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Finland's first Action Plan on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will strengthen the rights of people with disabilities finland

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (13.03.2018) The Action Plan will implement the UN Convention that entered into force in summer 2016. The aim is to strengthen the rights of persons with disabilities and to improve their opportunities for participation.

Finland has published, for the first time, a National Action Plan on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Action Plan will implement the UN Convention that entered into force in summer 2016. The aim is to strengthen the rights of persons with disabilities and to impro

Disability Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
Community: G7 Future of Work Forum |OECD

The G7 Future of Work Forum is a platform where you can find strategies, good practices and experiences of G7 countries in addressing emerging labour market challenges. The Forum was adopted in 2017 by G7 Labour and Employment Ministers under the Italian Presidency and launched under the…

Welcome to the G7 Future of Work Forum, a platform where you can find strategies, good practices and experiences of G7 countries in addressing emerging labour market challenges. The Forum was adopted in 2017 by G7 Labour and Employment Ministers under the Italian Presidency and launched under the

Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR massetti
15e Conférence Internationale de l’AISS, l'avenir de la sécurité sociale au coeur des débats

 La Nouvelle Tribune (18.04.2018) La cérémonie d’inauguration de la 15e Conférence internationale de l’Association international de la sécurité sociale (AISS) portant sur les Technologies de l’information et de la Communication dans le domaine de la sécurité sociale, qui a lieu les 18…

La cérémonie d’inauguration de la 15e Conférence internationale de l’Association international de la sécurité sociale (AISS) portant sur les Technologies de l’information et de la Communication dans le domaine de la sécurité sociale, qui a lieu les 18, 19 et 20 avril 2018, s’est déroulée so

Information and communication technology issa Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
15e conférence de l’AISS sur les TIC : 350 participants au débat

Aujourd'hui le Maroc (18.04.2018) La Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) organisera du 18 au 20 avril à Casablanca la 15ème édition de la conférence internationale de l’Association internationale de la sécurité sociale (AISS).

Cet évènement qui a lieu tous les trois ans rassemblera 350 participants représentant 81 pays membres de l’AISS dont les dirigeants, les directeurs des systèmes d’information ainsi que les responsables et spécialistes des TIC des institutions de sécurité sociale des cinq continents.

Information and communication technology issa Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Österreich: Sozialversicherung: Sozialpartner wappnen sich für Reformgespräche austria

Trend (18.04.2018) Sozialversicherung und Sozialpartner wappnen sich für die Reform der Sozialversicherung. Bei einer Veranstaltung der Wirtschaftskammer Wien warnten Experten Dienstagabend vor Verschlechterungen bei der Gesundheitsversorgung. Der Vorsitzende des Hauptverbandes der…

Sozialversicherung und Sozialpartner wappnen sich für die Reform der Sozialversicherung. Bei einer Veranstaltung der Wirtschaftskammer Wien warnten Experten Dienstagabend vor Verschlechterungen bei der Gesundheitsversorgung. Der Vorsitzende des Hauptverbandes der Sozialversicherungsträger, Alexan

Health promotion managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
ESCAP Updates Social Protection Toolbox Asia (12.04.2018) The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has updated its Social Protection Toolbox, an online platform for policy makers to share experiences and good practices in providing healthcare and income security. The refreshed platform offers…

The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has updated its Social Protection Toolbox, an online platform for policy makers to share experiences and good practices in providing healthcare and income security. The refreshed platform offers over 100 examples of good pract

Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Uruguay: Flexibilizar acceso a jubilaciones costó casi US$ 2.000 millones pero ayudó a bajar la pobreza uruguay

El Observador (17.04.2018) La flexibilización del acceso a las jubilaciones a partir de la ley 18.395 de 2008 dio lugar a un incremento tanto en el stock como en las altas jubilatorias que se sostuvo hasta 2014.

La flexibilización del acceso a las jubilaciones a partir de la ley 18.395 de 2008 dio lugar a un incremento tanto en el stock como en las altas jubilatorias que se sostuvo hasta 2014.

La implementación de la nueva ley implicó un costo entre 2009 y 2016 de entre US$ 1.639 millones y US$ 1

Pensions, Financing managing reforms, poverty Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Social protection model to be implemented by BISP across Pakistan: MNA Marvi Memon pakistan

Daily Times (17.04.2018) A social protection model presently being implemented through the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) across Pakistan is meant to effectively support and empower women, children and poorest segments of the society.

A social protection model presently being implemented through the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) across Pakistan is meant to effectively support and empower women, children and poorest segments of the society.

BISP Chairperson Marvi Memon anounced this while welcoming the foreign

Extension of coverage managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
France: Sécurité sociale: qu'est ce que le «cinquième risque» évoqué par Emmanuel Macron? france

Le Figaro (16.04.2018) Dimanche soir, Emmanuel Macron a évoqué la possibilité de repenser la prise en charge des personnes âgées dépendantes. Parmi ses propositions, la création d'un «cinquième risque» couvert par la Sécurité sociale a été mise sur la table.

On sera au rendez-vous», avait déclaré jeudi Emmanuel Macron à propos de la prise en charge des personnes âgées au JT de 13 heures de Jean-Pierre Pernaut sur TF1. Dimanche soir, il a de nouveau abordé le sujet lors de son interview au Palais Chaillot.

Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
In Guangdong, China, An Integrated System Delivers Better Social Insurance Services china

New technologies make access to services easier and more convenient. Guangdong provides a model in China’s efforts to develop a national integrated social security information system

Yuan Xiaoli, a resident of China’s southern Guangdong Province, caught a cold when the temperature suddenly dropped to 4 degrees Celsius. Using the Guangdong Social Security app on her smartphone, Xiaoli made a doctor’s appointment at the Yingde People’s Hospital. She saw the doctor at the schedu

Information and communication technology newsletter ISSA staff, Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
UAE's Low-income Migrant Workers Have Little Access to Social Protection beyond Health Insurance, Finds Study United Arab Emirates

ZAWYA (16.04.2018)  Research investigates key concerns, insurance awareness levels and remittance habits of low-income migrant workers in the country

Press Release

43% of respondents regard life insurance as most vital, yet 79% are not insured, citing pricing and lack of information and access as key barriers

Mobile channels and remittance houses identified as optimal touchpoints to reach a majority u

Health, Difficult-to-cover groups Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Japon : la précarité oblige les seniors à retourner travailler japan

Franceinfo (11.04.2018) Le gouvernement japonais incite les retraités à retourner travailler. Ils le font par goût du travail ou par précarité. 

Le Japon voit ses seniors, à l'âge de la retraite, continuer à travailler. Pour compléter une maigre retraite le plus souvent, ils travaillent à temps partiel ou ne partent pas à la retraite. "Avec ma retraite, je touche 750 euros par mois, ce n'est pas assez pour vivre", explique Sadao

Old-age pensions, Employment labour markets, policy reponse Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
ADB study: government action needed to ensure Asia’s workforce benefit from new technologies | Asia

OpenGovAsia (12.04.2018) To ensure that everyone can benefit from new technologies, policymakers will need to pursue education reforms that promote lifelong learning, maintain labour market flexibility, strengthen social protection systems, and reduce income inequality, The Asian Development…

To ensure that everyone can benefit from new technologies, policymakers will need to pursue education reforms that promote lifelong learning, maintain labour market flexibility, strengthen social protection systems, and reduce income inequality,

The Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Information and communication technology labour markets Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
24 pays européens signent un pacte pour développer l’intelligence artificielle european union

EurActiv (12.04.2018) Vingt-quatre pays de l’UE se sont engagés à se regrouper pour adopter une « approche européenne » vis-à-vis de l’intelligence artificielle, afin de concurrencer les géants technologiques américains et asiatiques. Les ministres ont signé une déclaration le 10 avril dans…

Vingt-quatre pays de l’UE se sont engagés à se regrouper pour adopter une « approche européenne » vis-à-vis de l’intelligence artificielle, afin de concurrencer les géants technologiques américains et asiatiques.

Les ministres ont signé une déclaration le 10 avril dans laquelle ils d

Information and communication technology Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
[Rapport] France: Donner un sens à l'intelligence artificielle : pour une stratégie nationale et européenne european union, france (Mars 2018) Le rapport aborde successivement différentes facettes de l'IA : politique économique, recherche, emploi, éthique, cohésion sociale. Cinq annexes insistent par ailleurs sur des domaines d'intérêt particulier : éducation, santé, agriculture, transport,…

Information and communication technology Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Argentina: Destacan la eficacia de la Asignación Universal por Hijo argentina

lacapital. (31.03.2018) En la sede central de la Ansés, su director ejecutivo, Emilio Basavilbaso, presentó el libro "Análisis y propuestas de mejoras para ampliar la Asignación Universal por Hijo" (AUH), junto con el representante del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef, por…

En la sede central de la Ansés, su director ejecutivo, Emilio Basavilbaso, presentó el libro "Análisis y propuestas de mejoras para ampliar la Asignación Universal por Hijo" (AUH), junto con el representante del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef, por sus siglas en inglés) en l

Family benefits family Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
France: Minimum vieillesse, allocations familiales, énergie… ce qui change au 1er avril france

Le Monde (31.03.2018) Hausse du minimum vieillesse, de la prime à la naissance et des allocations aux familles monoparentales ou nombreuses et modestes, baisse de l’allocation aux parents de jeunes enfants… Voici les principaux changements à compter du 1er avril 

Hausse du minimum vieillesse, de la prime à la naissance et des allocations aux familles monoparentales ou nombreuses et modestes, baisse de l’allocation aux parents de jeunes enfants… Voici les principaux changements à compter du 1er avril :

sur le même sujet

Financing managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Zimbabwe: ‘Let’s strive to curb work-related injuries’ zimbabwe

The Herald (12.04.2018) Government has encouraged stakeholders to ensure that occupational safety and health management systems are ingrained within the industries to promote hazardous free working environment

Government has encouraged stakeholders to ensure that occupational safety and health management systems are ingrained within the industries to promote hazardous free working environments.

Speaking at the engineers’ safety and health workshop in Harare yesterday, Labour and Social Welfare

Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks issa, OSH Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
[Report] ILO: Social protection for indigenous peoples: an essential component of national development strategies

ILO SocPro (April 2018) Men, women and children from indigenous peoples are estimated
to represent 4.5 per cent of the world’s population (World Bank, 2011).1 They constitute more than 5,000 different groups with distinct cultures, forms of social organization, livelihood strategies,…

Difficult-to-cover groups poverty Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
No identity crisis for social protection programmes that link with ID agencies

Development Pathways (24.10.2017) Biometric technology presents a huge opportunity to social protection programmes, in particular the potential to ensure that only eligible programme beneficiaries receive payments. But to fully realise the benefits of biometrics, social protection…

Biometrics – such as fingerprints, voices, faces or iris patterns – can be used to establish the unique identify of an individual person. The need to provide people with identification is a huge issue given estimates that nearly one in seven people in the world have no way to prove their identity

Information and communication technology biometric Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Commission takes action to better protect workers against cancer-causing chemicals european union

Europa (05.04.2018) The Commission proposes to limit workers' exposure to five cancer-causing chemicals, in addition to the 21 substances that have already been limited or proposed to be limited since the beginning of this mandate. Estimates show that today's proposal would improve working…

he Commission proposes to limit workers' exposure to five cancer-causing chemicals, in addition to the 21 substances that have already been limited or proposed to be limited since the beginning of this mandate. Estimates show that today's proposal would improve working conditions for over 1,000,0

Occupational accidents and diseases OSH, prevention Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
About 2.8 million people die at work every year

Pravda (10.04.2018) About 2.8 million people die every year worldwide in the workplace, representatives of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) said. Economic losses, according to experts, reach up to four percent of global GDP.

The rate of occupational fatality in the world makes up about 2.8 million people a year,  ISSA Secretary General Hans-Horst Konkolewsky said during the Russian week of labor protection, RIA Novosti news agency reports.

Konkolewski noted that health problems still remain the main caus

Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks issa, OSH Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
US: A Noisy Workplace Raises Risk of Heart Disease United States

Corporate Wellness Magazine (29.03.2018) A study recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and published this month in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine has associated high…

Nobel Prize Winner Robert Koch said in 1910 that “One day man will have to fight noise as fiercely as cholera and pest” and studies are beginning to prove this statement right.

A study recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and published this month in th

Occupational accidents and diseases OSH Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Migrants In Labour Markets Are Disadvantaged By Region Of Origin european union

socialeurope (10.04.2018) The integration of migrants from outside the EU into society is one of the key challenges that the Union must address to maintain social cohesion and equality. This blog piece looks at how well migrants and their descendants have integrated into the labour markets of EU…

The integration of migrants from outside the EU into society is one of the key challenges that the Union must address to maintain social cohesion and equality. This blog piece looks at how well migrants and their descendants have integrated into the labour markets of EU Member States.


Employment, Inequalities migration Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Ireland: New two week paid parental leave plan will cost State €30m a year ireland

Irishtimes (10.04.2018) The introduction of two weeks paid parental leave in the next budget could cost the State about €30 million per year, Social Protection Minister Regina Doherty has…

The introduction of two weeks paid parental leave in the next budget could cost the State about €30 million per year, Social Protection Minister Regina Doherty has said.

Reacting to

Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri