Parental leave

Maternity and Paternity benefits launched in Oman: pioneering social insurance reforms in the Gulf region

Submitted by pmassetti on
International Labour Organization (17.07.2024) Oman has launched the implementation of new social insurance maternity benefits that are set to significantly improve labour market opportunities for women in the Sultanate. The new scheme is part of ambitious and wide-ranging social protection reforms in Oman, developed with the support of the ILO and adopted in July 2023. It improves and expands maternity benefits for mothers employed in full-time jobs and includes a provision for paternity leave. The system is in line with key requirements of ILO Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No.
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Volvo Cars Family Bond gives all employees 24 weeks paid parental leave - Volvo Cars Global Media Newsroom

Submitted by rruggia on

Volvo Cars is opting in its 40,000+ employees around the globe, in all plants and offices, into a new all-gender, paid parental leave policy as of April 1, 2021. The ‘Family Bond’ policy will give all employees with at least one year’s service a total of 24 weeks of leave at 80 per cent of their base pay by default. The policy applies to either parent and the leave can be taken anytime within the three first years of parenthood.

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Latvia: Child care benefit to be used unlimited

Submitted by mmarquez on

The child care benefit during COVID-19 pandemic will remain available to be used an unlimited number of times until June 2021, as provided by amendments to the Law on Maternity and Sickness Insurance approved by Latvian Saeima’s Social and Employment Matters Committee. The benefit will not be paid if a person is employed, performs economic operations and gains income. The benefit will not be available if the person is paid sick leave, parent, maternity, paternity or idle-period benefits.

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Family benefits
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Norway: Care allowance for parents doubled until March 2021

Submitted by mmarquez on (03.11.2020) The care allowance rules will be extended until June 2021, and the quotas will also be doubled in 2021. This means that a family next year will be entitled to at least 40 days of care allowance, compared with 20 days in a normal situation. In addition, the rules on sickness benefits in the event of infection or suspected infection will be extended until March.  

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Family benefits
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Sweden: Expanded opportunities for temporary parental benefit

Submitted by siha on

Government Offices of Sweden (11.05.2020) Parents who have to stay home from work to care for children, whose schools are closed to limit the spread of the virus, will be eligible for temporary parental benefit. In such situations, parents will receive approximately 90 per cent of the daily allowance they would normally receive in temporary parental benefit.

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Belgium: Temporary parental allowance for the self-employed

Submitted by siha on

Federal Public Service - Social Security (20.05.2020) May 16, 2020, the Council of Ministers approved a temporary parental allowance for the self-employed.

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Parental leave
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