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[Analyse] Dans 20 ans, les robots feront le sale boulot fabbri

Le Temps (18.03.2018) Ces prochaines années, les robots vont prendre une place considérable dans un monde du travail bouleversé. «Le Temps» a sondé trois experts, qui imaginent chacun à leur façon un nouveau paradigme qui questionne notre relation à l’emploi

labour markets
ILO Decent Work Results 2016-2017: ILO launches new app to highlight its results fabbri

ILO (12.03.2018) The ILO has launched a new web application  to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017. The ILO has launched a new web application  to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017. The app points to significant decent work results in 130 countries. With a few simple clicks, users can access detailed information on the results achieved and the ILO contribution by outcome, indicator, region and country. The app also shows how the decent work results contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs).

data analytics, digital platforms Employment
[Blog] Technology through the lens of occupational hazards and risks fabbri

ILO Blog (13.03.2018) The premise of occupational safety and health – my field of specialization — is that work should do no harm to health and in the best of worlds, should support it. But discerning whether technology and new forms of work are doing harm or doing good can often be tricky.

OSH Occupational accidents and diseases
IoT (Internet of Things) : The Solution To Improved Government Social Protection massetti

Part of the government’s role is to provide social protection for factors that make people vulnerable. For example, people face unemployment, health problems, and other factors that create physical, economic, and other problems in their lives. Government regulations work to reduce risks that make people vulnerable. When people face problems, public-sector social programs such as health insurance, social welfare, and others provide help. Here’s how the Internet of Things (IoT) could help government agencies manage social protection programs more easily and effectively.

Government of Canada Supports World Congress on Return to Work / Disability Management IFDM 2018 to be Held October 14-17, 2018 in Vancouver, BC, Canada fabbri

Business Wire (16.03.2018) The Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) is pleased to announce that the 2018 International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM) conference will receive $75,000 through the Government of Canada’s Social Development Partnerships Program-Disability (SDPP-D) component, which helps improve the lives of children and families, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable Canadians.

OSH Return to work
The limits of using 'Big Data' for development - an economist writes massetti

 Development Pathways (08.02.2018) Get your inner nerd out! The World Bank has launched a competition to help them better predict a households’ poverty status based on easy-to-collect information and machine learning algorithms. 

big data Information and communication technology, Extension of coverage, Social assistance
Expertos del gobierno chileno trabajan en una reforma al sistema de pensiones fabbri

larepublica (15.03.2018) El eje central de la propuesta previsional de este gobierno es el aumento en cuatro puntos de la cotización con cargo al empleador. También se plantea abrir la competencia a las AFP, donde se está analizando la idea de que las cajas de compensación y las compañías de seguros entren a la industria de la administración de fondos de pensiones.

managing reforms Pensions, Financing chile
[Analysis] Long-term care: How Can Europe’s Social Services Solve A Growing Recruitment Crisis? fabbri

Social Europe (15.03.2018)  Against a backdrop of ageing societies and the associated increase in long-term conditions such as dementia, long-term care is growing in importance in all European countries. Socio-demographic changes, including family formation patterns, the geographical location of family members and changes in employment are challenging the sustainability of informal unpaid care and increasing demands on formal care services. Any such increase is likely to require an almost equal demand for a higher number of social services employees, while there are growing expectations of more responsive and higher-quality, tailored social services.

family_gender_society, megatrends Demographic change, Long-term care Europe
Dépendance: la Mutualité française relance l'idée d'une assurance obligatoire fabbri

Sciencesetavenir. (15.03.2018)  Le président de la Mutualité française, Thierry Beaudet, a défendu samedi l'idée d'une assurance obligatoire pour la prise en charge de la dépendance, qui serait incluse dans les complémentaires santé "à partir d'un âge à définir".

managing reforms Old-age pensions france
[Report] Addressing the Youth Unemployment Paradox: New Directions in Social Policy in the Mena Region massetti (dec 2017) Prior to the spread of neoliberal policies in the 1980s, the standard arrangement in most of the MENA region was for the state to provide stable employment and extensive social welfare in exchange for acquiescence in the political arena. Although it stifled political dissent and participation, this social contract did bring about real progress in access to health care and education, with formal sector employees benefitting most from state-provided social protection.

arabic countries
India: Aadhaar days: In the world’s biggest biometric ID project, many have fallen through the gaps massetti (24.02.2018) Exclusion can mean lack of access to food, jobs and education and the underprivileged bear the biggest brunt.

biometric Information and communication technology india
India: The road to universal health coverage massetti

In 2005, the Government of India launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), promising to re-imagine primary healthcare and address the under-served needs of rural areas.

universal health coverage Health insurance india
The scary facts behind the gender pension gap massetti

World Economic Forum (07.03.2018) It is widely accepted that a gender gap exists. The World Economic Forum’s 2017 Gender Gap report reveals that it will take 217 years to completely remove the disparity between the sexes around the world.

Commission adopts proposals for a European Labour Authority and for access to social protection fabbri

Europa (13.03.2018) The European Commission has taken more concrete new initiatives to further deliver on the European Pillar of Social Rights. More specifically, the Commission presents its proposal for a European Labour Authority, as announced by President Juncker in his 2017 State of the Union address, as well as an initiative to ensure access to social protection for all workers and self-employed. These initiatives are accompanied by a Communication on the monitoring of the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, which will be closely linked to the European Semester of policy coordination. 

Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups Europe
Australia’s creative economy: Is freelance the way of the future issadoc ( 29.05.2017) Freelance has long been regarded as a dirty word. For years, the very idea of flying solo has struck fear into the minds of nine-to-five professionals, for whom survival is dependent on a full-time income and four weeks of annual forced-leave-at-Christmas benefits. But technology-fuelled digital disruption is starting to change the shape of the Australian workforce. The peer-to-peer (or sharing) economy — though still in its relative infancy — is one the fastest-growing models of employment across the globe and, thanks to P2P pioneers the likes of Upwork, Freelancer and Airtasker, Australians are increasingly joining the freelance revolution

digital platforms Employment policies australia
Canada: New parental-leave rules for fathers pose challenges for small businesses fabbri

theglobeandmail (09.03. 2018) Small-business owners are open to the new parental-leave rules that will encourage dads to take up to five weeks off with their newborns, but worry it could be difficult to cover the short-term staffing gap.

Family benefits, Parental leave canada
With new tech, EPF to drop withdrawal limits | Malaysia ruggia

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 15 — Employees Provident Fund (EPF) members aged 55 and 60 will be able to withdraw any amount from their account whenever they wish, starting January 2018. In a report by The Star, EPF chief executive officer Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan reportedly said this new arrangement was made possible due to an upgrade in the fund’s system. “Under the [current] EPF scheme, there are a number of restrictions on technology in terms of processing,” he was quoted saying. “With the improvement, you will be able to withdraw any amount at any time so in case of an emergency, you have access to the money,” Shahril added. Under the policy now, members may only partially withdraw at least RM2,000 once every 30 days. Currently, those who prefer monthly withdrawals must also withdraw at least RM250, but this will also be reduced to RM100 with the new system.

Information and communication technology malaysia
[Interview] France: Emploi et handicap : Les stéréotypes sont le principal frein à l’intégration des personnes handicapées fabbri

Le Monde  (12.03.2018) Eric Molinié poursuit un parcours professionnel rare, malgré sa tétraplégie. Il déplore l’énorme retard français.

Disability, Employment france
[Report] Women at work: addressing the gaps fabbri (2018) Despite progress in education and health worldwide, women still face significant barriers to engage as full economic citizens. There are significant gender gaps in wages and labour market participation. In many cases, women also face barriers and lack the assets needed to become entrepreneurs. These inequalities remain large, persistent and pervasive in many parts of the world. Addressing these gaps is not only a moral imperative; there is growing evidence that gender equality can directly foster economic growth and broad-based social development. An important aspect of women’s economic empowerment is their participation in the labour market, which is the key focus of this special issue of Policy in Focus.

Difficult-to-cover groups, Inequalities
[Report] India, Nepal, Rwanda, and Tanzania: No Time to Rest: Women’s Lived Experiences of Balancing Paid Work and Unpaid Care Work fabbri (2017) This report provides evidence on the lived experiences of women in low-income families, as they strive to balance their paid work and unpaid care work responsibilities. It presents the findings of a mixed-methods research project carried out in India, Nepal, Rwanda, and Tanzania during 2015–17. The findings of the research are clear and strong: that while women welcome the chance to earn income of almost any kind, their paid work options are few and poorly paid, and by no means contribute to their ‘economic empowerment’.

Employment rwanda, tanzania, india, nepal
[Report] Plateformisation 2027 -Conséquences de l'ubérisation en santé et sécurité au travail massetti (01.2018) L'INRS a conduit un exercice de prospective afin d'identifier les conséquences en santé et sécurité au travail des évolutions possibles de la plateformisation (ubérisation) au cours des 10 prochaines années. Ce document en est la synthèse, il met en évidence un certain nombre de points de vigilance et de nouvelles opportunités en matière de prévention.

digital platforms Occupational accidents and diseases france
Bangladesh Introduces New Digital Labor Inspection App in Effort to Improve Working Conditions fabbri

sourcingjournalonline (08.03.2018) The Bangladeshi labor inspectorate has gone digital with the launch of a new Labour Inspection Management Application (LIMA). It marks a major move in improving the working conditions for all workers in industrial sectors in Bangladesh as, according to the country’s government, it will upgrade the collection, storage and analysis of data collected during labor inspections. The app was officially introduced this week by the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

digital platforms Information and communication technology bangladesh
Schweiz: Elektronisches Patientendossier: Datenschutz als Stolperstein fabbri

Netzwoche (07.03.2018) Das Swiss E-Health Barometer hat die Einführung des elektronischen Patientendossiers unter die Lupe genommen. Das Fazit: Die Ärzte zögern und die Bevölkerung verliert das Interesse am Thema. Hauptsorge ist der Datenschutz.   Alljährlich untersucht der Swiss E-Health Barometer, was die Gesundheitsbranche in Sachen Digitalisierung umtreibt. Ein Schwerpunkt der diesjährigen, mittlerweile 8. Umfrage: die Einführung des elektronischen Patientendossiers (EPD), die seit April 2017 im Gange ist.

data management Information and communication technology, Data management switzerland
Uganda: Workers to get NSSF savings before 55 years, says Cabinet fabbri

 Daily Monitor (07.03.2018) Mr Usher Wilson Owere, the chairman of National Organisation of Trade Unions, in a tweet, welcomed the Cabinet decision, saying the amendment would save the worker’s money.  We’re saying there may be workers who have genuine reasons to request for part of their benefits before the mandatory 55 years,” Janat Mukwaya, minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development

Investment, Financing uganda
ideas42 and the World Bank take crucial steps to strengthen Social Protection Efforts with Behavioral Design for Cash Transfer Programs fabbri

prnewswire (07.03.2018)  Behavioral design lab ideas42 and the World Bank announce a new collaboration that seeks to expand the reach of behavioral innovations in social protection and improve the cost-effectiveness of cash transfer programs in sub-Saharan Africa. The Behavioral Design for Cash Transfer Programs initiative will bring behavioral innovations to cash transfer programs in six countries in the region.

megatrends, poverty Conditional cash transfers Africa