
Including those in need, when they need it: Why dynamic social registries matter in shock-prone contexts like the Sahel

Submitted by pmassetti on (29.01.2025) The Sahel is faced with increasingly frequent and severe interconnected shocks, particularly those related to climate change and conflict, exacerbating risks and vulnerabilities to poverty, food insecurity, inequality, and low levels of human capital. To effectively respond to these crises, governments require systems enabling them to rapidly and accurately identify sudden changes in household welfare.
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Service delivery
Shocks & extreme events


Document Type

Three challenges of social protection in sub‐Saharan Africa: informality, climate change and pandemics

Submitted by pmassetti on
International Journal of Social Welfare (2025) This article provides an overview of social protection challenges in sub-Saharan Africa. It explores three main challenges: the integration of informal workers, the management of climate change and pandemics. Despite the proliferation of social protection programmes in sub-Saharan Africa, effective coverage remains low. About 76.3% of the population is not covered by any formal social protection mechanisms. Following the principle of qualitative comparative analysis, this article offers a twofold contribution.
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Policy Brief: Advancing Digital Social Protection in Africa through Inclusion and Data Protection

Submitted by pmassetti on
African Regional Organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (Dec 2024) This brief, Advancing Digital Social Protection in Africa through Inclusion and Data Protection, explores strategies to develop inclusive and secure digital social protection (DSP) systems across Africa. DSP systems, which leverage digital tools to deliver social services, present transformative opportunities to address the needs of marginalized populations, including women, informal workers, youth, and migrants.
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Document Type

Enhancing Social Protection for Migrant Workers: Challenges and Strategies in the East and Horn of Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on (27.05.2024) Migration in the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) is characterised as mixed migration. The region is a source, transit, and destination for various migratory flows, with forced migration and labour migration continuing to drive the main movement trends within and across countries. Migrant workers, asylum seekers and refugees, often travel along similar routes into, within, and out of the region.
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Africa Is Aging. Will It Become A Real Population Bomb?

Submitted by pmassetti on (20.03.2024) Africa is the most youthful continent, with 70% of sub-Saharan Africa under age 30. With high fertility rates and objections to birth control, the youth population will continue to grow. Investing in young people is important for the continent’s transformation, but Africa also needs to prepare for a growing older population that will present new issues in the decades ahead. By the end of this century, Africa will be home to almost 40% of the world’s population, including a 15-fold growth in older adults, from 46 million today to 694 million.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Stress Testing Adaptive Social Protection Systems in the Sahel

Submitted by pmassetti on (02.01.2024) The Sahel region of Africa faces multiple crises, which further compound structural economic and human development challenges. The Sahel is one of the world’s poorest regions and displays some of the lowest levels of human capital globally. Violence and insecurity in the Sahel have significantly increased in the past decade, with several countries experiencing active armed conflict and unrest. The impacts of climate change compound existing vulnerabilities and risks.

Regions / Country
Environment and climate change
Document Type

Built to Include: Reimagining Social Protection in the Middle East and North Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on (June 2023) Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, limited work opportunities and low-productivity informal work have played a significant role in increasing poverty and vulnerability in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Regions / Country
arabic countries
Global challenges
Document Type

Migrant Welfare Systems in Africa: Case Studies in Selected African Union Member States: Ethiopia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius and South Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on

IOM (Janv 2023) This report interrogates country-of-origin measures to extend social protection and broader-based support services to African migrant workers abroad.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Social protection and rural transformation in Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on (2023) This article develops a conceptual framework on pathways through which non-contributory social protection can contribute to a resilient and inclusive agricultural growth in rural Africa. It draws insights from a review of rigorous empirical evidence on the impacts of cash transfers and multifaceted cash plus programs on range of relevant productive outcomes, including: accumulation of productive assets; inputs and farm management practices; off-farm labour and non-farm enterprises; and farm production and income.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

The state of social protection for agrifood systems workers in West Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on (2022) The report analyses the state of social protection for agri-food systems workers in the region. Specifically, it provides an overview about existing social assistance and social insurance programmes, analyses their sensitivity to agri-food systems workers’ needs and characteristics and identifies countries´ main challenges. It also presents a series of good practices from Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, and Senegal.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type