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Cambodia: New National Social Security Fund Rules Introduced cambodia

Mondaq /22.03.2018) The requirement that all Cambodian employers register their enterprises and employees with the National Social Security Fund is one of a number of changes introduced in recent months as part of the implementation of the health care insurance scheme.

The requirement that all Cambodian employers register their enterprises and employees with the National Social Security Fund is one of a number of changes introduced in recent months as part of the implementation of the health care insurance scheme.

The Ministry of Labor and Vocational Tr

Health, Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Suisse: Ces chômeurs en fin de droits qui basculent dans l'aide sociale  switzerland

Le Temps (23.03.2018) Alors que l'économie se porte au mieux, le nombre de demandeurs d’emploi qui se retrouvent à l’aide sociale a doublé en une décennie. Leur sort cause une préoccupation croissante dans le cadre du débat sur la libre circulation

Une Suisse florissante, des prévisions de croissance plus souriantes encore, une création d’emplois soutenue, le tout dans un contexte international solide. Les dernières prévisions de la Banque nationale suisse, il y a une semaine, confirment que tout va bien pour les Suisses sur le plan économi

Unemployment, Social assistance labour markets, megatrends Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Building Resilience and Protecting Vulnerable Yemenis Through Cash Transfers yemen

Yemen ReliefWeb (21.03.2018) Life has dramatically changed in Yemen since the conflict started,” said Naji Saeed, a day laborer in the Taiz governorate. The construction work that was the source of Saeed’s livelihood has all but ended as a result of the conflict. “I lost my job like millions of…

“Life has dramatically changed in Yemen since the conflict started,” said Naji Saeed, a day laborer in the Taiz governorate. The construction work that was the source of Saeed’s livelihood has all but ended as a result of the conflict. “I lost my job like millions of Yemenis and I don’t know what

Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers poverty Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
How migration data can deliver real-life benefits for migrants and governments (January 2018) As countries have joined together on a path toward increased cooperation and action on migration, investment in data will be crucial for its success.

igration is a complex global challenge. An estimated 258 million people currently reside outside their country of birth—a number that has almost tripled in the past 50 years. This has policy implications across myriad dimensions, ranging from border management to 

Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
AI and government ( 14.03.2018) This piece attempts an overview of how AI will affect government, and what could go wrong

Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Botswana faces ticking time bomb over youth unemployment botswana

Journal du Cameroun (13.03.2018)  The United National Population Fund (UNFPA) has called on the Botswana government to prioritise economic reform and investment to urgently accelerate creation of jobs and improve livelihoods for the country’s youth, APA learnt here on Wednesday.In a report…

The United National Population Fund (UNFPA) has called on the Botswana government to prioritise economic reform and investment to urgently accelerate creation of jobs and improve livelihoods for the country’s youth, APA learnt here on Wednesday.In a report that was launched by incoming Deputy Pre

Unemployment poverty Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
ASEAN planning to draw up occupational health guidelines Asia

xinhuanet (22.03.2018) ASEAN member countries are planning to create occupational health guidelines for industries by risk factor, to provide preventive measure recommendations for workers' health in Laos and the region, local daily Vientiane Times reported on Wednesday. Occupational health and…

ASEAN member countries are planning to create occupational health guidelines for industries by risk factor, to provide preventive measure recommendations for workers' health in Laos and the region, local daily Vientiane Times reported on Wednesday.

Occupational health and safety is one of

Occupational accidents and diseases OSH Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Irish social welfare benefits increase next week - over one Irish million people to get extra €5 a week in payments from next Monday ireland

The Sun (22.03.2018)  Pensioners, people with disabilities, carers, lone parents, widows, jobseekers, maternity and paternity benefit recipients will all see payments rise by €5 a week from Monday March 26

OVER one million Irish people will see an increase in their social welfare benefits from next week.Several weekly payments wil

Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers managing reforms Proposition_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Millions in China with bad 'social credit' barred from buying plane, train tickets china

Channel NewsAsia  (19.03.2018) More than nine million people in China have been barred from buying plane tickets and another three million from buying business-class train tickets because of their poor "social credit" ratings, according to deputy head of the National Development and Reform…

More than nine million people in China have been barred from buying plane tickets and another three million from buying business-class train tickets because of their poor "social credit" ratings, according to deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission. 

Under China

Governance and administration, Error, evasion and fraud brics Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Policy review to make life better for senior citizens jamaica (12.03.2018) The Government is pushing ahead with the promulgation of a revised national policy for Jamaica's senior citizens that was tabled in the House of Representatives as far back as 1997 by former Prime Minister Portia Simpson.

In February last year, Prime Minister Andrew Holness announced that his Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) administration had renewed interest in the policy and that it was being reviewed by his Cabinet.


Holness said then that the aim was “to build a society where older people cont

Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
El cambio climático llevará a 17 millones de personas a la migración interna en América Latina hasta 2050 latin america

El País (20.03.2018) Casi cuatro millones de mexicanos y centroamericanos se verían obligados a dejar sus hogares por la subida del nivel del mar y la menor producción agrícola, según el Banco Mundial

El cambio climático, tantas veces relegado a un segundo plano en favor de debates de corto plazo y escaso recorrido, es el gran reto económico y social del siglo XXI. Es una amenaza existencial, como alerta la directora general del

Migration climate change, megatrends, migration Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
France: Assurance chômage - une nouvelle échelle de sanctions annoncée france

Le Monde (20.03.2018) L’équipe de la ministre du travail a présenté aux syndicats les changements des procédures d’accompagnement des personnes sans emploi.  Lors d’une réunion avec les huit organisations syndicales et patronales représentatives, le directeur de cabinet de la ministre du…

Lors d’une réunion avec les huit organisations syndicales et patronales représentatives, le directeur de cabinet de la ministre du travail a présenté, lundi 19 mars, les principaux points de la réforme de l’assurance-chômage.

Une nouvelle échelle de sanctions. Selon

Unemployment, Error, evasion and fraud managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Analyse] Dans 20 ans, les robots feront le sale boulot

Le Temps (18.03.2018) Ces prochaines années, les robots vont prendre une place considérable dans un monde du travail bouleversé. «Le Temps» a sondé trois experts, qui imaginent chacun à leur façon un nouveau paradigme qui questionne notre relation à l’emploi

Comment travaillera-t-on dans vingt ans? Ou plutôt, travaillera-t-on encore d’ici à deux décennies? Les robots se montrent toujours plus efficaces, accomplissent des tâches toujours plus compliquées et, de façon encore plus cruciale, deviennent capables d’apprendre et de développer leurs compéten

labour markets Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR fabbri
ILO Decent Work Results 2016-2017: ILO launches new app to highlight its results

ILO (12.03.2018) The ILO has launched a new web application  to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017. The ILO has launched a new web application  to…

The ILO has launched a new web application  to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017.

The app points to significant decent work results in 130 countries. With a few simple clicks, users can access detai

Employment data analytics, digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Blog] Technology through the lens of occupational hazards and risks

ILO Blog (13.03.2018) The premise of occupational safety and health – my field of specialization — is that work should do no harm to health and in the best of worlds, should support it. But discerning whether technology and new forms of work are doing harm or doing good can often be tricky.

The premise of occupational safety and health – my field of specialization — is that work should do no harm to health and in the best of worlds, should support it. But discerning whether technology and new forms of work are doing harm or doing good can often be tricky.

Let me give a

Occupational accidents and diseases OSH Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
IoT (Internet of Things) : The Solution To Improved Government Social Protection

Part of the government’s role is to provide social protection for factors that make people vulnerable. For example, people face unemployment, health problems, and other factors that create physical, economic, and other problems in their lives. Government regulations work to reduce risks that…

IoT’s potential for improving social protection

IoT technology can provide benefits for both government agencies and the people they serve. The public sector can use IoT to gather and process data with the goal of running its agencies better and improving services. IoT technology p

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Government of Canada Supports World Congress on Return to Work / Disability Management IFDM 2018 to be Held October 14-17, 2018 in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Business Wire (16.03.2018) The Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) is pleased to announce that the 2018 International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM) conference will receive $75,000 through the Government of Canada’s Social Development Partnerships Program-…

Canada is at its best and all of society benefits when everyone is included,” said the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities. “By bringing together academics, professionals and disability stakeholders from all over the world to share the

Return to work OSH Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
The limits of using 'Big Data' for development - an economist writes

 Development Pathways (08.02.2018) Get your inner nerd out! The World Bank has launched a competition to help them better predict a households’ poverty status based on easy-to-collect information and machine learning algorithms. 

“Right now measuring poverty is hard, time consuming, and expensive,” the World Bank states. “By building better models, we can run surveys with fewer, more targeted questions that rapidly and chea

Information and communication technology, Extension of coverage, Social assistance big data Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Expertos del gobierno chileno trabajan en una reforma al sistema de pensiones chile

larepublica (15.03.2018) El eje central de la propuesta previsional de este gobierno es el aumento en cuatro puntos de la cotización con cargo al empleador. También se plantea abrir la competencia a las AFP, donde se está analizando la idea de que las cajas de compensación y las compañías de…

Mónica Titze y Augusto Iglesias, parte de la campaña presidencial de Sebastián Piñera, están encargados de elaborar el documento.

Diario Financiero

A pesar de que no fue parte de uno de los cinco grandes acuerdos a los que convocó el presidente Sebastián Piñera en su discurso del

Pensions, Financing managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Analysis] Long-term care: How Can Europe’s Social Services Solve A Growing Recruitment Crisis? Europe

Social Europe (15.03.2018)  Against a backdrop of ageing societies and the associated increase in long-term conditions such as dementia, long-term care is growing in importance in all European countries. Socio-demographic changes, including family formation patterns, the geographical…

Against a backdrop of ageing societies and the associated increase in long-term conditions such as dementia, long-term care is growing in importance in all European countries. Socio-demographic changes, including family formation patterns, the geographical location of family members and changes i

Demographic change, Long-term care family_gender_society, megatrends Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Dépendance: la Mutualité française relance l'idée d'une assurance obligatoire france

Sciencesetavenir. (15.03.2018)  Le président de la Mutualité française, Thierry Beaudet, a défendu samedi l'idée d'une assurance obligatoire pour la prise en charge de la dépendance, qui serait incluse dans les complémentaires santé "à partir d'un âge à définir".

Le président de la Mutualité française, Thierry Beaudet, a défendu samedi l'idée d'une assurance obligatoire pour la prise en charge de la dépendance, qui serait incluse dans les complémentaires santé "à partir d'un âge à définir".

"Aujourd'hui la complémentaire santé s'est généralisée, p

Old-age pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Report] Addressing the Youth Unemployment Paradox: New Directions in Social Policy in the Mena Region arabic countries (dec 2017) Prior to the spread of neoliberal policies in the 1980s, the standard arrangement in most of the MENA region was for the state to provide stable employment and extensive social welfare in exchange for acquiescence in the political arena. Although it stifled political…

Prior to the spread of neoliberal policies in the 1980s, the standard arrangement in most of the MENA region was for the state to provide stable employment and extensive social welfare in exchange for acquiescence in the political arena. Although it stifled political dissent and participation, th

Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
India: Aadhaar days: In the world’s biggest biometric ID project, many have fallen through the gaps india (24.02.2018) Exclusion can mean lack of access to food, jobs and education and the underprivileged bear the biggest brunt.

We look at some of the people who have been most affected by the introduction of Aadhaar, an identity system that is as large and diverse as India itself. It’s so vast in scope and ambition that, inevitably, there have been cracks that people have fallen through.

When you’re

Information and communication technology biometric Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
India: The road to universal health coverage india

In 2005, the Government of India launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), promising to re-imagine primary healthcare and address the under-served needs of rural areas.

In 2005, the Government of India launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), promising to re-imagine primary healthcare and address the under-served needs of rural areas. The thrust of the mission was to establish a fully functional, community owned, decentralised health delivery system wi

Health insurance universal health coverage Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR massetti
The scary facts behind the gender pension gap

World Economic Forum (07.03.2018) It is widely accepted that a gender gap exists. The World Economic Forum’s 2017 Gender Gap report reveals that it will take 217 years to completely remove the disparity between the sexes around the world.

Less well known is the looming $400 trillion retirement crisis highlighted in the Forum’s 2017 paper, We’ll live to 100 – how can we afford it?. This post explores the intersection of these two issues an

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… massetti