Conditional cash transfers

Serbia: to offer cash to those who get Covid-19 vaccine

Submitted by cambrosio on

06.05.2021 (

An allowance of 3,000 dinars (25 euros, $30) will be paid to each citizen who gets a Covid jab before the end of May, in what could be the world's first cash-for-jabs scheme.

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Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Conditional cash transfers
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Nigeria: Government pays N20,000 to 5,000 Abuja households

Submitted by cambrosio on (02.04.2020) The Federal Government disbursed N20,000 under its Conditional Cash Transfer scheme to 5,000 beneficiaries in Kwali Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The CCT targets families registered in the National Social Register of Poor and Vulnerable Households set up by the Buhari administration in 2016 to combat poverty.

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Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Conditional cash transfers
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Guatemala: Se retiran condicionalidades temporalmente para Bono Social

Submitted by mmarquez on (27.03.2020) Los programas del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Mides) llegarán tarde. La cartera prevé que a inicios de abril se empiece la entrega del Bono Social a familias en condiciones de pobreza y extrema pobreza. El programa consiste en una transferencia bancaria, a cambio de que los usuarios envíen a sus hijos a la escuela y a centros de salud. Pero este año se obviarán esos pasos, según las autoridades del Mides, por la emergencia del coronavirus.

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Global challenges
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers
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Brazil: Extension of over 1 million beneficiaries to Bolsa Família

Submitted by mmarquez on (16.03.2020)  Announcement of the measures, which foresee an injection of R $ 147.3 billion in the economy, was made on Monday by Minister Paulo Guedes. Package expands credit to retirees and small businesses.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers
Document Type

Social protection schemes expanding to encompass climate hazards, says new research

Submitted by dfabbri on

climatecentre (01.10.2019) The latest in a series of series of background papers commissioned by the Global Commission on Adaptation to inform its 2019 flagship report argues that better integration of social protection and climate adaptation is “critically important for addressing climate risks”.

Global challenges
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers
Document Type

Kenya: Population data will help us come up with robust social protection policies

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Standard (29.08.2019)  If there is a constituency that stands to benefit most from the ongoing census, then it is the population that is benefitting from the Government’s social protection programmes.  Although the Government runs a credible cash transfer programme covering the elderly, disabled, famine-sticken, orphans and vulnerable children, there is a general feeling that the data of potential beneficiaries of the programmes is not accurate If there is a constituency that stands to benefit most from the ongoing census, then it is the population that is benefitting from the

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Conditional cash transfers
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[Report] The Social Protection Indicator for the Pacific: Assessing Progress

Submitted by dfabbri on (2019) This report presents the analysis of comprehensive 2015 data on social protection programs in 13 Pacific developing member countries.

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Global challenges
Conditional cash transfers


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Pakistan: Poverty and cash transfers under Ehsaas Programme

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Express Tribune (20.07.2019) The recently launched Ehsaas Programme by the PTI government is a positive step towards realising the importance of social protection in a developing country like Pakistan.

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Namibia: Efforts intensify on drafting social protection policy

Submitted by dfabbri on

New Era Live (11.07.2019) Zephania Kameeta, Minister of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare this when officially opening a regional consultative workshop on the Social Protection Policy Draft at Keetmanshoop earlier this week. The parliamentarian then explained that this draft aims specifically to address vulnerabilities, tackle social exclusion and eradicate poverty.

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers


Document Type

Pakistan: ‘Social protection will provide relief to the disenfranchised’

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Express Tribune (09.07.2019) The economic wellbeing of the impecunious strata will be ensured by the incumbent government as the development of human resources is the focal point of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) policies, said Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzda  He expressed his views while speaking to the media on Monday and briefed that the Punjab Ehsaas programme will provide socio-economic protection to the most vulnerable segments of society. “Social protection will provide relief to the disenfranchised.”

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Difficult-to-cover groups
Conditional cash transfers


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