Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
[Meinung] Deutschland: Altersvorsorge: Jetzt neue Modelle der Betriebsrente möglich! | fabbri | (29.01.2018) Seit dem 1. Januar 2018 ist das Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz (BRSG) in Kraft. Arbeitgeber können wählen, ob sie ihren Arbeitnehmern zukünftig im Rahmen eines Sozialpartnermodells eine Zielrente als Betriebsrente anbieten oder eine beitragsbezogene betriebliche Altersvorsorge (bAV) mit Garantie. Wie sollen sie sich entscheiden? Müssen sie sich überhaupt entscheiden? |
managing reforms | Pensions | germany |
Alcanza Brasil un déficit récord en el sistema de la seguridad social | | fabbri | Spanish.xinhuanet (29.01.2018) Brasil registró un déficit en su sistema de Seguridad Social de 57.100 millones de dólares en 2017, lo que equivale al 2,8 por ciento del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) previsto para el año, informó hoy el gobierno. Según los datos divulgados por el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS), se trata del mayor déficit desde 1995, cuando empezó la serie histórica, y supera el de 2016, de 46.800 millones de dólares. El aumento de un año al otro fue del 21,8 por ciento en este régimen general. La previsión del gobierno para el déficit en 2017 era de 57.900 millones de dólares. |
brics, economic crisis | Pensions, Financing | brazil |
The Rwanda Social Security Board to partner with MobiCash for health insurance payments | fabbri | Telecompaper (29.01.2018) The Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) announced plans to partner with MobiCash to ease collection of payment for community-based health insurance (mutuelle de sante) across the country, New Times reported. According to Deogratias Ntigurirwa, in charge of the Mutuelle de Sante mobilisation and registration division at RSSB, subscribers are expected to start using the new digital platform in June. |
digital platforms | Health | rwanda |
France: La Sécu veut informer les entreprises sur les motifs d'absence des salariés | fabbri | europe1 (30.01.2018) Cette expérimentation doit permettre aux entreprises de mieux lutter contre l'absentéisme en amorçant "une réflexion sur leurs conditions de travail". |
Health | france | |
South Korea's average retirement age rose to 61.1 in 2017 | fabbri | The Korea Herald (29.01.2018) The average retirement age for salaried workers topped 61 years last year as a law raising the retirement age for employees to 60 came into full effect, the labor ministry said Sunday. The average retirement age for salaried workers topped 61 years last year as a law raising the retirement age for employees to 60 came into full effect, the labor ministry said Sunday. The average retirement age for salaried workers topped 61 years last year as a law raising the retirement age for employees to 60 came into full effect, the labor ministry said Sunday. |
Pensions | korea, Republic of | |
Belgique: La vague migratoire coûte d'abord à la sécurité sociale et rapporte ensuite | fabbri | (29.01.2018) Selon le président de la N-VA Bart de Wever, "il faut choisir: ouvrir les frontières ou préserver notre système social". Une opposition qui est fausse et qui n'a pas lieu d'être selon l'opposition. Vérifions à l'aide de chiffres. |
migration | Migration, Financing | belgium |
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) - Statistics | mancovega | ESCAP works to improve the use of statistics for evidence-based decision-making and to develop and disseminate quality statistics for inclusive, sustainable and resilient societies in the ESCAP region. Quality statistics, that is statistics that are relevant, accurate, timely, value for money, accessible to all and free from political interference are the foundation for good governance. |
Employment, Governance and administration, Demographic change | Asia | |
Workforce wellbeing makes sound business sense – Director magazine | fabbri | Director magazine (25.01.2018) To conclude the roundtable discussion on the benefits of a focus on wellbeing at work, Director asks Bev Messinger, CEO of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, to reflect on the key points raised Could the strong link between employee wellbeing and business performance be part of the solution to the UK’s sluggish productivity? A growing number of businesses think so. Directors are investing in systems, processes and talent to create cultures and work environments that are drawing discretionary effort from their workforces. This marks a big step forward in workplace safety and health. |
youth employment | Employment of young workers | |
La santé redéfinie par les technologies | fabbri | Lw Temps (25.01.2018) Des pilules connectées aux ambulances 5G en passant par les robots chirurgiens… A Davos, les patrons de Microsoft, Pfizer ou encore Nokia ont dessiné la santé de demain |
Health, Service quality | ||
[Report] Technology and pensions | fabbri | oecd (16.01.2018) Technology is rapidly transforming the way that the financial sector is operating, and the management and delivery of pensions is no exception. Innovative applications of technology for financial services, or FinTech, are already being used to improve communication with consumers and their engagement with their pension plans. FinTech also has great potential to help pension providers make their internal processes more efficient and improve their risk management. The possibilities that new technologies offer are driving changes in business models and the way in which financial products are delivered to consumers. These changes can lead to increased consumer benefit through lower costs and increased accessibility of pensions. While regulators are keen to promote innovative ideas that can lead to consumer benefit, they also have to proceed with caution to ensure that consumer protection is not overlooked. Many jurisdictions are dedicating significant resources to keep up with the rapid technologically-driven changes so that the regulation can strike a balance that is both adequate and appropriate in this new environment. |
digital economy | Pensions, Risk management | |
HelpAge International and the network in Asia Pacific | mancovega | is an initiative of HelpAge International network members in Asia Pacific. It is coordinated by HelpAge International's Asia Pacific Regional Office. |
Pensions, Population ageing, Long-term care | Asia | |
Think Asia | mancovega | Open access repository with Knowledge from Asia’s Top Think Tanks. Jointly developed and produced by Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program and the Asian Development Bank Institute. |
Health, Migration, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes | Asia | |
Towards a Reskilling Revolution | massetti | World Economic Forum (22.01.2018) As the types of skills needed in the labour market change rapidly, individual workers will have to engage in life-long learning if they are to achieve fulfilling and rewarding careers. Using big data analytics of online job postings, the methodology in this report demonstrates the power of a data-driven approach to discover reskilling pathways and job transition opportunities. |
Employment, Employment policies, Information and communication technology | ||
Social Protection Index (SPI) | mancovega | The SPI database was developed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as a repository of country-level data on social protection programs e.g., social insurance, social assistance and labor market programs in Asia and the Pacific. The main objective is to have an internationally comparable database of government-financed social protection programs including expenditure, coverage, size of benefits and distributional impact on poverty and gender. It enables in-depth analysis of social protection at the country and regional levels while capturing the adequacy of social protection in a country by looking at program expenditures, coverage, distribution, and impact. With uniformity in metrics and methods, the SPI can be used as a benchmark to improve social protection through better design, coverage, gender equity, and poverty targeting. |
database | Social policies & programmes | Asia |
[Report] Supporting ageing workforce key to tackling future US economic challenges | fabbri | OECD (24.01.2018) Providing American seniors with better work incentives and opportunities will be crucial for the United States to meet the challenges of its rapidly ageing population. By 2028, more than one in five Americans will be aged 65 and over, up from fewer than one in six today, according to a new OECD report. |
Old-age pensions, Population ageing | United States | |
[Report] France: improving the efficiency of the health-care system | fabbri | OECD (15.01.2018) France’s health-care system offers high-quality care. Average health outcomes are good, public satisfaction with the health-care system is high, and average household out-of-pocket expenditures are low. As in other OECD countries, technology is expanding possibilities for life extension and quality, and spending is rising steadily, while an ageing population requires substantially more and different services. The main challenges are to promote prevention and cost-efficient behaviour by care providers, tackle the high spending on pharmaceuticals, strengthen the role of health insurers as purchasing agents and secure cost containment. Good-quality information and appropriate financing schemes would ensure stronger efficiency incentives. Disparities of coverage across social groups and health services suggest paying greater attention to co-ordination between statutory and complementary insurance provision. Ongoing reforms to improve prevention and co-ordination among care providers are steps in the right direction. However, progress in the development of capitation-based payment schemes, which can reduce the incentives to increase the number of medical acts and encourage health professionals to spend more time with their patients, and performance-based payment schemes in primary care need to be stepped up to respond to the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and curb supplier-induced demand and social disparities in access to care. |
universal health care | Health, Health insurance, Safety and health at work | france |
New portal from Australian government provides one-stop access to digital mental health services | massetti | OpenGovAsia (08.11.2017) Evidence shows that for many people, digital interventions can be as effective as face-to-face services. |
self-services, service delivery | Health, E-services, Service quality | australia |
France: L’allongement du congé paternité est étudié | fabbri | Le monde (23.01.2018) La secrétaire d’Etat à l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, Marlène Schiappa, a annoncé qu’un rapport avait été commandé pour tenter d’améliorer la condition des pères lors d’une naissance. |
Family benefits | france | |
[Report] ILO: World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2018 | fabbri | ILO (22.01.2018) The ILO’s flagship report shows that while the global unemployment rate is stabilizing, unemployment and decent work deficits will stay at persistently high levels in many parts of the world. As the global economy recovers but with a growing labour force, global unemployment in 2018 is projected to remain at a similar level to last year’s, says a new report by the International Labour Organization (ILO). |
labour markets | Employment | |
France: L’allongement du congé paternité est étudié | massetti | (23.01.2018) La secrétaire d’Etat à l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, Marlène Schiappa, a annoncé qu’un rapport avait été commandé pour tenter d’améliorer la condition des pères lors d’une naissance. |
Parental leave | france | |
OIT: Emplois - Chômage: une légère baisse attendue en 2018 | fabbri | TDG (23.01.2018) L a situation restera «mitigée» pour l'emploi dans le monde en 2018. Après trois ans de hausse, le taux de chômage devrait un peu reculer, mais le nombre de demandeurs est stable à un peu moins de 193 millions de personnes, a indiqué lundi l'OIT à Genève. |
labour markets | Employment, Unemployment | |
Uruguay: Infancia vulnerable y déficits de protección social | fabbri | Diario La República (21.01.2018) La protección social de la infancia debería ser una prioridad mundial; sin embargo, el gasto promedio de los países para tales fines, sin contar la salud, apenas equivale el 1,1 por ciento del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB), alertó Naciones Unidas. Aunque las cuantías en relación con el PIB muestran notables diferencias entre estados y regiones, el saldo general denota la vulnerabilidad de millones de infantes, tanto en naciones ricas como pobres. |
poverty | Difficult-to-cover groups | uruguay |
France: Retraite - à quelles majorations peut prétendre un salarié ? | fabbri | Le Monde (22.01.2018) A l’heure où chaque trimestre compte pour le calcul de la retraite, il est utile de connaître les différents dispositifs de majorations qui existent. Pour chaque enfant : quatre trimestres sont attribués à la mère au titre de la maternité. En cas d’adoption d’un enfant mineur, quatre trimestres sont répartis entre les parents selon leur choix. A ces trimestres de maternité, ou d’adoption, sont ajoutés jusqu’à quatre trimestres au titre de l’éducation de l’enfant. Par défaut attribués à la mère, ils peuvent être répartis entre les parents. |
Pensions | france | |
Maroc : ce qui va changer avec la réforme de la Sécurité sociale | fabbri | JeuneAfrique (19.01.2018) Le Parlement marocain s'apprête à examiner un amendement à la loi sur la sécurité sociale, qui prévoit une transmission numérique des données des plus grosses entreprises et un meilleur contrôle des déclarations médicales. Faciliter la relation avec les entreprises et se donner les moyens d’un contrôle plus efficace… La Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) fait d’une pierre deux coups. Avec le projet de loi adopté en Conseil de gouvernement et qui devrait être prochainement soumis au Parlement, le régime de sécurité sociale, dont le cadre remonte à 1972, fait un saut dans la modernité. |
Health insurance, Error, evasion and fraud | morocco | |
New technology: destroyer or creator of jobs? | fabbri | Euronews (18.01.2018) Advances in technology are having a big impact on a broad range of industries, provoking intense debate about the future of work. Workers across the world are increasingly aware of what many consider an existential threat to a wide array of jobs. Safe and efficient autonomous vehicles, for example, may make truck drivers obsolete in the not too distant future. At the same time, advocates of technology argue, people around the planet are finding new and often better opportunities thanks to continuing industrial innovation. The world of work is changing, from Silicon Valley to the Nile Valley, where Spotlight visited to discover how developments in agri-technology are revolutionising crop cultivation. |
Employment |