Pakistan: ‘Social protection will provide relief to the disenfranchised’

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The Express Tribune (09.07.2019) The economic wellbeing of the impecunious strata will be ensured by the incumbent government as the development of human resources is the focal point of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) policies, said Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzda  He expressed his views while speaking to the media on Monday and briefed that the Punjab Ehsaas programme will provide socio-economic protection to the most vulnerable segments of society. “Social protection will provide relief to the disenfranchised.”

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The economic wellbeing of the impecunious strata will be ensured by the incumbent government as the development of human resources is the focal point of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) policies, said Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar.

He expressed his views while speaking to the media on Monday and briefed that the Punjab Ehsaas programme will provide socio-economic protection to the most vulnerable segments of society. “Social protection will provide relief to the disenfranchised.”

He said, “More than Rs17 billion have been allocated in the current fiscal year for the Punjab Ehsaas programme. Monthly allowance will be given to citizens over 65 years of age and initial funds amounting to Rs3 billion have been set up under the Bahimat Buzurg programme.

The chief minister reiterated that serving the differently abled and their families from the financial crunch is an important priority of the PTI-led government.

He added, “A monthly stipend programme for 200,000 differently abled persons is being started under the Hum Qadam programme.”

He maintained that looking after widows and orphans is the fundamental responsibility of the state. “Serving the destitute is the basis of the unique identity of PTI’s principled leadership where no segment of society is left unattended.”

He briefed that the government will fix monthly stipend for the livelihood of widows. “Similarly, a five-year project is being started to provide equal economic opportunities to womenfolk and Rs8 billion have been allocated in the current budget for the purpose.” He added that the entire society should be concerned about the restoration of people affected by acid burns and announced that the government is providing Rs100 million for the restoration of acid attack victims.

Moreover, the chief minister told The Express Tribune that recovery of looted national money is the demand of every Pakistani citizen. “Those who had mercilessly looted national resources have put every child in debt. Wrong economic policies of the past have tremendously damaged the country. The opponents are frightened when their corruption is exposed.”

He explained, “Autonomy of national institutions and across-the-board accountability is the need of the hour. Provincial secretaries, public representatives belonging to various areas and officials concerned are summoned at the chief minister’s office whenever necessary.”