Error, evasion and fraud

EU: Study on the effectiveness of policies to tackle undeclared work

Submitted by pmassetti on (27.07.2023) Undeclared work has important economic and social implications, including the loss of social security contributions and taxes, but also higher incidence of work accidents, missed professional development opportunities for workers, unfair competition and market distortions for businesses, among others. The European Commission launched this study to gather deeper insights into, and empirical evidence of, successful policies and policy combinations for tackling undeclared work.

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european union
Error, evasion and fraud
Document Type

Dutch scandal serves as a warning for Europe over risks of using algorithms – POLITICO

Submitted by rruggia on

The Dutch tax authority ruined thousands of lives after using an algorithm to spot suspected benefits fraud — and critics say there is little stopping it from happening again.

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Artificial intelligence
Error, evasion and fraud
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US: Fraud overwhelms pandemic-related unemployment programs

Submitted by pmassetti on (01.03.2021) With the floodgates set to open on another round of unemployment aid, states are being hammered with a new wave of fraud as they scramble to update security systems and block scammers who already have siphoned billions of dollars from pandemic-related jobless programs.

Regions / Country
United States
Error, evasion and fraud


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Viet Nam: Provinces and cities requested to confirm list of unemployed workers

Submitted by mmarquez on (15.05.2020) Viet Nam Social Security has ordered its units in provinces and cities nationwide to check and confirm the list of employees who have been temporarily suspended from the performance of labour contracts or taken unpaid leave, as well as employees who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This action aims to avoid enterprises illegally profiteering from the policy that allowed COVID-19-affected enterprises to temporality suspend payments of social insurance to the retirement and death fund.

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Global challenges
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Error, evasion and fraud
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France: Chômage partiel: le parquet de Paris enquête sur des fraudes massives impliquant des «flux financiers internationaux»

Submitted by pmassetti on (10.07.2020) Le parquet de Paris a annoncé vendredi enquêter sur des fraudes «massives» au chômage partiel, impliquant des «flux financiers internationaux», qui ont occasionné «plus d'1,7 million d'euros» de préjudice.

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Error, evasion and fraud


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Mexico: Government of Mexico works to dismantle networks that deceive citizens with false social support

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of the Economy (25.05.2020) 

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Governance and administration
Information and communication technology
Error, evasion and fraud
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Bangladesh: Fake Covid-19 certificates: 7 Regent Group staffers on 5-day remand

Submitted by siha on

The daily Star (08.07.2020) A virtual court in Dhaka today placed seven officials and employees of Regent Group on a five-day remand each in a case filed overissuing fake Covid-19 test results and charging patients for the test and treatment. They charged patients for the tests and treatment despite having an agreement with the government on carrying out tests and providing treatment for free. 

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Service quality
Error, evasion and fraud
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How mobile money is helping those in need through the pandemic

Submitted by pmassetti on

World Economic Forum (25.06.2020) Money transfers are effective ways to protect those in financial difficulties due to COVID-19. In sub-Saharan Africa, over 80% of measures announced since the beginning of the pandemic are in the form of transfers. The pandemic has led many countries to strengthen their mobile money ecosystems and address specific constraints. But the risks of accelerating mobile money include cyber-risks and digital fraud.

Service delivery
Error, evasion and fraud


Document Type

More than US$1 billion in coronavirus relief payments sent to dead Americans: report

Submitted by pmassetti on (25.06.2020) Nearly 1.1 million coronavirus relief payments totaling some US$1.4 billion went to dead people, a government watchdog reported Thursday. Legal and political issues hang over the misdirected taxpayer funds, the latest example of errors in massive aid being dispensed at crisis speed.

Regions / Country
United States
Error, evasion and fraud


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US: Trump administration sent $1.4bn in stimulus checks to dead people

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Guardian (25.06.2020) US Government Accountability Office said almost 1.1 million dead people received payments of about $1,200 each

Regions / Country
United States
Error, evasion and fraud


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