Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Ireland: Compulsory retirement age for public sector staff set to rise to 70 | fabbri | Irish Times 06.12.2017) The new changes will not apply to frontline groups such as gardaí and firefighters Thousands of public service staff will in future be permitted to work until the age of 70 under new Government returns. |
managing reforms | Old-age pensions | ireland |
La retraite, souci numéro 1 des Suisses | fabbri | La Tribune de Genève (05.12.2017) C'est une première: depuis 2003, c'est le chômage qui dominait le classement établi par la grande banque. En 2017, il n'est qu'en seconde position. |
managing reforms | Pensions | switzerland |
Vers un décollage des systèmes d’information santé et de l’e-santé en Afrique de l’Ouest | -filhon | (23.11.2017) L’objet de cet article est de faire le point sur le décollage – encore balbutiant mais déjà notable – des systèmes d’information orientés santé (SIS) – parfois nommés e-santé – qui se déploient en Afrique de l’Ouest. Il sera donc question des SIS, de leurs caractéristiques, de leurs diversités et de leur contextualisation. |
biometric, data analytics, data management, digital platforms, digital economy, mobile contribution-collection self-employed, robotization, rural world | Health, Data management, Technological transition, Extension of coverage, Service quality | Africa |
Robot automation will 'take 800 million jobs by 2030' - report | massetti | (29.11.2017) Up to 800 million global workers will lose their jobs by 2030 and be replaced by robotic automation, a new report from a consultancy has found. |
Information and communication technology | ||
Santé : "Le numérique a un rôle central à jouer" | fabbri | lejdd (03.12.2017) Alors que l'Union européenne peine à définir une logique sanitaire unique, les nouvelles technologies pourraient révolutionner les systèmes de santé. La santé est un capital qui doit être préservé. Mais les 28 ont des logiques sanitaires très différentes. "La santé publique relève de chaque Etat. La gouvernance, les outils, les modes de financement, l'organisation des soins dépendent fortement des pays, détaille Pascal Roché, directeur général de Ramsay Générale de Santé. Nous sommes dans le troisième programme de santé 2014-2020, doté de 450 millions d'euros sur six ans. Or nos dépenses annuelles de santé atteignent 250 milliards, l'Europe joue donc un rôle mineur et se réveille sur le dialogue et la coopération quand il y a des problèmes." |
digital platforms | Health, Health insurance | european union |
France: La télémédecine comme remède à la pénurie de médecins | fabbri | radiototem (04.12.2017) C’est une des préconisations de la Cour des Comptes pour résorber le déficit de la sécurité sociale et améliorer la relation médecin-patient. La télémédecine peine encore à s’imposer dans l’Hexagone. 2 % des Français auraient eu recours à ce moyen pour faire une consultation. |
service delivery | Health, Information and communication technology | france |
Plus de la moitié de la population mondiale vit sans protection sociale | massetti | (30.11.2017) 4 milliards de personnes ne profitent d’aucune prestation sociale, d’après le rapport présenté par l’Organisation internationale du travail, à Genève. |
Russia: Citing 'Acute' Demographic Concerns, Putin Announces Cash Awards For First-Time Parents | massetti | (28.11.2017) Voicing concern over the "acute demographic situation in Russia," President Vladimir Putin has announced that the state will pay parents allowances for 18 months after they have their first child. |
Family benefits | Russian Federation | |
World Social Protection Report 2017-2019: ILO: 4 billion people worldwide are left without social protection | massetti | (29.11.2017) New ILO report shows that massive efforts are still needed to ensure that the right to social security becomes a reality for all. |
France: Médicaments et remboursements : la base de données Open Medic en six points | massetti | (28.11.2017) L’Assurance-maladie a mis en ligne et en open data une base de données pléthorique éclairant la consommation de médicaments des Français. |
Medical care, Information and communication technology | france | |
For the Sake of Security. The Future of Flexible Workers and the Modern Organisation of Labour | massetti | The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) (01/05/2017) This publication is a contribution to the debate in the Netherlands concerning the future of the labour market. |
netherlands | ||
[Report] Statutory pension Insurance of Digital Plateform Workers - a comparative perspective (Europe) | massetti | European social platform - technical paper, 8 march 2017 |
digital platforms | Pensions | Europe |
How the Australian Digital Health Agency is helping create a seamlessly-connected digital healthcare system for Australia | massetti | OpenGovAsia (12.11.2017) A major transformation is underway in the Australian healthcare system. The Australian government allocated AU$374.2 million in its 2017-18 Budget to be invested over two years, for the nationwide rollout of an opt-out model of My Health Record and to ensure every Australian is a part of it, unless they choose not to be. |
Health, Technological transition, Service quality | australia | |
Suisse: Le stress au travail, ce lent poison | fabbri | Le Temps (27.11.2017) Un quart des personnes actives en Suisse se disent très stressées dans l’exercice de leur profession. Malgré d'importantes répercussions sur la santé, les autorités sanitaires semblent pourtant fermer les yeux sur ce phénomène |
Occupational accidents and diseases | switzerland | |
República Dominicana: DIDA busca Seguridad Social le ofrezca más protección a los adultos mayores | fabbri | Listín Diario (27.11.2017) La Dirección de Información y Defensa de los Afiliados a la Seguridad Social (DIDA) está procurando que los adultos mayores reciban mayor protección y beneficios del Sistema Dominicano de Seguridad Social (SDSS), por lo que reunirá aquí a expertos de diferentes países para conocer sus realidades y formular sus propuestas. |
Old-age pensions | dominican republic | |
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2017: Weak recovery in youth labour markets demands a sweeping response | fabbri | ILO (24.11.2017) n 2017. While the global youth unemployment rate stabilized at 13.0 per cent in 2016, it is expected to rise slightly to 13.1 per cent this year, according to the ILO’s Global Employment Trends for Youth 2017 report.The estimated figure of 70.9 million unemployed youth in 2017 is an important improvement from the crisis peak of 76.7 million in 2009, but the number is expected to rise by a further 200,000 in 2018, reaching a total of 71.1 million. |
Employment of young workers | ||
Jobs growth in eurozone at 'highest since dotcom era' | fabbri | The Tribune (24.11.2017) Jobs are being created across the 19-country eurozone at a pace not seen since the turn of the millennium thanks to stronger economic growth, particularly in a resurgent France, according to a closely watched survey Thursday. In another sign that a robust economic recovery across the single currency bloc is gathering momentum, financial information company IHS Markit said its purchasing managers' index — a broad gauge of business activity across manufacturing and services — rose to 57.5 points in November from 56 the previous month.
european union | ||
Costa Rica enfrenta el reto de facilitar acceso al empleo para los refugiados | fabbri | W Radio (23.11.2017) Altos índices de desempleo y empleo informal son dos de los grandes problemas que enfrentan los refugiados para lograr una efectiva integración social y económica en Costa Rica, el segundo país de mayor acogida de esta población en América Latina. Datos facilitados por el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) indican que el 25 % de los refugiados en Costa Rica se encuentra desempleado y que el 20 % de los que trabajan lo hacen en el sector informal. |
migration | Employment policies, Migration | costa rica |
América Latina: Reforma laboral y desigualdad | fabbri | Agencia TSS (23.11.2017) Un informe presentado por un especialista de Naciones Unidas advierte que las reformas laborales que limitan derechos de los trabajadores en escenarios de restricción económica suelen ser ineficaces para generar empleo, contribuyen a una mayor desigualdad y pueden atentar contra el crecimiento de la actividad. Además, sus efectos suelen ser más perjudiciales en las mujeres. |
managing reforms | Inequalities | latin america |
World Bank’s ID4D initiative launches advisory council to advance digital identification as a sustainable development priority | massetti | OpenGovAsia (28.10.2017) Over 1.1 billion people in the world, which is nearly 1 in 7 individuals, are unable to prove their identity. |
Information and communication technology | ||
[Analysis] Social Health Insurance in Zambia: Getting the bolt and nut right with Health Economics | fabbri | Lusaka Times (21.11.2017) According to the WHO, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means everyone in the country can use the promotive, preventive, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need of sufficient quality to be effective, while being protected from financial loss (WHO, 2017). So far, only 58 countries in the world- 10 in Africa are regarded to provide Universal health care as they have legislation mandating Universal Health care. The question is, is this attainable in Zambia? As optimistic citizens, the answer is a resounding “YES” |
universal health care | Health, Health insurance | zambia |
El trabajo temporal tras la mejora del empleo juvenil en España, según la OIT | fabbri | La Vanguardia (20.11.2017) Las mejoras del empleo juvenil en España, Francia e Italia han influido en gran medida en la reducción de la tasa de desempleo en este sector poblacional en Europa occidental, aunque los avances en el primero de estos países se deben en particular a la expansión del trabajo temporal, dijo hoy la OIT. "España cayó muy bajo y tocó fondo, así que ahora hay mejoras sobre todo por un aumento relativo del empleo temporal", explicó en rueda de prensa la directora del Departamento de Políticas de Empleo de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), Azita Berar Awad, al presentar el informe anual sobre las tendencias del empleo juvenil. |
youth employment | Employment of young workers | spain |
European Union: ‘Let’s do our work’ on social policy, Juncker tells member states | massetti | (17.11.2017) Europe’s credibility hinges on national leaders agreeing social legislation that applies across the bloc, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Friday (17 November) at a summit with leaders from EU countries in Gothenburg, Sweden. |
Social policies & programmes | Europe | |
Gothenburg – hot air or a real deal? | massetti | (15.11.2017) A social democratic Government, led by former trade union leader Stefan Löfven, has brought EU leaders together to discuss ‘fair jobs and growth’, a topic that many feel has been too long neglected by an EU more concerned with fiscal rules than the well-being of working people. |
european union | ||
UK: Government urged to close gig-economy loopholes | massetti | The Government is being urged to close loopholes around the treatment of self-employed workers following intense scrutiny of gig-economy companies such as Deliveroo and Uber. A joint draft bill from the Work and Pensions and Business Committees has argued that there should be a new “worker by default” status, which requires companies to provide basic standards and benefits. |
digital platforms | Employment, Employment policies, Inequalities | united kingdom |