
BRICS Meeting In South Africa To Prioritise Social Security Issues

Submitted by pmassetti on (27.01.2023) Social security issues will be on top of the agenda at the BRICS countries meeting to be hosted next month by South Africa, which over the Presidency of the five-nation bloc from China on January 1 this year. South African Department of Employment and Labour's Acting Deputy Director-General of its Labour Policy and Industrial Relations section Sipho Ndebele said South Africa's Presidency of BRICS would provide it with an opportunity to promote regional and global issues on the back of skyrocketing unemployment and the health fallout created by the pandemic.


Pandemic has eroded past efforts to fix unemployment, inequality, say BRICS Ministers

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Economic Times (15.07.2021) The labour ministers of five BRICS nations -Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa on Thursday, said the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the efforts made in the past to address unemployment, decent work deficits and inequality. “Discussion on four priority areas of cooperation took place namely, promoting social security agreements amongst BRICS nations; formalisation of labour markets; participation of women in the labour force; and gig and platform workers’ role in the labour market,” it said in a statement.

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Updates on China Social Security Policies

Submitted by pmassetti on

KPMG China (15.03.2020) Hubei Province : Between February and June 2020: All enterprises enrolled in China Social Security Schemes are exempt from making employer contributions to pension, unemployment and work-related injury insurance schemes. 

Regions / Country
Contribution collection and compliance


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Why Informal Workers Are Opting Out of China’s Welfare System

Submitted by pmassetti on (09.10.2019) As China’s population continues to age, the country must increase the number of people paying into the system. But many workers in the informal sector aren’t interested.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Brazil senate approves pension reform in first-round vote after savings hit

Submitted by dfabbri on

Reuters (02.10.2019) Brazil’s Senate on Wednesday approved a landmark pension reform bill in a first round of voting, in a relief for far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, although senators voted down an amendment in a move that dilutes the reform’s projected savings.

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China's social security platform goes online

Submitted by dfabbri on

ECNS /18.09.2019) China officially kicked off a national online platform for social insurance on Sunday after a month-long test, allowing residents to process data much more easily, sometimes with the aid of facial recognition technology.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

India: Thousands Of Job Losses Reveal Rising Risks To India's Demographic Dividend

Submitted by dfabbri on

indiaspend (23.08.2019) The recent shedding of over 350,000 jobs in its automobile sector--and thousands elsewhere--is an indicator of the economic and social hurdles that jeopardise India’s demographic dividend, the growth opportunity afforded by the world’s second largest working-age population of 688 million people.

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Global challenges
Demographic change
Document Type

China: Telehealth services to be introduced in Tibetan hospitals

Submitted by dfabbri on

Xinhua (16.08.2019) The General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army (PLAGH) said Friday that it will set up 45 stations of remote medical services in public hospitals in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region in five years. PLAGH and the regional government reached a framework agreement on health and poverty alleviation in Lhasa, capital of Tibet on Friday. PLAGH will provide free telemedicine services for Tibetan hospitals, according to the agreement.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health promotion


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
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Brazil pension reform debate expected to widen in Senate

Submitted by dfabbri on

Reuters (08.08.2019) Brazil’s Senate is expected to consider extending pension reform to states and municipal governments as it moves to vote on a bill overhauling the social security system, lawmakers said on Thursday. FILE PHOTO: Brazil's Economy Minister Paulo Guedes

Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type