
A new dawn for public employment services : Service delivery in the age of artificial intelligence

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oecd (13.06.2024) As part of broader digitalisation efforts, half of public employment services (PES) in OECD countries are employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance their services. AI is being adopted across all key tasks of PES, including most commonly to match jobseekers with vacancies. While several PES have been using such tools for a decade, adoption of AI has been increasing in recent years as these become more accessible. New AI use cases have emerged to assist employers in designing vacancy postings and jobseekers in their career management and job-search strategies.
Service delivery
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Unemployment benefits are very effective in highly informal labour markets

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VoxDev (20.03.24) Evidence from Mauritius shows the consequences of losing a formal job in a labour market characterised by high rates of informal employment are significant. Unemployment benefits help mitigate these effects, while generating only small disincentive effects on labour supply.

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Combining Part-Time Work and Social Benefits: Empirical Evidence from Finland

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IZA - Institute of Labor Economics (April 2024) We use detailed, population-wide data from Finland to provide evidence of the impact of earnings disregard policies on part-time work during unemployment spells, and describe the longer-run trends in combining part-time work and social benefits. We find that part-time work while receiving unemployment benefits is strongly concentrated in the service and social and health care sectors, and that women participate in part-time work much more commonly than men (25% vs. 12% of benefit recipients).

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ILO launches first global report on public employment services and active labour market policies for transitions

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ilo.org (11.12.2023) Public employment services have a central role in responding to crises and fostering recovery to ensure efficient and well-functioning labour markets. This Q&A provides details from the first global report by the ILO on public employment services, shedding light on the latest developments and trends of employment services and active labour market policies.

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Innovative approaches to tackle long-term unemployment

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oecd (21.11.2023) Long-term unemployment remains a structural challenge for most OECD countries. Despite major efforts to address this issue, the efficiency and effectiveness of many existing active labour market policies are limited for jobseekers who face major vulnerabilities and have no ties to the labour market. Therefore, there is a need for innovative approaches that specifically address the barriers faced by long-term unemployed individuals in their labour market (re)integration.

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How to deliver customer-centred Public Employment Services in the digital age

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europa.eu (21.08.2023) A new toolkit from the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) provides a practical guide, with concrete examples, for how PES can use more customer-centred approaches in the delivery of their services.

Global challenges
Service delivery
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EU: Study on the effectiveness of policies to tackle undeclared work

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ec.europa.eu (27.07.2023) Undeclared work has important economic and social implications, including the loss of social security contributions and taxes, but also higher incidence of work accidents, missed professional development opportunities for workers, unfair competition and market distortions for businesses, among others. The European Commission launched this study to gather deeper insights into, and empirical evidence of, successful policies and policy combinations for tackling undeclared work.

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european union
Error, evasion and fraud
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OECD Employment Outlook 2023 : Artificial Intelligence and the Labour Market

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oecd-ilibrary.org (11.07.2023) The 2023 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook examines the latest labour market developments in OECD countries. It focuses, in particular, on the evolution of labour demand and widespread shortages, as well as on wage developments in times of high inflation and related policies. It also takes stock of the current evidence on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the labour market.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
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EU: Council adopts recommendation on adequate minimum income

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consilium.europa.eu (30.01.2023) Council adopts recommendation on adequate minimum income This Council recommendation aims to combat poverty and social exclusion, and to pursue high levels of employment by promoting adequate income support by means of minimum income, effective access to enabling and essential services for persons lacking sufficient resources and by fostering labour market integration of those who can work.

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Europe: Job retention schemes between the Great Recession and the COVID-19 crises

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ceps.eu (10.01.2023) Should we make SURE a permanent instrument? To answer this, one might look at whether SURE – as a loans-based financial instrument – has been effectively taken up by Member States and used to support Job Retention (JR) schemes and other similar measures.

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