Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Allemagne : épreuve de force autour de la semaine de 28 heures | fabbri | Le Figaro (08.01.2018) Le syndicat allemand de la métallurgie IG Metall donne lundi le coup d'envoi d'un bras de fer social qui s'annonce comme l'un des plus durs de ces dernières années en Allemagne. Plusieurs dizaines de débrayages sont prévues dans tout le pays, en particulier dans le secteur automobile, pour soutenir des revendications portant notamment sur la réduction du temps de travail à 28 heures hebdomadaires. Avec près de 2,3 millions d'adhérents, IG Metall, qui défend les salariés toutes catégories confondues dans l'industrie (Siemens, ThyssenKrupp), la sidérurgie, l'automobile (VW, Daimler, Porsche), l'électronique ou encore le textile, est le plus gros syndicat d'Europe. |
labour markets | Employment | germany |
[Report] 2018 eHealth Market Trends, Players & Outlook | fabbri | businesswire (08.01.2018) This report introduces the key components of the ehealth market and identifies the products and services of most interests in the health industry, including IoT-enabled medical devices, telemedicine and remote patient monitoring. The particular nature of health industries has been considered in regard to data sensitivity and regulation. It evaluates the initiatives and strategies of players coming from different sectors, particularly facing the strong incumbents (medtech giants). The positioning of each category of players has been also addressed by taking the competitive landscape into account.Finally, in examining the gaps that lie between promising benefits and what is required for ehealth deployment and adoption, the challenges linked with data security and interoperability, organisational changes within healthcare industries, and the business model are analysed. 'The silver economy', encompassing both medical-oriented ehealth solutions and non-medical wellness applications, is also analysed through players' strategies and market challenges. |
Health, Information and communication technology, Service quality | ||
Uber dealt blow after EU court classifies it as transport service | fabbri | Reuters (20.12.2017) Uber Technologies Inc should be classified as a transport service and regulated like other taxi operators, the European Union’s top court said in a landmark ruling on Wednesday that could impact other online businesses in Europe. Uber, which allows passengers to summon a ride through an app on their smartphones, has transformed the taxi industry since its launch in 2011 and now operates in more than 600 cities globally.In the latest of a series of legal battles, Uber had argued it was simply a digital app that acted as an intermediary between drivers and customers looking for a ride and so should fall under lighter EU rules for online services. |
Europe | ||
[Report] Social protection after the Arab Spring | fabbri | (December 2017) When countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) achieved their independence, formal social protection schemes established by former colonial powers were, to varying degrees, assimilated or mimicked by the State, particularly pension systems for government and formal-sector workers. These systems, however, have proven to be highly subsidised and regressive in terms of income distribution in the face of large segments of the population engaged in the informal sector (or rural work), who have remained excluded from formal social protection unless eligible for some social assistance programmes, mostly with lower coverage and benefits. In fact, a significant share of the social expenditure with a social protection function in most of these countries was assigned to universal or quasi-universal subsidies of fuel and staple foods. |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage | |
Social protection affordable in low-income countries, says ILO | fabbri | The Nation Nigeria (05.01.2018) The International Labour Organisation (ILO) in its World Social Protection Report 2017-2019 has said the poorest countries can afford to extend social protection to all citizens. According to the ILO report, the universal coverage in old-age pensions has been achieved by more than 20 countries, including Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Cabo Verde, China, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mongolia, Namibia, South Africa, Timor Leste, Trinidad and Tobago and Zanzibar (Tanzania). |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage | |
France: RSI - ce qui a changé à partir du 1er janvier 2018 | fabbri | minutenews (03.01.2918) Le temps du RSI est désormais révolu pour les travailleurs indépendants.C’était l’une des principales promesses de campagne d’Emmanuel Macron : la mesure est entrée en application dès le 1er janvier. La fin du RSI est donc désormais effective, puisque celui-ci s’est adossé au régime général. |
managing reforms | france | |
[Opinion] Uganda's pension pilot has been a huge success — but can it survive? | fabbri | Devex (03.01.2018) Every week, the speaker presiding over Uganda’s 426-member parliament fields questions, comments, complaints, demands, and even threats regarding the uncertain future of Uganda’s elderly population, who have been left vulnerable after decades of difficulties. Since 2010, some districts of the country have benefited from a pilot pension scheme that has helped not only the ever-increasing aged population, but also the families they are often responsible for. |
adequacy, managing reforms | Old-age pensions, Population ageing, Social assistance | uganda |
[blog] Towards a predictive society | ruggia | Sitra (September 2017)Towards a predictive society Public administration in Finland is undergoing major systemic change. How can one of the most efficient administrative entities in the world aim to make the everyday lives of people and companies easier through co-operation? Solutions for this will be sought through ecosystem forums – together. |
digital economy | Employment, Service quality, Social policies & programmes | finland |
[Report] Social protection and inclusive rural transformation | fabbri | (15.12.2017) This research paper discusses the interactions between social protection, rural transformation and inclusiveness. The questions addressed are: How does social protection reach and facilitate the rural transformation process? What key social protection interventions can better support inclusive transformation? Based on country-level evidence, the paper analyses how different types of social protection interventions (protective, preventive or promotional) affect rural livelihoods; help rural transformation (by increasing productivity, employment opportunities or non-farm activities); and influence inclusiveness. Each context could either enhance or jeopardize social protection interventions, affecting their transformational and inclusiveness impacts. |
coverage | Extension of coverage | |
ILO Social Protection Floors Calculator: Social protection is affordable, even in the majority of low income countries | fabbri | ILO (14.12.2017) Even the poorest countries can afford to extend social protection to all their citizens, the ILO said in its recently released World Social Protection Report 2017-19 . |
data analytics, poverty | Social protection floor | |
WHO | Global Health Expenditure Database | massetti | The Global Health Expenditure Database (GHED) presents internationally comparable health expenditures for all WHO Member States from 1995 to present |
data analytics, database | Medical care | |
Les inégalités dans le monde, en hausse depuis quarante ans | massetti | (14.12.2018) Selon un rapport, les 1 % les plus riches ont profité deux fois plus de la croissance des revenus que les 50 % les plus pauvres. Et entre les deux les revenus ont stagné ou baissé. |
Inequalities | ||
World Inequality Report: Fight wealth inequality with taxes | massetti | (14.12.2017) Income inequality can lead to "catastrophes," but there are ways to fight it, according to the World Inequality Report. "Everything depends on the choices that will be made," says renowned economist Thomas Piketty. |
Inequalities | ||
Malaysia: NIOSH urges better safety, health management in tourism sector | massetti | (25.11.2017) The tourism sector should adopt good Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) management and practices to reduce the number of accidents and health problems in the sector |
issa | Prevention of occupational risks | malaysia |
France: Le numérique doit révolutionner notre relation soignant/soigné | fabbri | FrenchWeb (11.12.2017) Avec tous les outils numériques à sa disposition, le patient n’est plus passif et devient un véritable acteur de son parcours de soin. Une nouvelle dynamique que les professionnels de santé doivent rapidement appréhender pour s’adapter et intégrer le patient comme co-acteur du parcours de soins. Pour le Dr Philippe Denormandie il est urgent de changer de paradigme pour le bien de toutes les parties prenantes d’un système de santé qui n’est pas adapté aux révolutions technologiques à venir. La formation des médecins par exemple ne doit plus, selon le Dr Denormandie, s’articuler sur des connaissances qui sont disponibles en ligne et demain par de l’IA d’aide à la décision, mais bien sur des compétences et une dose d’humanité et d’empathie supplémentaire. |
digital economy | Health | france |
Romania, last in EU for the share of welfare expenditure in GDP | fabbri | romania-insider (11.12.2017) Romania ranked last in the EU for the share of social protection expenditure in its GDP, with 14.6%. By comparison, the spending on social protection represented 29% of the GDP in the European Union in 2015, according to data from EU’s statistical office Eurostat. The share |
Financing | romania | |
Malta amongst lowest ratios of EU GDP spent on social protection | fabbri | maltatoday (11.12.2017) While almost almost a third of EU GDP is spent on social protection, Malta’s expenditure has dropped over the years, sitting below the EU average in 2015 data S ocial protection expenditure stood at 17.5% in Malta in 2015, decreasing from 19.3% in 2010, Eurostat data shows. |
Financing | malta | |
Non-standard forms of employment: Recent trends and future prospects | massetti | Background paper for Estonian Presidency Conference ‘Future of Work: Making It e-Easy‘, 13-14 September 2017 |
digital platforms | ||
Indonesia: Social protection in Timor Leste: The difference dialogue can make in protecting the poor | fabbri | ILO (07.12.2017) Despite being the youngest nation in Asia, Timor-Leste is taking a proactive and coordinated approach to ensure a better life for its citizens with a national Social Protection Strategy for 2017-2030. |
poverty | Extension of coverage | indonesia |
[Interview] France: Ils sont malades « de longue durée » et ils travaillent | -filhon | (27.11.2017) Dans votre ouvrage, Que font dix millions de malades ? (éditions Erès), vous interrogez le rapport entre travail et affections de longue durée, en donnant notamment la parole aux malades. Quelles sont ces maladies ? Et pourquoi vous emparer de cette problématique ? |
big data, data analytics, individuals, labour markets | Health insurance, Disability, Employment policies, Workplace health promotion, Return to work | france |
Maroc: Les chiffres de la Sécurité sociale ne sont pas si rassurants que ça : Seules 200.000 entreprises jouent le jeu | fabbri | Libération (07.12.2017) «2016 a été une année importante pour le régime de sécurité sociale puisqu’elle a été marquée par l’augmentation du nombre des affiliés et des entreprises déclarantes ». C’est ce qui ressort de l’intervention de Mohamed Yatim, ministre du Travail et de l'Insertion professionnelle, lors du Conseil d’administration de la CNSS tenu mercredi dernier à Casablanca. D’après lui, le nombre d’entreprises déclarantes a atteint les 204.900 établissements, soit une hausse de 7% comparativement aux cinq années précédentes et celui de salariés actifs déclarés s’est élevé à 3,28 millions en hausse de 5% par rapport à 2012. Près de 7,4% de cet effectif est issu du secteur agricole, sachant que trois salariés sur dix sont des femmes. Les salariés du secteur privé ont été déclarés 212 jours par an, répartis en 9,1 mois, pour un salaire moyen de 5.032 dirhams et plus de 7.600 dirhams en moyenne dans le secteur public. Plus de 40% des personnes déclarées auraient perçu, durant la période de leur déclaration, des salaires inférieurs au SMIG. |
Governance and administration, Extension of coverage | morocco | |
New Blockchain-Based Startups Create New Opportunities for Healthcare | massetti | (09.11.2017) Blockchain technology has huge potential to disrupt a wide range of industries, ranging from data management, security and healthcare as a few examples. |
Uruguay: Nuevo régimen de aportes para conductores de Uber y otras Apps | fabbri | Crónicas (24.02.2017) Desde el Poder Ejecutivo se anunció la firma de un Decreto que pretenderá la formalización de los trabajadores de plataformas digitales de transporte. Mediante el mismo, se buscará establecer el régimen de tributación, así como de aportes a la seguridad social. A continuación analizaremos lo que implicaría la promulgación del Decreto, y las repercusiones que el anuncio ha generado en los distintos actores.
digital economy | Health, Information and communication technology | uruguay |
Liberia: Gov’t, Partners Hold Second Dialogue on Social Protection | fabbri | Liberian Observer (06.12.2017) The Government of Liberia and the International Labor Organization (ILO) have begun holding the second National Dialogue on Social Protection in the country. The meeting is in line with the second strategic objective policy mechanism that seeks to support poor and vulnerable groups – which include children, the elderly and persons living with disabilities – and to attain an improved minimum standard of living in line with minimum social protection.The dialogue is being held at a resort in Monrovia and is expected to agree on key minimum guarantees for the establishment of the social protection floor in Liberia. |
extending coverage, poverty | Extension of coverage | liberia |
Citizen action can help improve social protection programmes, finds review | massetti | (30.11.2017) Social accountability initiatives, such as spending audits that involve citizens, can help tackle corruption and improve social protection programmes, a review of the evidence has found. |
services quality | Information and communication technology, Service quality |