
Families eligible for Italy’s single universal allowance from January

Submitted by pmassetti on (31.12.2021) From Saturday, the single universal child benefit (L’assegno unico e universale) is open for applications and will be distributed from March 1st 2022. The measure forms part of Italy’s overall Budget Law 2022, which has established tax and pension reforms as well as extended some tax breaks for home renovations and help with buying a first home.  The new single allowance replaces a raft of other so-called ‘baby bonuses‘, unifying a series of measures to support families – hence the term ‘unico‘.

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Family benefits
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Cyber Attack Disrupts COVID-19 Payouts: Hackers Take Down Italian Social Security Site

Submitted by rruggia on

We've already seen supposed "elite hackers" attacking the World Health Organization, cyber criminals hitting a COVID-19 vaccine testing facility with ransomware and healthcare workers being targeted with Windows malware using coronavirus information as the lure.

Now, it has been reported, hackers have forced the Italian social security website to shut down for a period, as the most vulnerable in society started their claims for a €600 ($655) crisis payout.

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INPS hack: Italy’s social security website back online following cyber-attack claims | The Daily Swig

Submitted by rruggia on

INPS has been distributing emergency funds to those hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic

The website of INPS, the Italian department of social security and welfare, appears to be operational again after an apparent cyber-attack forced it offline yesterday (April 1).

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Italy: Extension of the layoff ban

Submitted by cambrosio on (07.04.2021)

The ban on layoffs is extended until 30 June 2021 for workers in companies covered by ordinary CIG (CIGO) and extraordinary CIG (CIGS)(mainly industry and agriculture). The ban on redundancies is extended until 31 October 2021 for workers in companies covered by social shock nets in derogation (mainly tertiary sector).

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Global challenges


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Italy: Indennità COVID, a new lump-sum for seasonal workers

Submitted by cambrosio on


A new lump-sum of 2,400 euros for seasonal workers in tourism, spas or other sectors, entertainment, self-employed persons, temporary workers and other atypical workers was introduced in April by the Sostegni Decree. The payment of a reduced benefit (1,600 euros) has been extended until July 2021. 

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Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
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Italy: Postponement of contributions payment

Submitted by cambrosio on

29.10.2020 (

The Ristori Decree establishes the postponement of payment of Inps social security contributions and Inail premiums for compulsory insurance, due in November 2020. The payment deadline is 16 March 2021, in a single payment or in four equal monthly instalments.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
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Italy: two new instalments of Emergency Income (REM)

Submitted by cambrosio on

31.10.2020 (

For the months of November and December, two new instalments of Emergency Income (REM) will be paid out, starting from 400 euros, to all those who were already entitled to it and to those who, in September, had a family income of less than the amount of the benefit.

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Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
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Italy: Ristori Decree: compensation for seasonal workers, workers in the sports and entertainment sector

Submitted by cambrosio on

31.10.2020 (

An allowance of € 800 (up to a maximum of € 124 million for the year 2020) will be paid (by the company Sport e Salute S.p.A.) in November 2020 to workers employed in collaboration with the Italian National Olympic Committee, the Italian Paralympic Committee, national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, amateur sports clubs and associations.
Furthermore, an indemnity of 1,000 euros is provided for seasonal workers in tourism and spas (including those with temporary contracts), entertainment workers, door-to-door salesmen.


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Global challenges
Cash transfers
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