
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
10 imperatives for Europe in the age of AI and automation Europe

Report McKinsey Global Institute (October 2017) Europe, while making progress, is behind the US and China in capturing the opportunities of artificial intelligence and automation. Digitization is everywhere, but adoption is uneven across companies, sectors, and economies, and the leaders are…

Employment, Information and communication technology artificial intelligence , robotization Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… ruggia
Suisse: Chômeurs âgés: pour une alternative à l'aide sociale switzerland

TDG (22.02.2018) De plus en plus de personnes sans emploi terminent à l'aide sociale. Une situation qui nécessite une action pour la Conférence suisse des institutions d'action sociale.

Trop de chômeurs âgés de plus de 55 ans finissent à l'aide sociale. Il faut une alternative, exige la Conférence suisse des institutions d'action sociale (CSIAS). Le système de fin de droit pourrait être aménagé.

Les chômeurs de plus de 55 ans ont des difficultés à retrouver un emploi. La

Old-age pensions, Employment policies Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
[Opinión] La tecnología y el trabajo

La Prensa (21.02.2018) En mayo 2017, el McKinsey Global Institute se sumó al creciente número de organizaciones que se pronuncian con respecto al impacto de la tecnología sobre el futuro del trabajo. En un informe preparado por James Manyika, titulado Tecnología, empleos y el futuro del trabajo…

En mayo 2017, el McKinsey Global Institute se sumó al creciente número de organizaciones que se pronuncian con respecto al impacto de la tecnología sobre el futuro del trabajo. En un informe preparado por James Manyika, titulado Tecnología, empleos y el futuro del trabajo, advierte que la automat

Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR fabbri
Labor Markets and Social Security Information System (SIMS) latin america

The SIMS (The Information System on Labor Markets and Social Security) is the main source of information on labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. It contains comparable statistics, institutional information and academic publications about labor markets in IDB country members. This…

Employment, Employment policies, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes database… mancovega
Acuerdo tripartito facilitará transición de economía informal hacia economía formal en Costa Rica costa rica

Diario Digital Nuestro País (20.02.2018) Representantes de los sectores sociales en la Mesa de Diálogo que aborda el tema de la informalidad en el mercado de trabajo, firmaron este 20 de febrero el acuerdo de implementación de la Estrategia Integral de Transición a la Economía Formal en…

Representantes de los sectores sociales en la Mesa de Diálogo que aborda el tema de la informalidad en el mercado de trabajo, firmaron este 20 de febrero el acuerdo de implementación de la Estrategia Integral de Transición a la Economía Formal en Costa Rica, que tiene como objetivo faci

Difficult-to-cover groups labour markets, poverty Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Acuerdo tripartito facilitará transición de economía informal hacia economía formal en Costa Rica costa rica

Diario Digital Nuestro País (20.02.2018) Representantes de los sectores sociales en la Mesa de Diálogo que aborda el tema de la informalidad en el mercado de trabajo, firmaron este 20 de febrero el acuerdo de implementación de la Estrategia Integral de Transición a la Economía Formal en…

Representantes de los sectores sociales en la Mesa de Diálogo que aborda el tema de la informalidad en el mercado de trabajo, firmaron este 20 de febrero el acuerdo de implementación de la Estrategia Integral de Transición a la Economía Formal en Costa Rica, que tiene como objetivo faci

Employment poverty Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages: Jobs lost, jobs gained

McKinsey (Nov 2017) In an era marked by rapid advances in automation and artificial intelligence, new research assesses the jobs lost and jobs gained under different scenarios through 2030.

Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Swaziland to host regional liaison office for global social security body Africa

Journal du Cameroun (21.02.2018) Swaziland has been selected to host the International Social Security Association (ISSA) liaison office for southern Africa for the next six years, APA learnt here on Tuesday.ISSA is a global organisation that brings together national security social…

Swaziland has been selected to host the International Social Security Association (ISSA) liaison office for southern Africa for the next six years, APA learnt here on Tuesday.ISSA is a global organisation that brings together national security social administrators and was founded in 1927.  

issa Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
China: Shanghai to launch long-term care insurance in 2018 Asia, china

xinhuanet (26.12.2017)  Shanghai will launch a long-term care insurance program in 2018, expected to benefit three million elderly people, local authorities said Tuesday. Shanghai, one of the 15 pilot cities in China to implement long-term care insurance, carried out the program on a pilot…

Medical care, Disability, Extension of coverage, Long-term care Published_SS_Monitor -zhu
Old-Age Disability in China: Implications for Long-Term Care Policies in the Coming Decades Asia, china (2012) Old-age disability and long-term care (LTC) have not yet been well studied in China. Using logistic regressions and a prevalence ratio projection model, and considering international practices, this dissertation addresses three research questions: What are the key risk factors… -zhu
8 New Jobs That Didn’t Exist Before the Digital Economy

The world today is immensely different than the world of ten years ago. Ten years ago, the internet was abuzz with talk of “Web 2.0,” people were most concerned about setting their top-eight friends on Myspace and the world was just being introduced to the first iPhone. Since then, the internet…

Employment, Information and communication technology artificial intelligence , big data, labour markets… -zhu
Digital economy and the future of social security : Administration

Speech of ISSA Secretary General in Ireland, 9 November 2017

Employment, Information and communication technology digital economy, issa, labour markets… -zhu
Philippines: Youth employment key to poverty reduction Asia, philippines, the

The Manila Times  (19.02.2018) Investing in the employment of young people is important to poverty reduction and the country’s inclusive economic growth, according to an Asian Development Bank (ADB) Brief. The paper said youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) and slow in…

nvesting in the employment of young people is important to poverty reduction and the country’s inclusive economic growth, according to an Asian Development Bank (ADB) Brief.

The paper said youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) and slow in school-to-work transition is a cha

Employment of young workers labour markets Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Une réflexion est lancée : Le Maroc veut revoir sa protection sociale | Aujourd'hui le Maroc morocco

Aujourd'hui le Maroc (19.02.2018) Le ministère délégué auprès du chef de gouvernement chargé des affaires générales et de la gouvernance et l’Unicef viennent de lancer un appel à consultation pour le recrutement d’un cabinet d’études ou un groupe de consultants. Celui-ci sera ainsi chargé d’…

Le système de protection sociale au Maroc se trouve actuellement confronté à une multitude de contraintes et de défis qui imposent sa réforme.

Le ministère délégué auprès du chef de gouvernement chargé des affaires générales et de la gouvernance et l’Unicef viennent de la

managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
World Economic Situation And Prospects 2018 Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe

The world economy has strengthened as lingering fragilities related to the global financial crisis subside. In 2017, global economic growth reached 3 per cent—the highest growth rate since 2011—and growth is expected to remain steady for the coming year.  The improved global economic…

Governance and administration, Inequalities… mancovega
Meeting growing Asia–Pacific demand for medical technology | McKinsey & Company Asia

There’s a need for better access to medical technology in the region—a forward-looking approach will help companies reach more patients.

More than half the world’s population lives in the Asia–Pacific region, and demand for healthcare there is correspondingly great. Currently, access to…

Health, Information and communication technology… ruggia
Global migration’s impact and opportunity | McKinsey & Company

Migration has become a flashpoint for debate in many countries. But McKinsey Global Institute research finds that it generates significant economic benefits—and more effective integration of immigrants could increase those benefits.

Migration is a key feature of our increasingly…

Migration… ruggia
Artificial intelligence: Implications for China | McKinsey & Company china

The country is becoming a hub for global AI development. Five priorities can help China harness AI for productivity growth and prepare for the societal shifts it may unleash.

Artificial intelligence, or the idea that computer systems can perform functions typically associated with the…

Employment, Information and communication technology artificial intelligence Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… ruggia
The Challenges Confronting China’s Digital Economy by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng - Project Syndicate china


If China is to ensure the continued development of its digital economy, while containing the risks associated with disruption, its leaders will need to implement smart regulations. And that will require careful consideration of the factors that…

Employment, Information and communication technology digital platforms Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… ruggia
China’s digital economy: A leading global force china (august 2017) China is already more digitized than many observers appreciate and has the potential to set the world’s digital frontier in coming decades. China has one of the most active digital-investment and start-up ecosystems in the world, according to a new discussion paper…

China is the world’s largest e-commerce market, accounting for more than 40 percent of the value of worldwide e-commerce transactions, up from less than 1 percent about a decade ago. China has also become a major global force in mobile payments with 11 times the transaction value of the United St

Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… ruggia
Schweizer fordern eine Strafsteuer für Roboter switzerland

20 Minuten (15.02.2018) Die meisten Stimmbürger finden: Ersetzen Roboter Arbeitnehmer, sollen Unternehmen eine Steuer zahlen. Economiesuisse warnt davor. S elf-Scanning-Kassen, selbstfahrende Autos, elektronische Patientendossiers: Die Digitalisierung ist auf dem Vormarsch. Nun zeigt eine…

Self-Scanning-Kassen, selbstfahrende Autos, elektronische Patientendossiers: Die Digitalisierung ist auf dem Vormarsch. Nun zeigt eine gewichtete Umfrage von Vimentis, dass 51 Prozent der Stimmbevölkerung diese Entwicklung als Chance wahrnehmen. 32 Prozent empfinden die Digitalisierung

Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
FMI insiste en que Nicaragua debe aumentar edad de jubilación nicaragua

Revista Estrategia & Negocios (18.02.2018) El año pasado el FMI planteó al Gobierno aumentar la edad de jubilación y el número de cotizaciones de los trabajadores como medida para salvar al INSS.

Claves Del Día

Fecha de publicación: 2018-02-08

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
India committed to reforming health sector using ICT india

indiatoday (19.02.2018) Adoption of digital technology for better governance has always been central to the Indian governments policy and the country is committed to carrying out reforms in health sector by using it, Union Health Minister J P Nadda said today. Information and Communication…

Adoption of digital technology for better governance has always been central to the Indian governments policy and the country is committed to carrying out reforms in health sector by using it, Union Health Minister J P Nadda said today. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has great pot

Health, Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
France: Assurance-chômage : à qui bénéficiera (vraiment) l'ouverture du droit à la démission france

LCI (19.02.2018) Promesse du candidat Macron, l'ouverture de l'assurance-chômage aux salariés démissionnaires est l'une des mesures-phare de la réforme actuellement négociée avec les partenaires sociaux. Le texte, que le gouvernement veut présenter au Parlement avant l'été, n'est pas…

Promesse du candidat Macron, l'ouverture de l'assurance-chômage aux salariés démissionnaires est l'une des mesures-phare de la réforme actuellement négociée avec les partenaires sociaux. Le texte, que le gouvernement veut présenter au Parlement avant l'été, n'est pas encore finalisé, mais d

Unemployment managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Blog] Three steps to end discrimination of migrant workers and improve their health

ILO (14.02.2018) When migrant workers leave their home, many encounter abuse and violence on their journey and discrimination once they arrive. This can be because of their status as migrants but also because of their ethnicity, sex, religion, and HIV status. They often struggle to find…

When migrant workers leave their home, many encounter abuse and violence on their journey and discrimination once they arrive. This can be because of their status as migrants but also because of their ethnicity, sex, religion, and HIV status.

They often struggle to find decent wo

Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri