Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
US: NIOSH uses mobile medical screening trucks to test coal miners for black lung | fabbri | The Exponent Telegram (17.10.2017) Preventing and understanding respiratory diseases, especially those faced by coal miners, is one of the core missions of the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, Respiratory Health facility in Morgantown. A part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIOSH has facilities across the country. The one in Morgantown, next door to Ruby Memorial Hospital, opened in 1996. One of the facility’s four divisions is dedicated to respiratory health research and implementing new discoveries to the workplace. |
prevention | Prevention of occupational risks, Service quality | United States |
Le saviez-vous? | -filhon | Occupational accidents and diseases | france | ||
Dépenses sociales : la France ne va pas dans le mur | Alternatives Economiques | -filhon | Démonstration que les comptes sociaux français sont solides. |
sustainability | Financing | france |
France: Assurance chômage: les négociations se poursuivent à Matignon | fabbri | Le Figaro (17.10.2017) Après Emmanuel Macron, c'est au tour du premier ministre Édouard Philippede recevoir ce mardi les partenaires sociaux pour discuter de la réforme de l'assurance chômage, de l'apprentissage et de la formation. |
managing reforms | Unemployment | france |
Suisse: Les seniors s’imposent comme créateurs d’entreprise | fabbri | Le Temps (16.10.2017) Ces dix prochaines années, les personnes qui choisiront de devenirentrepreneurs à un stade plus avancé de leur vie seront de plus en plusnombreuses. Aux Etats-Unis, le quart des start-up sont créées par les 55 à 64 ans, analyse Jean-François Bunlon, de HSBC |
Employment | switzerland | |
One foot on the ground, one foot in the air: Ethiopia’s delivery on an ambitious development agenda | Overseas Development Institute (ODI) | ruggia | Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (sept 2015) Despite starting out with one of the lowest levels of human development in the world in the 1990s, Ethiopia is one of the few African countries on track to meet most of the Millennium Development Goals. |
Extension of coverage, Social assistance | ethiopia | |
Ethiopia: Progress Towards Ethiopian Universal Health Coverage - | ruggia | AllAfrica (06.11.2015) The World Health Organization defines universal health coverage (UHC) as a situation in which all people who need health services receive them, without incurring financial hardship. UHC is currently perceived as a crucial component of sustainable development and listed as one of the possible goals of the post-2015 development agenda. |
Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage | ethiopia | |
Ethiopia’s Investments in Health, Education and Social Protection Yield Positive Results | ruggia | (06.07.2016) Ethiopia’s investments in health, education, social protection, and infrastructure have had a positive impact on economic development and promoting shared prosperity in the country, says 2015 Ethiopia Public Expenditure Review, a new World Bank Group report released today. |
Financing, Health, Social assistance | ethiopia | |
How can social protection build resilience? Insights from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda | Overseas Development Institute (ODI) | ruggia | Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (nov 2016) In this BRACED working paper we present a synthesis of findings from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda on the role of social protection programmes in contributing to people’s capacity to absorb, anticipate and adapt to climate-related shocks and stresses. The paper reflects on the actual and potential contributions social protection can make to increase the resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable. The analysis is informed by an understanding that resilience to climate extremes and disasters cannot be built by one programme or sector alone, but requires a range of programmes that together increase the capacity of people and governments to reduce the diverse set of risks that underpin poverty and vulnerability and increase the risk of disasters. For this, the competitive advantage of different sectors needs to be identified and strengthened to form part of a wider cross-sectoral sustainable development agenda. |
Extension of coverage, Social assistance | ethiopia, kenya, uganda | |
TV : « Un monde sans travail » | fabbri | Le Monde (11.10.2017) De la Bretagne à Pittsburgh en passant par Bruxelles, San Francisco, le Tarn ou la Suisse, cet instructif documentaire à travers la planète, coécrit par Noël Mamère et Philippe Borrel, a de quoi inquiéter des millions de travailleurs. On savait les moins qualifiés déjà durement touchés par le chômage de masse en raison de la robotisation et des machines « intelligentes », plus fiables et moins coûteuses que les humains. En faisant témoigner des manutentionnaires, les auteurs mettent des mots sur les maux du travail d’aujourd’hui. |
labour markets | Employment | |
Ethiopia Social Protection: Access of the Poor and Vulnerable to Basic Social Services | | ruggia | (United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF). Ethiopia launched its National Social Protection Policy (NSPP) in 2014. The policy introduces the concept of a ‘sustainable social protection system’. Various strategies and programmes are underway to support the implementation of the NSPP, but often these are still implemented in a fragmented manner. This review has been developed in order to inform NSSP stakeholders about how other countries have moved towards a systematic approach to increase access to basic services by the poorest and promote child protection measures. Approaches reviewed include: linking safety net clients to complementary services; expanding the social workforce and the role of communities to reduce barriers to access; installing measures that promote multisectoral collaboration as well as integrated targeting and monitoring of social protection programmes. |
policy reponse | Extension of coverage, Social assistance | ethiopia |
Travail détaché : le Parlement européen sur le point de se prononcer | fabbri | Le Monde (16.10.2017) Résultat de dix-huit mois de tractations serrées, le texte, qui doit être soumis au vote lundi, ne reprend pas tous les points réclamés par Paris. |
migration | Migration | european union |
Government approves amendments to Estonia's parental leave, benefits system | monitor | News ERR (29.09.2017) The Estonian government at its Wednesday meeting approved proposals for amendments to the law which would extend paternal benefits as well as make the country's parental leave and benefits system in general more flexible. |
family_gender_society | Family benefits, Parental leave | estonia |
[Report] Measuring social protection for long-term care | -brener | OECD iLibrary (27.03.2017) This report presents the first international quantification and comparison of levels of social protection for long-term care (LTC) in 14 OECD and EU countries. Focusing on five scenarios with different LTC needs and services, it quantifies the cost of care; the level of coverage provided by social protection systems; the out-of-pocket costs that people are left facing; and whether these costs are affordable. |
Health, Long-term care | ||
Rire au travail rend-il les salariés plus performants? | fabbri | Le Temps (18.10.2017) L’humour est un baromètre de l’état de santé d’une entreprise. Bien manié, il permet de motiver les troupes et renforce la cohésion d’équipe |
OSH | Health, Health promotion, Occupational accidents and diseases, Workplace health promotion | |
Silicon Valley Pushes the Wrong Kind of Basic Income | lasalle | (10.08.2017) ' People and nations don't have to accept a future in which a small group of companies -- and, let's face it, successful tech firms are a small, oligopolistic group -- controls the fruits of what they call progress. It's up to them to tax and regulate the monopolies and oligopolies. The opaque digital advertising business, for example, is under-regulated and possibly based on false claims about audience sizes. Killing U.S. tech's notorious tax avoidance schemes and making sure they pay like everybody else might make it much easier to fund Universal Basic Income (UBI) schemes.' |
adequacy | Social assistance, Inequalities | |
Zimbabwe: NSSA launches Vision Zero Campaign | monitor | The Herald (10.10.2017) The National Social Security Authority (NSSA) has launched the Vision Zero Campaign aimed at reducing occupational injuries, fatalities and diseases. The campaign is running under the theme “Reinforcing occupational safety and health preventative culture through optimum gathering and utilisation of data”. Speaking at the launch in Harare last week, NSSA board chairperson Mr Robin Vela said the campaign was triggered by an increase in occupational diseases. |
Occupational accidents and diseases | zimbabwe | |
France: Assurance-chômage - le plus dur arrive | monitor | Les Echos (08.10.2017) Si le gouvernement a mené avec habileté les ordonnances travail, la réforme de l’assurance-chômage sera une marche plus haute à franchir. |
managing reforms | Unemployment | france |
[Opinion] The fix for American health care can be found in Europe | monitor | (10.09.2017) Policymakers should take a close look |
Health | ||
Documentaire TV : « Un monde sans travail » | fabbri | Le Monde (11.10.2017) De la Bretagne à Pittsburgh en passant par Bruxelles, San Francisco, le Tarn ou la Suisse, cet instructif documentaire à travers la planète, coécrit par Noël Mamère et Philippe Borrel, a de quoi inquiéter des millions de travailleurs. On savait les moins qualifiés déjà durement touchés par le chômage de masse en raison de la robotisation et des machines « intelligentes », plus fiables et moins coûteuses que les humains. En faisant témoigner des manutentionnaires, les auteurs mettent des mots sur les maux du travail d’aujourd’hui. |
digital economy, robotization | ||
[Rapport] Puissance publique et plateformes numériques : accompagner l'"ubérisation" | massetti | Sept 2017 - Conseil d'Etat - Les plateformes numériques ne cessent de faire irruption dans la vie quotidienne. Cette « ubérisation » de l'économie se traduit par la substitution progressive des plateformes aux intermédiaires de l'économie traditionnelle mais aussi, au-delà, aux figures instituées qui structurent nos sociétés |
digital platforms | france | |
Maroc: La CNSS s'apprête à gérer la couverture sociale et médicale des Travailleurs non salariés | monitor | H24info (07.10.2017) La Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) s'apprête à gérer la couverture sociale et médicale des Travailleurs non salariés (TNS), une catégorie sociale qui représente 5,86 millions de personnes, soit 55% de la population active occupée, a affirmé samedi, à Marrakech, le directeur général de cet établissement public, Saïd Ahmidouch. |
extending coverage | Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage | morocco |
Zimbabwe: Include informal sector on safety data, NSSA urged | monitor | The Herald (05.10.2017) Government has urged the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) to include the informal sector when gathering data on occupational health and safety. Speaking at the official opening of the NSSA National Conference on Safety and Health at Work in Harare yesterday, Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister Prisca Mupfumira said the informal sector needed to be included in all programmes as they contributed significantly to the country’s economy. |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | zimbabwe |
USA: l’augmentation vertigineuse des coûts de la santé a contribué à créer un déséquilibre social ! | monitor | Le Temps (08.10.2017) L’augmentation des coûts de la santé a un effet sur les équilibre économiques et sociaux. Si la proportion du PIB dédiée à la santé augmente fortement (c’est-à-dire plus que la moyenne des autres secteurs) alors c’est forcément au détriment des autres secteurs: nutrition, logement, éducation, transport, loisirs, etc. |
Health, Financing | United States | |
Deutschland: Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen: Digitale Patientenakte von Patienten und Ärzten gewünscht | fabbri | it-finanzmagazin (25.09.2017) Eine Studie zur Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen (Download) zeige oftmals noch eine große Lücke zwischen Anspruch und Realität. Versicherte der Privaten Krankenversicherung (PKV) wünschen sich häufig eine digitale Abrechnung, Ärzte sind dabei aber noch sehr zögerlich. Eine elektronische Patientenakte würden aber sowohl Ärzte als auch Patienten sehr begrüßen und sehen darin mehrere Vorteile. Die Studie erfolgte im Auftrag von AXA und der CompuGroup Medical Deutschland AG (CGM) und basiert auf einer repräsentativen Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts forsa. |
digital economy, service delivery | Health, Service quality | germany |