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L'Autriche va diminuer les allocations familiales pour certains fabbri

Le Figaro (02.05.2018) La coalition gouvernementale des conservateurs et de l'extrême droite au pouvoir à Vienne a présenté mercredi une réforme diminuant les allocations familiales versées pour certains enfants vivant à l'étranger, qui touchera notamment la main d'oeuvre des pays de l'Est travaillant en Autriche.

Family benefits austria
New form of work in the digital economy massetti

OECD (June 2016) This paper was prepared as a contribution to the background report of Panel 4.1 “New Market and New Jobs” of the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy, 21-23 June 2016, Cancún (Mexico). It provides new evidence on the development of online platform markets, discusses opportunities and challenges of new forms of work in platform service markets, developments of non-standard work in OECD countries, and policy issues related to new forms of work.

digital platforms Information and communication technology
OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2017 massetti

(Oct 2017) The biennial OECD Digital Economy Outlook examines and documents evolutions and emerging opportunities and challenges in the digital economy. It highlights how OECD countries and partner economies are taking advantage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet to meet their public policy objectives. Through comparative evidence, it informs policy makers of regulatory practices and policy options to help maximise the potential of the digital economy as a driver for innovation and inclusive growth, as well as looking at the potential and risks associated with the rapid development of AI and robots.

digital platforms Information and communication technology
Independent work: Choice, necessity, and the gig economy massetti

McKinsey & Company (Oct 2016) The McKinsey Global Institute examines all the ways people are earning income, as well as the challenges independent work presents.

digital platforms Information and communication technology
Uganda: Minimum Wage Reform Can Address Future Social Protection Challenges  fabbri

New Vision (08.05.2018) May 1st was yet another day for the world to commemorate Labour Day. Workers from all over the world are faced with different opportunities and challenges. When I was reflecting on the past Labour Day celebrations in Uganda, I noticed with concern that the debate on minimum wage did not take a centre stage as has always been the case. 

basic income uganda
Chinese Government pushing for integration of Internet technologies with healthcare massetti (30.04.2018) The top two levels of hospitals within the three-tier hospital system will be encouraged to provide online services, including consultation, reservation and test result inquiry. The health authority intends to issue detailed online hospital regulations by May.

Medical care china
[Report] Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and Their Impact on the Workplace massetti

(04.04.2018) The present wave of automation, driven by artificial intelligence (AI) – the development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence – is creating a gap between current legislation and new laws necessary for an emerging workplace reality, states a report published today by the International Bar Association Global Employment Institute (IBA GEI).

Information and communication technology
Social Services for Digital Citizens: Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean ruggia

iadb (2018) Disruption is the new norm and the digital transformation can spur innovation growth across many activities. Emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) can help governments reduce costs while improving services. Not every emerging technology will alter the social landscape, but some truly do have the potential to disrupt the status quo and change the way people live. This study focuses on the following key building blocks of the 4IR to examine their impact on the social services sector in Latin America and the Caribbean: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, Big Data, Virtual and Augmented Reality.


digital economy Information and communication technology latin america
Economía digital en América Latina y el Caribe: Situación actual y recomendaciones ruggia

En Latinoamérica, la productividad ha sido identificada en numerosos estudios como una de las principales barreras hacia el desarrollo. La economía digital, y en concreto el ecosistema de nuevas aplicaciones y servicios digitales, puede propiciar un impacto transversal sobre los distintos sectores económicos, con importantes mejoras productivas de eficiencia y de acceso sobre los servicios ofrecidos. Este estudio examina el grado de preparación de los países de la Región y los de la OCDE para desarrollar la economía digital a través del Índice de Desarrollo del Ecosistema de Aplicaciones (IDEA) y analiza el potencial de digitalización de cada sector, de modo que los países prestatarios del Banco puedan identificar áreas de acción clave para maximizar los beneficios asociados a las nuevas tecnologías digitales.

digital platforms Employment latin america
France: L’exécutif plaide pour une protection sociale des travailleurs « ubérisés » fabbri

Le Monde (09.05.2018) La protection sociale des travailleurs « ubérisés » va-t-elle s’améliorer ? Tel est, en tout cas, l’objectif affiché par le gouvernement et par plusieurs députés de la majorité qui veulent ajouter des mesures allant dans ce sens dans le projet de loi « avenir professionnel », examiné à ­l’Assemblée nationale à partir de la fin mai.

digital platforms Information and communication technology france
China launches national association to speed up integration of AI with healthcare | OpenGovAsia massetti (08.05.2018) The newly launched Chinese Intelligent Medicine Association will provide a platform for research, exchange and cooperation in intelligent medicine.

artificial intelligence Medical care china
Inequality and the Digital Economy | SpringerLink massetti

This chapter examines the impacts of the digital economy on employment, the drivers of change, and the options to alleviate the emerging problems. The digital economy was supposed to replace and enhance industrial jobs, but it has also accelerated the outmigration of blue-collar and service jobs, with only inadequate replacements. The impact on different income classes and generational levels has been unequal. Midpay jobs decreased while low- and high-skilled jobs rose. The chapter then discusses the economic fundamentals that shape the digital economy–highly concentrated, capital intensive, volatile, and unstable–and the consequences for digital firms and their management. They can expect new waves of political disputes, government policies, and labor unrest. Instead of claiming to be the solution and arguing that identifying a problem reflects an anti-technology Luddism, the sector would be wise to recommend, support, and finance public and private actions. Otherwise, the backlash will create forces that will restrict innovation.

Exposure to carcinogens at work in EU’s crosshairs fabbri

EurActiv (03.05.2018) The EU Agency for Safety and Health at Work has launched a joint campaign with the European Commission and the Bulgarian EU Presidency aimed at raising awareness of dangerous substances at work while sounding the alarm about the surging costs related to cancer

OSH Prevention of occupational risks european union
Longevity and the limits of the welfare state in Europe fabbri

EurActiv (04.05.2018)  In November 2017, the EU proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights. However, there are still many shortcomings within the current welfare state and unless policies reflect values then plummeting fertility rates or fading solidarity between young and old will persist, writes Anna Záborská.

Old-age pensions european union
Report recognises efforts to ensure adequate pensions in the EU, but more needs to be done fabbri

Europa (30.04.2018) The 2018 Pensions Adequacy Report analyses how current and future pensions help prevent old-age poverty and maintain the income of men and women for the duration of their retirement. It underlines that Member States pay more and more attention to sustainable, adequate pensions in their reforms, but further measures will be needed in the future.

adequacy Pensions european union
Suisse: La baisse record du chômage étonne les experts fabbri

Le Temps (08.05.2018) Le taux de chômage a reculé à 2,7%, le niveau de 2012. En Suisse romande, la baisse a été supérieure à la moyenne  Le taux de chômage continue de décliner en Suisse. Profitant d’une conjoncture favorable, il s’est inscrit à 2,7% en avril, en baisse de 0,2 point par rapport au mois précédent, selon les chiffres publiés mardi par le Secrétariat d’Etat à l’économie (Seco).

Unemployment switzerland
Estonia: New health minister doesn't support incentive-based or private health care fabbri

ERR (04.05.2018) Minister of Health and Labour Riina Sikkut (SDE), sworn in earlier this week, does not support changing Estonia's health care system away from the current solidarity-based model. Sikkut rejects the idea of a new model based on punishing people for unhealthy lifestyle choices as well as the state getting private companies to run its insurance funds.

Health promotion estonia
France: E-santé - comment la technologie repense l’assurance santé fabbri

Les Echos (03.05.2018) En s’appuyant sur la technologie, les assureurs santé cherchent à prévenir les risques et réduire les coûts de traitement tout en repensant leur relation client. Le secteur de la santé est l'un des trois piliers de l'industrie de l'assurance, avec 1 400 milliards de dollars de primes d'assurance en 2017 selon McKinsey. Les dépenses publiques de santé et de soins devraient quant à elles passer à 14 % dans les pays de l'OCDE d'ici 2060 (contre environ 6 % aujourd'hui) selon les prévisions de l'OCDE. Et, alors que l'espérance de vie augmente et que les maladies deviennent plus coûteuses à traiter, les assureurs cherchent des moyens pour prévenir les maladies et pour réduire les coûts de traitement. C'est ici que la technologie devrait être utile.

digital platforms Health promotion, ICT governance france
Ireland: Govt to launch campaign over false self-employment fabbri

RTE  (07.05,2018) The Government is to launch a public awareness campaign on false self-employment amid concerns about the rise in workers deprived of entitlements by being forced to work as self-employed. Workers categorised as self-employed may lose out on many entitlements under employment legislation, including holiday pay, sick pay, the national minimum wage, redundancy pay, as well as unemployment and other benefits.

self-employed Error, evasion and fraud ireland
Turkey's social protection expenditures grow exponentially fabbri

Daily Sabah (03.05.2018) For the last two decades, Turkey's welfare system has changed exponentially. Once "being a social state" was just a provision in the Turkish Constitution, which had no determining value in the real world. But now the country has turned into being an interesting experiment of the welfare state.

Financing turkey
How can we create sustainable healthcare systems? fabbri

Euractiv (07.05.2018) The healthcare systems of EU member states are under huge pressure to meet the growing demand for care and simultaneously support innovation in the sector.

sustainability Health promotion Europe
[Report] ILO: Informal economy - More than 60 per cent of the world’s employed population are in the informal economy fabbri

ILO (30.04.2018) A new ILO report shows that 2 billion people work informally, most of them in emerging and developing countries. The majority lack social protection, rights at work and decent working conditions.

coverage, megatrends, poverty Difficult-to-cover groups
OECD: Putting faces to the jobs at risk of automation fabbri

OECD (May 2018) Automation may also be putting downwards pressure on wages and working hours  There are reasons why the future may not be jobless

Information and communication technology
France: Epargne retraite: Ce que la réforme Pacte va changer pour les épargnants fabbri

20 Minutes (04.05.2018) Le ministre de l'Economie Bruno Le Maire a détaillé ce jeudi plusieurs mesure de sa réforme Pacte qui visent à développer l'épargne retraite des Français.Le futur projet de loi prévoit ainsi d'instaurer la « portabilité totale » des dispositifs d’épargne retraite, une option de réversion systématique pour le conjoint ou encore la possibilité généralisée de retirer en une fois les sommes placées.

Pensions, Investment, Financing france
[Editorial]|Dos mil millones de informales fabbri

Jornada net (02.05.2018) El panorama global para los trabajadores es cada vez más incierto de acuerdo a organismos internacionales. Dos mil millones de personas prestan servicios en la economía informal y la calidad del empleo es cada vez más deficiente. Se trata de una situación que ya se registró en los datos oficiales de la OIT y de la CEPAL durante los dos últimos años. Y en Bolivia la situación es muy complicada y de mayor riesgo de que aumente el desempleo.

labour markets, megatrends, poverty Difficult-to-cover groups