
How has Estonia applied Blockchain technology to the e-Government system? - Lina Network

Submitted by rruggia on

How has Estonia applied Blockchain technology to the e-Government system? Lina Network | September 7, 2020 Blockchain is considered as the key technology in e-Government development thanks to its undeniable advantages and potential. From a technical point of view, Blockchain technology increases efficiency, provides data protection and transparency. However, many countries still face certain obstacles when applying Blockchain to e-Government.

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Estonia - GovChain

Submitted by rruggia on

Estonia may perhaps be the earliest adopter of distributed ledger technology at a governmental level. As early as 2007, even before the publication of the Bitcoin white paper, the Estonian government was already testing blockchain applications as part of a resolution to be resilient to outsider cyberattacks. e-Estonia, a government policy to facilitate citizen interactions with the state through the use of electronic solutions, has been testing and implementing blockchain in relation to public services for many years.

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AuroraAI: Finland's National Artificial Intelligence Program

Submitted by rruggia on

Finland launches its AuroraAI National Artificial Intelligence program. AuroraAI will be fully available in 2022. By Susan Fourtané July 09, 2020

The promise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a concept taken from science fiction. Businesses around the world are taking advantage of AI and automation, moving the enterprise right at the center of digital business transformation.

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Artificial intelligence
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KrattAI: Estonia's National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Submitted by rruggia on

KrattAI is the vision of how public services should digitally work in the age of Artificial Intelligence. By Susan Fourtané June 08, 2020

In Estonia, there are around 30 Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions deployed in the Estonian public sector that were identified as active as of the beginning of June 2020. The Baltic nation aims to have at least 50 AI use cases by the end of 2020.

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Artificial intelligence
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Artificial Intelligence for Estonia

Submitted by rruggia on

In May 2019, an expert group led by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MKM) and Government Office presented proposals on advancing the take-up of artificial intelligence (AI) in Estonia aka for Estonia’s national AI strategy. ​

This current strategy has been prepared based on these proposals, as a plan on how to implement the expert group’s recommendations. It was adopted at Cabinet meeting on 25 July 2019. ​

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Global challenges
Artificial intelligence
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New e-Estonia factsheet: National AI “Kratt” Strategy — e-Estonia

Submitted by rruggia on

Unless you’re familiar with old Estonian mythology, it’s likely you don’t know what the word “Kratt” means. Created out of hay and miscellaneous household objects, a kratt was a magical creature who would come alive once a pact was made between its master and the devil. This then allowed the kratt’s master to order it to do whatever menial labour or even nefarious tasks were needed or desired.

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Artificial intelligence
Service quality
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Implementation of the national AuroraAI programme - Valtiovarainministeriö - Valtiovarainministeriö

Submitted by rruggia on

Implementation of the national AuroraAI programme The aim of the Aurora national artificial intelligence (AI) programme is to implement an operations model based on people’s needs, where artificial intelligence helps citizens and companies to utilise services in a timely and ethically sustainable manner. The activities of the relevant authorities will be organised in such a way that they support people’s life-events and companies’ business-related events, facilitating seamless, effective and smoothly functioning service paths consisting of the services of several service providers.

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Global challenges
Artificial intelligence
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Viet Nam: Electric health records' database with the Ministry of Health

Submitted by mmarquez on (15.05.2020) The Ministry of Health (MoH) and Vietnam Social Security (VSS) will unify to closely coordinate and make a commitment to build electronic health records for people as in the Resolution 20/NQ-TW and other relevant documents, with quality assurance, effectiveness and in accordance with the basis of social insurance code number, serving the professional purposes of health facilities as well as those of management of medical examination and treatment costs in health insurance agencies, etc. As for VSS, database will be provided in terms of the number of people and h

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Service quality
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Japan: Health Center Real-time information-sharing System on COVID-19 (HER-SYS)

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (17.07.2020) The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare introduces a new coronavirus infected person information grasp and management system (HER-SYS) as an urgent response in order to reduce the work burden of public health centers and to speed up information sharing.

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Global challenges
Information and communication technology
ICT governance
Service quality
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Mexico: Government of Mexico works to dismantle networks that deceive citizens with false social support

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of the Economy (25.05.2020) 

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Information and communication technology
Error, evasion and fraud
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