united kingdom

What Does a Good Digital Welfare State Look Like?

Submitted by pmassetti on
Institute of Development Studies (17.12.2024) The introduction of ‘digital-by-default’ welfare and social protection systems in the UK and beyond has delivered efficiencies and cost savings for governments and can be convenient for recipients. But, given the rapid pace of change, we need to understand the ethical, social, and political implications of digital welfare from the perspectives of the poorest and most marginalised members of our societies.
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united kingdom
Global challenges
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UK: Who chooses to work, and who is forced to, after retirement?

Submitted by pmassetti on
theconversation.com (20.12.2024) The state pension age in the UK is currently 66. Yet 9.5% of people aged 66 and older (1.12 million people) were still working, according to the most recent data from the UK’s Annual Population Survey (July 2023 to June 2024). This figure has been rising over the past decade, increasing from 8.70% (880,000 people) in July 2013 to June 2014. We think of retirement as a time to pursue hobbies, relax and enjoy the fruits of our labour. So why then, are so many people still working beyond retirement age, and who are they?
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united kingdom
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UK: Be warned: Deliveroo’s victory over its riders shows just how vulnerable British workers are

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The Guardian (23.11.2023) On Tuesday, the supreme court ruled unanimously that Deliveroo riders are self-employed and do not have a right to collective bargaining. After seven years of legal battles, a case brought by the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) that began in Camden and Kentish Town, north London, finally reached the end of the road. For Deliveroo, the result is a substantial victory. The decision means the company is protected from the need to collectively bargain with a union over fundamental issues such as the lack of a guaranteed minimum wage.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Digital plateform workers
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UK: Is the gig up for the gig economy? (Part one)

Submitted by pmassetti on

hrmagazine.co.uk (17.08.2023) The gig economy continues to be a hot topic for discussion as the UK works on its position on fair work. Dan Cave uncovers the current climate and explores the alternatives.

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united kingdom
Digital plateform workers
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UK. Fifth of savers want oil excluded from their pensions

Submitted by pmassetti on

pensionpolicyinternational.com (19.06.2023) A growing number of pension savers would like to see the oil sector completely excluded from their pension fund’s investments. Some 21 per cent of pension savers say they want oil to be axed from their pension, according to a survey from online pension provider PensionBee. This has jumped from 15 per cent of pension savers last year. Alongside oil, the main investments people want excluded from their pensions are companies contributing to deforestation, habitat destruction and predatory lending.

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united kingdom
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The impact of using an income supplement to meet child poverty targets : evidence from Scotland

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strathprints.strath.ac.uk (2022) In 2017 the Scottish Government passed the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act with the commitment to significantly reduce the relative child poverty rate from the current prevailing level of around 25% to 10% by 2030/31. In response, the government introduced the Scottish Child Payment (SCP) that provides a direct transfer to households at a fixed rate per eligible child – currently £25 per week. In this paper we explore, using a micro to macro modelling approach, the effectiveness of using the SCP to achieve the Scottish child poverty targets.

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united kingdom
Global challenges
Family benefits
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UK. Minister calls on pension schemes to get “data ready” for dashboards

Submitted by pmassetti on

Pension Policy International (14.07.2022) The calls come as the government publishes its response to a consultation which gathered feedback from industry, potential providers, consumer groups and future users on what data should be included and how this should be displayed to people. Bringing pensions into the digital age, dashboards will allow savers to see what they have in their various pensions – including their State Pension – in a single place online, at any time they choose.

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united kingdom
Global challenges
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UK: Flexi-retirement increasingly common due to gig economy

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Money Marketing (30.03.2022) Flexi-retirement is becoming increasingly common, as more and more retirees are opting to work part-time in the gig economy. According to a new report from Abrdn, two thirds of people retiring in 2022 do not plan on giving up work completely. This compares to just over half of those who retired in 2021 and a third of 2020 retirees. The report, which surveyed 2,000 UK adults, reveals how the “class of 2022” plan to spend their and money in retirement.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

UK: Over a third of people would accept lower pension savings for ethical investments

Submitted by pmassetti on

Pensions Age Magazine (24.03.22) More than a third (37 per cent) of people would be willing to accept some reduction in their pension savings if their investments were made more ethically, a study by the High Pay Centre and Survation has found. Of those surveyed, two-thirds (66 per cent) said that they wanted their pension fund to reflect their ethical values and beliefs.

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united kingdom
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Pension dashboards are coming - action for occupational pension schemes to take now

Submitted by pmassetti on

Lexology (17.03.2022) Establishing a system of “pension dashboards” to enable individuals who have yet to take retirement benefits to find clear, standardised information about all their pension arrangements (including rights to state pension) in one place is a key element of the government’s pension strategy. The ambition is laudable but achieving it will be a mammoth task, requiring significant time and resource from occupational pension scheme trustees, pension managers and administrators.

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united kingdom
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