Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Kazakh Labour and Social Protection Ministry to focus on self-employed workforce, digitisation | massetti | (15.02.2018) The Kazakh Ministry of Labour and Social Protection will focus on formalising the self-employed workforce and continue digital transformation in the field in 2018, according to newly-appointed Minister Madina Abylkassymova. |
egovernment, self-employed | Unemployment, Service quality | kazakhstan |
New toolkit helps public employment services strengthen national career and lifelong learning approaches - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission | massetti | The Practitioner's toolkit for PES Building Career Guidance and Lifelong Learning presents concepts and tools for public employment services (PES) to assess needs and strengthen the career guidance and lifelong learning system and services. PES have a major role to play in career guidance and lifelong learning, especially considering the increased demands for a skilled labour force in a constantly changing labour market. The practitioner’s toolkit provides answers to the following questions, among others:
Moreover, it provides a template for drafting an action plan. It uses instruments like forecasting, partnership building, collaboration with employers, a multi-channelling approach, staff monitoring and capacity building. |
Employment | Europe | |
Suisse: Les androïdes payeront-ils leurs cotisations sociales? | fabbri | Le Temps (13.02.2018) Le salariat s’effiloche et c’est tout notre système social qui devra être revu pour protéger les travailleurs vulnérables de la «gig economy». A l’ère du travail indépendant et des robots collaboratifs, il faudra trouver le moyen d’asseoir une solidarité 4.0 |
Information and communication technology | switzerland | |
CEPAL publica nueva edición del Anuario Estadístico con datos relevantes sobre el desarrollo de la región | fabbri | CEPAL (09.02.2018) La versión 2017 presenta información actualizada para un conjunto seleccionado de indicadores socio-demográficos, económicos y ambientales de los países de América Latina y el Caribe. |
data analytics, economic crisis, sustainability | latin america | |
[Interview] Vietnam: Retirement age must increase | fabbri | Vietnam News (07.02.2018) The average Vietnamese lives to 73.4 years - 70.8 for men and 76.1 for women. However, the average retirement age for both men and women is only 54.2 years old, 55.6 for men and 52.6 for women. Generally speaking, the years of participating in social-insurance for men is 28 years and 23 years for women while their years of enjoying the retirement pension is 18.1 years for men and 24.5 years for women. |
Pensions, Financing | vietnam | |
[Analysis] Ethiopia: Public Ownership Key to Sustainable Social Protection System | fabbri | allAfrica (12.02.2018) Although, Ethiopia has an array of formal and informal support mechanisms, programs, action plans and interventions that aims at serving a variety of social protection purposes, the most direct - the National Social Policy - is designed as part and parcel of an integrated approach to the progressive realization of social and economic rights noted in article 41 of the constitution, which state, "The State shall, within available means, allocate resources to provide rehabilitation and assistance to the physically and mentally disabled, the aged, and to children who are left without parents or guardian." Yet,the country doesn't, have a comprehensive and integrated social protection system as well as a strong social welfare system and structure. |
coverage | Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers | ethiopia |
Jamaica; $6 Million Allocated for Social Protection and Labour Programme | fabbri | Jamaica Information Service (19.02.2018) A sum of $6 million has been allocated to the Integrated Social Protection and Labour Programme in the 2018/19 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives. The project, which got under way in December 2012, aims to support the Government of Jamaica’s efforts to improve human capital and labour market outcomes for the poor by enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of key social-protection programmes |
Financing | jamaica | |
An executive’s guide to AI | McKinsey & Company | massetti | artificial intelligence | |||
World Population Ageing 2017 | massetti | UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division |
Does Blockchain Have A Place In Healthcare? | ruggia | (08.05.2017) Blockchain technology is making headlines everywhere. If you have recently attended any tech events it is highly likely that you came out of them having heard just that bit more about it. Everybody is talking about blockchain--from the President of the United States to the Nigerian government. |
digital platforms | Health, Information and communication technology | |
SimplyVital Health Is Using Blockchain To Revolutionize Healthcare | ruggia | It’s no secret that America has a complicated relationship with healthcare. And with all the uncertainty of 2017 looming large over 2018, it can feel like a subject you just want to avoid reading about altogether. But one startup is out to change all that. SimplyVital Health is using blockchain technology to give the healthcare industry a facelift. The company has developed two products, both of which address different aspects and targets within the industry: ConnectingCare and Health Nexus. |
blockchain | Health, Information and communication technology | United States |
First employment centre at Jordan Refugee camp: Job centre for Syrian refugees opens in Jordan camp | fabbri | ILO (22.02.2018) The ILO and UNHCR launch the Azraq Centre for Employment to help refugees access work permits and find employment. The Azraq Centre for Employment (ACE), set up in coordination with the Government of Jordan and sponsored by the Dutch Government, aims to facilitate access to formal work opportunities across Jordan for Syrian refugees living in the camp. |
poverty, transnational workers | Employment | syria, jordan |
Odisha Governor Dr. S.C. Jamir inaugurates International Symposium “Vision Zero-From Problems to Practical Solutions” | fabbri | OdishaDiary (222.02.2018) Bhubaneswar: Work plays a central role in people’s lives. Therefore, work environments should be safe and healthy. Yet this is not the case for many workers. Every day workers all over the world are faced with a multitude of health hazards and even there are instances of fatal injuries. This, of course, prompted a number of legislations by government and a series of collective and concerted actions by industry stakeholders. Even so, we cannot afford to let up on our efforts. Workplace safety and health cannot be compromised and it needs to be given always a top priority, said Governor Dr. S.C. Jamir. |
issa | Occupational accidents and diseases, Workplace health promotion, Safety and health at work, Prevention of occupational risks | |
10 imperatives for Europe in the age of AI and automation | ruggia | Report McKinsey Global Institute (October 2017) Europe, while making progress, is behind the US and China in capturing the opportunities of artificial intelligence and automation. Digitization is everywhere, but adoption is uneven across companies, sectors, and economies, and the leaders are capturing most of the benefits. Accelerating progress in AI and automation now bring further opportunities for users, businesses, and the economy. Europe, while making progress, is behind the United States and China. This briefing note was prepared for the European Union Heads of State Tallinn Digital Summit, which brought together heads of state and CEOs to discuss the steps needed to enable people, enterprises, and governments to fully tap into the potential of innovative technologies and digitization. |
artificial intelligence , robotization | Employment, Information and communication technology | Europe |
Suisse: Chômeurs âgés: pour une alternative à l'aide sociale | fabbri | TDG (22.02.2018) De plus en plus de personnes sans emploi terminent à l'aide sociale. Une situation qui nécessite une action pour la Conférence suisse des institutions d'action sociale. |
Old-age pensions, Employment policies | switzerland | |
[Opinión] La tecnología y el trabajo | fabbri | La Prensa (21.02.2018) En mayo 2017, el McKinsey Global Institute se sumó al creciente número de organizaciones que se pronuncian con respecto al impacto de la tecnología sobre el futuro del trabajo. En un informe preparado por James Manyika, titulado Tecnología, empleos y el futuro del trabajo, advierte que la automatización, las plataformas digitales y otras innovaciones están cambiando la naturaleza fundamental del trabajo, por lo que comprender estos cambios puede ayudar a los líderes políticos, empresariales y sindicales a sacar provecho de estas tendencias.La automatización habilitada por tecnologías que incluyen la robótica e inteligencia artificial ofrece la promesa de una mayor productividad, eficiencia, seguridad y comodidad.menos al 323-6400. |
Information and communication technology | ||
Labor Markets and Social Security Information System (SIMS) | mancovega | The SIMS (The Information System on Labor Markets and Social Security) is the main source of information on labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. It contains comparable statistics, institutional information and academic publications about labor markets in IDB country members. This platform, thought as a tool for researchers and labor policymakers, aims to support development initiatives in the region by strengthening evidence-based policy design. The IDB Labor Markets Division (LMK) created the SIMS in 2015 as an open space for decision makers, labor-market experts, researchers, university students and key regional stakeholders who have a special interest in the areas of labor policy, skills development, employability and social security. |
database | Employment, Employment policies, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes | latin america |
Acuerdo tripartito facilitará transición de economía informal hacia economía formal en Costa Rica | fabbri | Diario Digital Nuestro País (20.02.2018) Representantes de los sectores sociales en la Mesa de Diálogo que aborda el tema de la informalidad en el mercado de trabajo, firmaron este 20 de febrero el acuerdo de implementación de la Estrategia Integral de Transición a la Economía Formal en Costa Rica, que tiene como objetivo facilitar la transición de las personas trabajadoras y las unidades económicas de la economía informal a la economía formal. |
labour markets, poverty | Difficult-to-cover groups | costa rica |
Acuerdo tripartito facilitará transición de economía informal hacia economía formal en Costa Rica | fabbri | Diario Digital Nuestro País (20.02.2018) Representantes de los sectores sociales en la Mesa de Diálogo que aborda el tema de la informalidad en el mercado de trabajo, firmaron este 20 de febrero el acuerdo de implementación de la Estrategia Integral de Transición a la Economía Formal en Costa Rica, que tiene como objetivo facilitar la transición de las personas trabajadoras y las unidades económicas de la economía informal a la economía formal. |
poverty | Employment | costa rica |
What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages: Jobs lost, jobs gained | massetti | McKinsey (Nov 2017) In an era marked by rapid advances in automation and artificial intelligence, new research assesses the jobs lost and jobs gained under different scenarios through 2030. |
Swaziland to host regional liaison office for global social security body | fabbri | Journal du Cameroun (21.02.2018) Swaziland has been selected to host the International Social Security Association (ISSA) liaison office for southern Africa for the next six years, APA learnt here on Tuesday.ISSA is a global organisation that brings together national security social administrators and was founded in 1927. It has 330 member organisations in 158 countries. |
issa | Africa | |
China: Shanghai to launch long-term care insurance in 2018 | -zhu | xinhuanet (26.12.2017) Shanghai will launch a long-term care insurance program in 2018, expected to benefit three million elderly people, local authorities said Tuesday. Shanghai, one of the 15 pilot cities in China to implement long-term care insurance, carried out the program on a pilot basis in three districts of Xuhui, Putuo and Jinshan in 2017. About 25,000 elderly people applied for care services and 14,000 of them became beneficiaries. From 2018, urban and rural residents who are aged 60 and older, and are recipients of health care insurance, can participate in the program. |
Medical care, Disability, Extension of coverage, Long-term care | Asia, china | |
Old-Age Disability in China: Implications for Long-Term Care Policies in the Coming Decades | -zhu | (2012) Old-age disability and long-term care (LTC) have not yet been well studied in China. Using logistic regressions and a prevalence ratio projection model, and considering international practices, this dissertation addresses three research questions: What are the key risk factors for old-age disability in China? What are the projected numbers of older adults with disabilities in China in future decades through 2050? How can China develop a feasible and sustainable LTC delivery and financing system to address projected growth in LTC needs of this population over the next four decades? |
Asia, china | ||
8 New Jobs That Didn’t Exist Before the Digital Economy | -zhu | The world today is immensely different than the world of ten years ago. Ten years ago, the internet was abuzz with talk of “Web 2.0,” people were most concerned about setting their top-eight friends on Myspace and the world was just being introduced to the first iPhone. Since then, the internet and all things digital have continued their rapid growth. That’s no surprise there, as you’re most likely reading this article from a mobile device. This new age of widespread interconnectivity and the accompanying business growth spurred by it is now being referred to as the digital economy. The digital economy encompasses all the services, products and businesses that lay within the web. As more and more products are being sold online, the digital economy grows, and with it, new jobs are created to keep up with the volume and demand of services. These jobs did not exist ten years ago, but combine traditional fields such as business, sales, marketing, design, finance and management with up-and-coming technology and you’ve got today’s digital economy. |
artificial intelligence , big data, labour markets | Employment, Information and communication technology | |
Digital economy and the future of social security : Administration | -zhu | Speech of ISSA Secretary General in Ireland, 9 November 2017 |
digital economy, issa, labour markets | Employment, Information and communication technology |