basic income

Revenu de base garanti, l'expérience positive du Kenya

Submitted by pmassetti on -Esther Duflo (26.02.2024) Depuis 2018, le Kenya expérimente le revenu de base garanti. Une expérience qui, non seulement n'a pas créé d'oisiveté, mais en plus a permis aux bénéficiaires de s'émanciper. Ils ont investi, sont devenus plus entreprenants et ont gagné davantage.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Temporary Basic Income (TBI)

Submitted by mmarquez on

UNDP (23.07.2020) This paper provides estimates for a Temporary Basic Income (TBI), a minimum guaranteed income above the poverty line, for vulnerable people in 132 developing countries. A TBI amounts to between 0.27 and 0.63 per cent of their combined GDPs, depending on the policy choice: i. top-ups on existing average incomes in each country up to a vulnerability threshold; ii. lump-sum transfers that are sensitive to cross-country differences in the median standard of living; or, iii. lump-sum transfers that are uniform regardless of the country where people live.

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Social policies & programmes
Document Type

Opinion - An EU minimum income framework is an urgent safety net after Covid-19

Submitted by pmassetti on (04.06.2020) The upcoming German EU presidency intends to take up an initiative for an EU framework for minimum income systems. Shannon Pfohman looks at what this should look like.

Regions / Country
european union
Social protection floor
Document Type

La retraite des autoentrepreneurs pourrait coûter des milliards d'euros à l'Etat

Submitted by gfilhon on

C'est un arrêt à haut risque pour les finances de l'Etat. La Cour de Cassation doit se prononcer sur la minoration systématique des pensions de retraites par la caisse de retraites des autoentrepreneurs, la CIPAV. L'Etat a laissé faire et pourrait se voir demander de rembourser une note salée.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Extension of coverage
Document Type

The new Spanish minimum wage

Submitted by dfabbri on

Social Europe (16.07.2019) The Socialist-led Spanish government which emerged last summer approved by the end of 2018 a hike in the statutory minimum wage. This was agreed with the left-wing Podemos party, as part of an attempt to secure the parliamentary support needed for the passing of the proposed 2019 budget—although failure to do so issued in the April election.

Regions / Country
Global challenges

Azerbaijan raises minimum wage by $41, and minimum pension by $23

Submitted by dfabbri on (20.06.2019)  The minimum wage in Azerbaijan will increase from 180 to 250 manat [from $106 to $148]. Starting October 1, the size of the minimum pension will also increase, from 160 to 200 manat [from $95 to $118]

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Document Type

L’Italie lance un revenu de citoyenneté pour les plus démunis

Submitted by dfabbri on

EurActiv (07.03.2019) Les Italiens peuvent demander depuis le 6 mars le revenu de citoyenneté, mesure phare du Mouvement 5 étoile pour les chômeurs et contre l’exclusion sociale

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Document Type

Finlande: Moins anxieux grâce au revenu de base

Submitted by dfabbri on

Alternatives Economiques (01.03.2019) Les premiers résultats d’une expérimentation montre que le revenu de base accroît le bien-être des allocataires, même s’ils ne retrouvent pas plus souvent un travail

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Document Type

EU’s civil society consultative body votes in favour of EU-supported decent minimum income for all EU citizens in need

Submitted by dfabbri on

Europa (25.02.2019) On 20 February, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted the opinion "For a European Framework directive on a Minimum Income" in which it asked the European Commission to introduce a binding EU framework establishing an adequate minimum income across Europe, tailored to the standard of living in each Member State.

Regions / Country
european union
Social assistance
Document Type