Lithuania: What Help can the Low-Income Residents Expect from the State?:Child benefits

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Ministry of Social Security and Labour (11.06.2020) Child benefit is a universal benefit paid to each child. Its size in 2020 is 60 euros. An additional benefit of 40 euros may be paid for children with disabilities and children from low-income or large families. Until now, when estimating family income for higher child benefit, the amount received during the last 12 months has been taken into account. However, since the financial situation of some families deteriorated rapidly during the quarantine period, it has been decided that until the 1st of July the income received from the 1st of April will be assessed, and from July the income of the previous 3 months will be assessed and the child benefit will be granted for three months. Such facilitation will be valid for a further period of 6 months after the cancelation of the emergency situation and quarantine.

measures summary

Until now, when estimating family income for higher child benefit, the amount received during the last 12 months has been taken into account. However, since the financial situation of some families deteriorated rapidly during the quarantine period, it has been decided that until the 1st of July the income received from the 1st of April will be assessed, and from July the income of the previous 3 months will be assessed and the child benefit will be granted for three months. Such facilitation will be valid for a further period of 6 months after the cancelation of the emergency situation and quarantine.

Measure date
Regions / Country
Global challenges
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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

Child benefit is a universal benefit paid to each child. Its size in 2020 is 60 euros. An additional benefit of 40 euros may be paid for children with disabilities and children from low-income or large families.

A low-income family is considered to be one in which the average monthly income per family member does not exceed 250 euros, excluding the child benefit and part of the salary. Until now, when estimating family income for higher child benefit, the amount received during the last 12 months has been taken into account.

However, since the financial situation of some families deteriorated rapidly during the quarantine period, it has been decided that until the 1st of July the income received from the 1st of April will be assessed, and from July the income of the previous 3 months will be assessed and the child benefit will be granted for three months.

This means that if a family applies for an additional child benefit in July, their income in April, May and June is assessed. The income of these months will already reflect the financial challenges the family faced during the quarantine.

Such facilitation will be valid for a further period of 6 months after the cancelation of the emergency situation and quarantine. Around 33 thousand children should receive additional higher child benefits.

WHERE TO APPLY: to the local municipality or

VALIDITY: change are already in force.