
Korea: Text alerting on COVID-19 outbreak areas/zones

Submitted by mmarquez on (05.05.2020) One of the most effective ways that the Korean government rapidly dispersed these daily updates is emergency SMS messages. All citizens receive daily alert messages through their mobile phones from their local authorities. The alert message arrives with a 40–60 db alarm sound, and contains information from KCDC about newly confirmed patients and their recent trajectories if available.

Regions / Country
korea, Republic of
Global challenges
Health promotion
Health insurance
Document Type

Saudi Arabia: Increase in customer attention hours at the Public Pension Agency

Submitted by mmarquez on

Public Pension Agency (28.04.2020) The call center is fully prepared and staffed (remotely) throughout the month of Ramadan to receive all incoming calls, and to deal with them as determined by the nature of the required service throughout the week from Sunday to Thursday from ten in the morning until four in the evening, and from nine in the evening until one in the morning, and on Friday from one in the evening until five in the evening and from nine in the evening until one in the morning.

Regions / Country
saudi arabia
Global challenges
Service quality
Service delivery
Document Type

Morocco: The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals

Submitted by siha on

The Ministry of Health (30.03.2020) The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals from both the public and private sectors "Sante connect": This new application, available on Android and IOS, aims to create a new dynamic of strictly channeled communication with health professionals, with a view to allowing them real-time access to news and medical training.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Service quality
Document Type

Iceland: An internet chat with nurses will be available every day from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Health (28.05.2020) The health authority aims to ensure that citizens have access to counseling and guidance on the health system through an online chat on every day of the week from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Minister of Health has accepted the Agency's proposal in this regard and has decided to grant ISK 30 million on an annual basis for the project for two years.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Document Type

Canada: National disability organizations receive additional funding to support and enhance accessible  communications and engagement activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Submitted by siha on (06.06.2020) The Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, announced an additional $1.1 million in funding to support national disability organizations through the Social Development Partnership Program - Disability Component to enhance their communications and engagement activities to better address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on persons with disabilities.

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Non, les salariés français ne travaillent pas moins que leurs voisins

Submitted by gfilhon on

De l'usage des statistiques pour justifier la politique d'emploi que l'on souhaite développer. 

Global challenges
Employment policies
Employment of young workers
Document Type

Un guide décliné en 18 langues qui présente le système de santé suisse |

Submitted by fabbri on

Atousante (10.01.2018) Le système de santé suisse est complexe, à fortiori pour les personnes qui ne sont pas nées en Suisse. Ce guide décliné en 18 langues, intitulé « Guide de santé pour la Suisse » est accessible gratuitement en ligne. Il donne des informations à propos de la prise en charge médicale en Suisse,  la promotion de la santé, la prévention, sur les assurances maladies et accidents ainsi que sur les droits et devoirs des patientes et des patients. Il résulte d’une collaboration entre l’OFSP, Office fédéral de la santé publique et la Croix rouge suisse.

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Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors: Leading multinationals highlight importance of social protection

Submitted by fabbri on

ILO (24.10.2017) Representatives of more than a dozen multinational enterprises met in Geneva to highlight the importance of investment in social protection floors for growth in emerging markets.

Social protection floor
Document Type

Politique nationale de protection sociale au Burkina Faso : Des acteurs s’outillent pour améliorer la qualité des informations et documents produits

Submitted by monitor on (26.07.2017) La mise en œuvre réussie de la Politique nationale de protection sociale requiert le renforcement des capacités des différents acteurs impliqués. Conscient de cela, le secrétariat permanent du Conseil national pour la protection sociale organise un séminaire de formation au profit d’une quarantaine de participants issus des Organisations non gouvernementales et Associations de développement du domaine.

Regions / Country
burkina faso
Social assistance

Burkina Faso: Diffusion de la Politique nationale de protection sociale : Un séminaire à l’attention des journalistes

Submitted by monitor on (14.07.2015) Du 14 au 16 juillet 2015 se tient à Kombissiri un séminaire de diffusion de la Politique nationale de protection sociale (PNPS) au profit des professionnels des médias publics et privés. Initié par le secrétariat permanent du Conseil national pour la protection sociale, le lancement a été fait par le secrétaire général du premier ministère, Youma Zerbo représentant le premier ministre.

Regions / Country
burkina faso
Social policies & programmes