
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Pension Fund Signed An Agreement With Sberbank - Cybersecurity Russian Federation

At the 26th International Financial Congress, Sberbank and the Pension Fund entered into an agreement on interacting in the area of cybersecurity. The document was signed by Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank and Alexey Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of…

Information and communication technology cybersecurity ruggia
Suisse: Vers la retraite à 65 ans pour tous et une forte hausse de la TVA pour l'AVS switzerland (03.02.2018) Alain Berset devrait présenter vendredi au Conseil fédéral plusieurs variantes pour réformer l'AVS, a appris la RTS. Au menu: la retraite à 65 ans pour les femmes et une forte hausse de la TVA.

Pensions policy reponse Published_SS_Monitor… -brimblecombe
[Report] WHO: How to make sense of health system efficiency comparisons? Europe

WHO (01.03.2018) Improving health system efficiency is a compelling policy goal, especially in systems facing serious resource constraints. However, in order to improve efficiency we must know how to properly measure it. This new policy brief therefore proposes an analytic framework for…

Improving health system efficiency is a compelling policy goal, especially in systems facing serious resource constraints. However, in order to improve efficiency we must know how to properly measure it. This new policy brief therefore proposes an analytic framework for understanding and interpre

Health universal health care Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
En Suède, sport obligatoire pour les employés sweden

Le Temps (02.03.2018) La marque de vêtements Björn Borg, créée par l’ancienne star du tennis, impose à ses collaborateurs une heure d’exercice hebdomadaire au nom de la convivialité et de la productivité. Le cas n’est pas isolé dans le pays

La marque de vêtements Björn Borg, créée par l’ancienne star du tennis, impose à ses collaborateurs une heure d’exercice hebdomadaire au nom de la convivialité et de la productivité. Le cas n’est pas isolé dans le pays

Chaque vendredi, les employés de la marque de vêtements Björn Borg, cr

Prevention of occupational risks OSH Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Ethical artificial intelligence - 10 essential ingredients Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe

OECD (24.01.2018) Artificial intelligence (AI) must put people and planet first. Discussions on the ethical use of AI are essential on a global scale to guarantee widespread implementation and a transparent solution. A global convention on ethical AI that encompasses all is the most viable…

UNI Global Union has identified 10 key principles for Ethical AI. These points of action must be realized by unions, shop stewards and global alliances, in collective agreements, global framework agreements and multinational alliances. This will ensure workers’ rights and influen

Employment, Governance and administration, Information and communication technology, Data management, Technological transition, Policy analysis artificial intelligence Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… -treichel
Luxembourg: Signature de la convention de sécurité sociale avec la république de Corée korea, Republic of, luxembourg

Le gouvernement luxembourgeois (01.03.2018) Le ministre de la Sécurité sociale, Romain Schneider, et l’ambassadeur de la république de Corée, Son Excellence Hyoung-zhi Kim, ont signé le 1er mars 2018 la convention de sécurité sociale entre le grand-duché de Luxembourg et la république de Corée…

Le ministre de la Sécurité sociale, Romain Schneider, et l’ambassadeur de la république de Corée, Son Excellence Hyoung-zhi Kim, ont signé le 1er mars 2018 la convention de sécurité sociale entre le grand-duché de Luxembourg et la république de Corée.

La signature de cette convention renf

Bilateral agreements Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
South Korea Shortens 'Inhumanely Long' Workweek korea, Republic of

NPR (01.03.2018) Employees in South Korea work long hours: 2,069 hours per worker annually – the second-highest among the Economic Cooperation and Development states, after Mexico. In the United States, that figure is 1,783. Those long hours went hand-in-hand with the country's booming economy…

Employees in South Korea work long hours: 2,069 hours per worker annually – the second-highest among the Economic Cooperation and Development states, after Mexico. In the United States, that figure is 1,783.

Those long hours went hand-in-hand with the country's 

Employment, Employment policies, Human resource management Published_SS_Monitor… -treichel
India's Aadhaar: A Unique Opportunity for Innovating in Digital Trust, But an Opportunity Easy to Squander india (23.01.2018) As India's Prime Minister headlines the Davos gathering and highlights the country's unique situation and economic potential, it is important to note that India can offer two major digital innovations to the world: the number zero and a unique ID system for a billion…

In an age rife with digital innovation, India has made two meaningful contributions: The number “zero” and Aadhaar. Okay, I cheated a little bit with the first one, given its pre-di

Information and communication technology biometric, egovernment Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Digitalisation | The Forum Network, hosted by the OECD


Employment, Employment policies, Information and communication technology, Service quality digital platforms ruggia
OpenGovAsia Asia

OpenGov is a content platform, dedicated to sharing ICT-related knowledge and information between governments. We focus on the public sector in the Asia-Pacific region. We help governments become more Efficient, Agile, Transparent and Secure, so as to improve the lives of their citizens.

Information and communication technology digital economy, egovernment massetti
Labour issues in the digital economy Americas

Publication | Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Digital work platforms are transforming labor markets around the world. Firms that own, manage and deploy these work platforms have reframed employer–worker relations by defining their core business as the provision of…

Employment, Employment policies digital platforms… -zhu
Health at a Glance Asia/Pacific 2016

Measuring Progress towards Universal
Health Coverage

Health -elziniy
Kazakh Labour and Social Protection Ministry to focus on self-employed workforce, digitisation kazakhstan (15.02.2018) The Kazakh Ministry of Labour and Social Protection will focus on formalising the self-employed workforce and continue digital transformation in the field in 2018, according to newly-appointed Minister Madina Abylkassymova.

The issue of the self-employed population, which currently accounts for nearly one-quarter of the nation’s workforce, was raised during a Feb. 9 extended government meeting. President Nursultan Nazarbayev criticised the ministry’s performance in this area and noted failure to address the self-emp

Unemployment, Service quality egovernment, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
New toolkit helps public employment services strengthen national career and lifelong learning approaches - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission Europe

The Practitioner's toolkit for PES Building Career Guidance and Lifelong Learning presents concepts and tools for public employment services (PES) to assess needs and strengthen the career guidance and lifelong learning system and services.

PES have a major role to play in career…

Employment… massetti
Suisse: Les androïdes payeront-ils leurs cotisations sociales? switzerland

Le Temps (13.02.2018) Le salariat s’effiloche et c’est tout notre système social qui devra être revu pour protéger les travailleurs vulnérables de la «gig economy». A l’ère du travail indépendant et des robots collaboratifs, il faudra trouver le moyen d’asseoir une solidarité 4.0

Le salariat s’effiloche et c’est tout notre système social qui devra être revu pour protéger les travailleurs vulnérables de la «gig economy». A l’ère du travail indépendant et des robots collaboratifs, il faudra trouver le moyen d’asseoir une solidarité 4.0

Le salariat est né dans les us

Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR fabbri
CEPAL publica nueva edición del Anuario Estadístico con datos relevantes sobre el desarrollo de la región latin america

CEPAL (09.02.2018)  La versión 2017 presenta información actualizada para un conjunto seleccionado de indicadores socio-demográficos, económicos y ambientales de los países de América Latina y el Caribe.

La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) difundió hoy el Anuario Estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe 2017, disponible en internet, en el que se presenta una síntesis estadística que da cue

data analytics, economic crisis, sustainability Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Interview] Vietnam: Retirement age must increase vietnam

Vietnam News (07.02.2018) The average Vietnamese lives to 73.4 years - 70.8 for men and 76.1 for women. However, the average retirement age for both men and women is only 54.2 years old, 55.6 for men and 52.6 for women. Generally speaking, the years of participating in social-insurance for men…

Please explain why Việt Nam wants to increase the retirement age of its employees?

As we all know, the average Vietnamese lives to 73.4 years - 70.8 for men and 76.1 for women. However, the average retirement age for both men and women is only 54.2 year

Pensions, Financing Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Analysis] Ethiopia: Public Ownership Key to Sustainable Social Protection System ethiopia

allAfrica (12.02.2018) Although, Ethiopia has an array of formal and informal support mechanisms, programs, action plans and interventions that aims at serving a variety of social protection purposes, the most direct - the National Social Policy - is designed as part and parcel of an integrated…

Although, Ethiopia has an array of formal and informal support mechanisms, programs, action plans and interventions that aims at serving a variety of social protection purposes, the most direct - the National Social Policy - is designed as part and parcel of an integrated approach to the progress

Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers coverage Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Jamaica; $6 Million Allocated for Social Protection and Labour Programme jamaica

Jamaica Information Service (19.02.2018) A sum of $6 million has been allocated to the Integrated Social Protection and Labour Programme in the 2018/19 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives. The project, which got under way in December 2012, aims to support the…

A sum of $6 million has been allocated to the Integrated Social Protection and Labour Programme in the 2018/19 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives.

The project, which got under way in December 2012, aims to support the Government of Jamaica’s efforts to impro

Financing Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
An executive’s guide to AI | McKinsey & Company artificial intelligence… massetti
World Population Ageing 2017

UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division massetti
Does Blockchain Have A Place In Healthcare? (08.05.2017) Blockchain technology is making headlines everywhere. If you have recently attended any tech events it is highly likely that you came out of them having heard just that bit more about it. Everybody is talking about blockchain--from the President of the United States to…

  • Despite all the hype, for many people (across different industries) the blockchain concept still seems difficult to grasp, which makes it one of the most misunderstood technologies of 2017.

    This confusion around blockchain can be attributed both to its contentious origin (Sat

Health, Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… ruggia
SimplyVital Health Is Using Blockchain To Revolutionize Healthcare United States

It’s no secret that America has a complicated relationship with healthcare. And with all the uncertainty of 2017 looming large over 2018, it can feel like a subject you just want to avoid reading about altogether.

But one startup is out to change all that. SimplyVital Health is using…

Health, Information and communication technology blockchain… ruggia
First employment centre at Jordan Refugee camp: Job centre for Syrian refugees opens in Jordan camp syria, jordan

ILO (22.02.2018) The ILO and UNHCR launch the Azraq Centre for Employment to help refugees access work permits and find employment.  The Azraq Centre for Employment (ACE), set up in coordination with the Government of Jordan and sponsored by the Dutch Government, aims to facilitate access…

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR inaugurated the Azraq refugee camp’s first employment centre.

The Azraq Centre for Employment (ACE), set up in coordination with the Government of Jordan and sponsored by the Dutch Government, aims to facilitate

Employment poverty, transnational workers Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Odisha Governor Dr. S.C. Jamir inaugurates International Symposium “Vision Zero-From Problems to Practical Solutions”

OdishaDiary  (222.02.2018) Bhubaneswar: Work plays a central role in people’s lives. Therefore, work environments should be safe and healthy. Yet this is not the case for many workers. Every day workers all over the world are faced with a multitude of health hazards and even there are…

Bhubaneswar: Work plays a central role in people’s lives. Therefore, work environments should be safe and healthy. Yet this is not the case for many workers. Every day workers all over the world are faced with a multitude of health hazards and even there are instances of fatal injuries. This, of

Occupational accidents and diseases, Workplace health promotion, Safety and health at work, Prevention of occupational risks issa Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri