount means the amount unemployed jobseekers can earn without an effect on their unemployment benefit.

The aim is provide financial support to help people find part-time work or other short-term work in agriculture and horticulture enterprises or elsewhere. Moreover, the raised exempt amount will also apply to income from self-employment and unemployed jobseekers who already receive adjusted unemployment benefit. 

The legislative amendments will be in force from 12 June to 31 October 2020. The raised exempt amount of the unemployment security will be applied when paying unemployment benefit for the application period starting on or after 1 June 2020.

covid19, labour markets Employment, Shocks & extreme events finland
Moldova: increase of the minimum monthly income guaranteed for the granting of social assistance cambrosio (24.04.2020)

The Government committed to the establishment of additional measures to support
citizens and business activity during the emergency. among those,  the increase of expenses for the implementation of support measures during the state of emergency of disadvantaged families through the Social Assistance Program, as the increase of the minimum guaranteed monthly income to 1,300 lei and the increase of the minimum guaranteed monthly income for children from 50% to 75%.

covid19, family, poverty Social assistance, Cash transfers moldova, Republic of
Peru Allows Early Withdrawals from Mandatory Individual Accounts During Pandemic cambrosio (08.05.2020)

On May 8, Peru implemented new rules allowing participants in the country's mandatory individual account program (Sistema Privado de Pensiones, or SPP) to make one-time early withdrawals from their accounts during the COVID-19 pandemic. The allowed withdrawal amount depends on a participant's account balance.

Other key details of the special one-time withdrawal include:
- Request deadline: A participant has 60 calendar days from May 18 to submit a withdrawal request to the AFP that administers his or her individual account.
- Minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts: The minimum withdrawal amount is 1 reference tax unit (Unidad Impositiva Tributaria, or UIT; 1 UIT is currently equal to 4,300 soles [US$1,278.37]) or 100 percent of the account balance, whichever is less. The maximum withdrawal amount is equal to 3 UITs (12,900 soles [US$3,835.11]).
- Payment schedule: After a participant submits a withdrawal request, his or her AFP must release the funds in two payments within a specified timeframe: the first payment must be issued within 10 calendar days of receiving the withdrawal request, and the second payment (if one is allowed) must be issued within the following 30 calendar days.




covid19 Old-age pensions peru
Japan: Increased maximum daily amount of Employment adjustment subsidy siha

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (12.06.2020) The maximum daily amount per capita of employment adjustment subsidy is increased from 8.330 yen to 15,000 yen. In addition, the subsidy rate for small and medium-sized enterprises that tried to maintain employment without dismissing employees is increased from 9/10 to 10/10. 

During the emergency response period from April 1st to September 30th, special measures for employment adjustment subsidies will be implemented nationwide for business owners of all industries.

covid19, Emergency grants Employment, Cash transfers japan
Canada: Temporarily extending the Guaranteed Income Supplement and Allowance payments siha (16.06.2020) We are temporarily extending GIS and Allowance payments if seniors’ 2019 income information has not been assessed. This will ensure that the most vulnerable seniors continue to receive their benefits when they need them the most. To avoid an interruption in benefits, seniors are encouraged to submit their 2019 income information as soon as possible and no later than by October 1, 2020.

covid19 Old-age pensions, Service delivery, Social assistance canada
Canada: Providing a one-time tax-free payment for Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement siha (06.06.2020) 

We are providing a one-time tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension, with an additional $200 for seniors eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).

This measure would give a total of $500 to individuals who are eligible to receive both the OAS and the GIS, and will help them cover increased costs caused by COVID-19.

You do not have to apply. This payment will be issued during the week of July 6.

covid19, Emergency grants Old-age pensions, Social assistance, Cash transfers canada
Canada: Special one-time tax-free payment for certified holders of the Disability Tax Credit siha (01.06.2020) We are providing a special one-time-tax payment to individuals who are certificate holders of the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) as of June 1, 2020, as follows:

  • $600 for Canadians with a valid DTC certificate. 
  • $300 for Canadians with a valid DTC certificate and who are eligible for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension.
  • $100 for Canadians with a valid DTC certificate and who are eligible for the OAS pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).

People who are eligible for this special payment will receive it automatically.

covid19, Emergency grants Disability, Cash transfers canada
Canada: National disability organizations receive additional funding to support and enhance accessible  communications and engagement activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic siha (06.06.2020) The Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, announced an additional $1.1 million in funding to support national disability organizations through the Social Development Partnership Program - Disability Component to enhance their communications and engagement activities to better address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on persons with disabilities.

Supporting the disability community to maintain communications and engagement during the pandemic will allow organizations to create a barrier-free, multi-lingual experience for persons with disabilities and ensure they receive accessible and relevant information to support them during this time.

communication, covid19, services quality Disability, Communication canada
Estonia: Suspension of second-pillar payments from 1 July 2020 to 31 August 2021 siha

Pensionikeskus (16.04.2020) From 1 July 2020 to 31 August 2021, the state will suspend the employer contributions to the second-pillar funded pension from social tax (4% of salary) . In addition, upon request, employee contributions (2%) can be suspended from December 1, 2020, through August 31, 2021.


contribution collection, covid19 Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance estonia
Canda: Not enough done to protect migrant farm workers mmarquez

The Globe and Mail (16.06.2020) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it is time to find ways to better protect migrant farm workers who are essential to Canada’s food system but have been hard hit by the pandemic because of overcrowded housing, unsafe working conditions and precarious immigration status. At his daily briefing Tuesday, Mr. Trudeau said he has personally reassured Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador that Ottawa is working to contain outbreaks at Canadian farms, where hundreds of migrant workers have tested positive for COVID-19. In Ontario alone, more than 600 foreign agriculture labourers have been infected. Two men from Mexico, aged 24 and 31, have died. “We know that there are many issues – from living conditions, to the fact that they’re tied individually to particular companies or employers, to various challenges around labour standards – that require looking at,” Mr. Trudeau said. “We could also look at pathways to citizenship that could give people more rights. … We should always take advantage of moments of crisis to reflect: Can we change the system to do better?"

covid19, migration Migration canada
Covid19: The experience of the National Pension Service of Korea (NPS) pmassetti

Article provided by the National Pension Service of Korea (NPS) 
This article analyze the measures taken to overcome the COVID19 pandemic via preemptive crisis management system and inter-organizational cooperation

covid19 Governance and administration, Human resource management korea, Republic of
A post-Covid-19 social protection architecture for India - analysis pmassetti

Hindustan Times (11.06.2020) Stronger social protection led by an inclusive growth dividend will protect the vulnerable and drive India’s economic recovery

covid19, poverty Social policies & programmes india
Which Economic Stimulus Works? by Joseph E. Stiglitz & Hamid Rashid pmassetti

Project Syndicate (08.06.2020) During the initial shock from COVID-19, it was understandable that governments and central banks would respond with massive injections of liquidity. But now policymakers need to take a step back and consider which forms of stimulus are really needed, and which risk doing more harm than good.

covid19 Financing