Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
En Europe, les femmes gagnent 16,2% de moins que les hommes | fabbri | boursier (08.03.2018) Eurostat a publié des données sur les écarts de rémunération moyens entre homme et femme sur une base brute en 2016 dans l'Union européenne. À la veille de la journée internationale de la femme, Eurostat a publié quelques résultats d'une étude réalisée sur les rémunérations des européens et des européennes. Elle fait apparaître un décalage moyen de 16,2% aux dépens des femmes sur l'année 2016 et permet de battre en brèche quelques idées reçues sur une Europe du Nord qui serait plus progressiste que l'Europe du Sud. |
Inequalities | Europe | |
Parents in the domestic labor market - Maternity / paternity leave fund | -gerecke | Maternity / paternity leave Parents are entitled to payments from the Maternity / Paternity Leave Fund after having been continuous for 6 months in the domestic labor market before the date of birth of the child or the time when a child enters the home upon adoption or permanent foster care. The employment rate per month must be at least 25%. |
ssptw | Maternity, Parental leave | iceland |
Towards a shock-sensitive social protection system in Malawi | massetti | Malawi faces recurrent cyclical crises that prevent long-term poverty reduction. The country has a high exposure to climate risks – such as dry spells, drought and flooding. These, combined with high levels of poverty, food insecurity, and vulnerability to seasonal patterns of production and consumption, result in frequent shocks and emergencies. |
malawi | ||
Schweiz: Eckwerte zur Altersvorsorge - Frauen und Mehrwertsteuer sollen AHV stabilisieren | fabbri | SRF (03.03.2018) Nach dem Absturz des Reformpakets Altersvorsorge 2020 im September 2017 hat Bundespräsident Alain Berset die neuen Eckwerte für die finanzielle Stabilisierung der AHV vorgestellt. Neu soll in der AHV ein Referenzalter von 65 Jahren für Frauen und Männer gelten. Ausgleichsmassnahmen bei den Frauen sind vorgesehen. Der Zeitpunkt der Pensionierung wird flexibilisiert, sodass zwischen 62 und 70 Jahren die ganze Rente oder ein Teil davon bezogen werden kann. Mittelfristig soll die AHV mit einer einmaligen Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer um maximal 1,7 Prozentpunkte ausreichend finanziert werden. |
managing reforms | Old-age pensions, Financing | switzerland |
China building world's most powerful, 1.3 billion-person facial recognition system: Reports | -zhu | (13.10.2017) China is building the world's most powerful facial recognition system which aims to identify any one of its 1.3 billion citizens within three seconds, reported South China Morning Post. |
biometric | china | |
OCDE propone igualar progresivamente edad de jubilación entre mujeres y hombres | fabbri | El Mostrador (28.02.2018) La organización llamó a aumentar progresivamente la edad de jubilación de las chilenas, para disminuir las desigualdades. Ministro Eyzaguirre sostuvo que no existen las condiciones actualmente para poder aplicar la medida. |
family_gender_society | Old-age pensions | |
[Analysis] The world’s richest countries guarantee mothers more than a year of paid maternity leave. The U.S. guarantees them nothing. | fabbri | Washington Post (05.03.2018) Twenty-five years ago President Bill Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act, which included a provision giving eligible workers 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a new child. Emphasis on “unpaid.” The United States remains the only country in the developed world that does not mandate employers offer paid leave for new mothers, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. |
family | ||
US: Women's History and Social Security | fabbri | effinghamdaily (28.02.2018) March is Women’s History Month. This is a time to focus not just on women’s achievements, but on the challenges women continue to face. In the 21st century, more women work, pay Social Security taxes, and earn credit toward monthly retirement income than at any other time in our nation’s history. Knowing this, you can take control of your own rich and independent history, with knowledge you can get from Social Security. |
Extension of coverage | United States | |
Europe: Posted Workers: More Europe Is More Freedom | fabbri | socialeurope (05.03.2018) ill the period of postings be shortened from 24 months to 12 (with a potential 6-month extension) as proposed last week by the negotiators on behalf of the European Parliament, the Council and Commission? The current talks between European Parliament and EU Council on amendments to the Posted Workers Directive may well be concluded during the current Bulgarian Presidency. The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) is scheduled to hold its next meeting on March 15, followed by two further informal meetings in April. This is when key decisions on the future rules for the posting of workers are expected to be taken. |
migration | Employment policies | Europe |
[Opinion] Why We Need Transnational Social Protection for Migrants | massetti | UA Magazine (18.02.2018) According to the International Organization for Migration, in 2015 the number of international migrants worldwide—people residing in a country other than their country of birth—reached 244 million. |
France: L'intelligence artificielle dans la santé ouvre le champ des possibles | fabbri | Les Echos (03.03.2018) La masse de données manipulées par le secteur médical offre d'innombrables perspectives d'exploitation pour améliorer la prise en charge individuelle des patients. |
big data | Health, Information and communication technology | france |
Comment les Indiens vivent la plus grande expérience de système d’identité biométrique au monde | massetti | (18.02.2018) Plus d’un milliard de personnes sont inscrites au programme indien Aadhaar, mais nombreux sont les oubliés du système. |
Information and communication technology | india | |
Work 4.0 – opportunities and risks | fabbri | EurActiv (02.03.2018) Digitisation is on everyone’s lips and it will change the working world in the next couple of years. For employers, this poses a range of risks – but could also create some opportunities, as a recent analysis shows. EURACTIV Germany reports. Up to 60% of today’s jobs can potentially be replaced by computers or robots through digitisation, studies say. At the same time, numerous new jobs are being created in the digital industry. A development that, according to many experts, brings more serious upheavals than the industrial revolution of the 19th century. |
labour markets | Employment policies, Information and communication technology | Europe |
Pension Fund Signed An Agreement With Sberbank - Cybersecurity | ruggia | At the 26th International Financial Congress, Sberbank and the Pension Fund entered into an agreement on interacting in the area of cybersecurity. The document was signed by Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank and Alexey Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFRF). In accordance with this document, Sberbank and the PFRF will cooperate on cybersecurity on a mutually beneficial and pro-bono basis. The parties’ efforts will focus on counteracting cyber threats.®ionID=78&lang=en |
cybersecurity | Information and communication technology | Russian Federation |
Suisse: Vers la retraite à 65 ans pour tous et une forte hausse de la TVA pour l'AVS | -brimblecombe | (03.02.2018) Alain Berset devrait présenter vendredi au Conseil fédéral plusieurs variantes pour réformer l'AVS, a appris la RTS. Au menu: la retraite à 65 ans pour les femmes et une forte hausse de la TVA. |
policy reponse | Pensions | switzerland |
[Report] WHO: How to make sense of health system efficiency comparisons? | fabbri | WHO (01.03.2018) Improving health system efficiency is a compelling policy goal, especially in systems facing serious resource constraints. However, in order to improve efficiency we must know how to properly measure it. This new policy brief therefore proposes an analytic framework for understanding and interpreting many of the most common health care efficiency indicators. |
universal health care | Health | Europe |
En Suède, sport obligatoire pour les employés | fabbri | Le Temps (02.03.2018) La marque de vêtements Björn Borg, créée par l’ancienne star du tennis, impose à ses collaborateurs une heure d’exercice hebdomadaire au nom de la convivialité et de la productivité. Le cas n’est pas isolé dans le pays |
OSH | Prevention of occupational risks | sweden |
Ethical artificial intelligence - 10 essential ingredients | -treichel | OECD (24.01.2018) Artificial intelligence (AI) must put people and planet first. Discussions on the ethical use of AI are essential on a global scale to guarantee widespread implementation and a transparent solution. A global convention on ethical AI that encompasses all is the most viable guarantee for human survival.
artificial intelligence | Employment, Governance and administration, Information and communication technology, Data management, Technological transition, Policy analysis | Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe |
Luxembourg: Signature de la convention de sécurité sociale avec la république de Corée | fabbri | Le gouvernement luxembourgeois (01.03.2018) Le ministre de la Sécurité sociale, Romain Schneider, et l’ambassadeur de la république de Corée, Son Excellence Hyoung-zhi Kim, ont signé le 1er mars 2018 la convention de sécurité sociale entre le grand-duché de Luxembourg et la république de Corée. |
International agreements | korea, Republic of, luxembourg | |
South Korea Shortens 'Inhumanely Long' Workweek | -treichel | NPR (01.03.2018) Employees in South Korea work long hours: 2,069 hours per worker annually – the second-highest among the Economic Cooperation and Development states, after Mexico. In the United States, that figure is 1,783. Those long hours went hand-in-hand with the country's booming economy in the 1980s and '90s. But for all those hours worked, South Korea's labor productivity is low, and so is population growth — the country has one of the world's lowest birth rates. This week its parliament passed a bill that aims to restore some quality of life, by cutting the maximum workweek to 52 hours — down from 68. |
Employment, Employment policies, Human resource management | korea, Republic of | |
India's Aadhaar: A Unique Opportunity for Innovating in Digital Trust, But an Opportunity Easy to Squander | massetti | (23.01.2018) As India's Prime Minister headlines the Davos gathering and highlights the country's unique situation and economic potential, it is important to note that India can offer two major digital innovations to the world: the number zero and a unique ID system for a billion people. With mismanagement and lack of visionary leadership and innovation, its contributions could reduce to a single one: a big zero. |
biometric, egovernment | Information and communication technology | india |
Digitalisation | The Forum Network, hosted by the OECD | ruggia | digital platforms | Employment, Employment policies, Information and communication technology, Service quality | ||
OpenGovAsia | massetti | OpenGov is a content platform, dedicated to sharing ICT-related knowledge and information between governments. We focus on the public sector in the Asia-Pacific region. We help governments become more Efficient, Agile, Transparent and Secure, so as to improve the lives of their citizens. |
digital economy, egovernment | Information and communication technology | Asia |
Labour issues in the digital economy | -zhu | Publication | Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Digital work platforms are transforming labor markets around the world. Firms that own, manage and deploy these work platforms have reframed employer–worker relations by defining their core business as the provision of the technology that enables certain services to be provided rather than the provision of those services, and offering their workers independent contractor arrangements rather than employee contracts. This has significant consequences in terms of wages, jobs security and other working conditions. Digital work platforms also increase worker welfare by offering unparalleled flexibility in setting work hours and most permit a workday to be segmented, allowing certain parts of the population who otherwise would not be able to work (due to other commitments or constraints) to have some source of income. At the same time, they pose significant challenges in the labor market. Companies replace employees with contract workers to control costs but this may lead to lower pay, benefits, and job security. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a policy debate on how to best prepare workers for this new reality. This document describes three main concerns: the issue of worker misclassification in digital work platforms, the lack of social security systems for workers in the gig economy that are not considered employees, and the problems that the isolating nature of on-demand work presents with respect to worker organization and the right to collective bargaining. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract .-- Introduction .-- I. Labor issues regarding the on-demand economy .-- A. Non-standard employment and employee misclassification. B. Social security in the on-demand economy. C. Collective bargaining .-- II. Looking forward. |
digital platforms | Employment, Employment policies | Americas |
Health at a Glance Asia/Pacific 2016 | -elziniy | Measuring Progress towards Universal |
Health |