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Department of Labour hosts first BRICS Labour and Employment Working Group

MILE (08.05.2018) The First Meeting of the BRICS Labour and Employment Working Group (LEWG) took place in Mbombela, Mpumalanga Province from 7th-10th May 2018. Hosted by the Department of Labour and facilitated by the Municipal Insitutute of Learning (MILE),…

The First Meeting of the BRICS Labour and Employment Working Group (LEWG) took place in Mbombela, Mpumalanga Province from 7th-10th May 2018. Hosted by the Department of Labour and facilitated by the Municipal Insitutute of Learning (MILE), the

Employment brics, issa Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
OECD Policy Brief: Putting faces to the jobs at risk of automation

OECD  (March 2018) Key facts about the risk of job automation in OECD countries

Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR massetti
OECD Policy Brief: The Future of Social Protection: What works for non-standard workers? (May 2018) Non-standard work is not a marginal phenomenon: one in six workers is self-employed across the OECD on average, and a further one in eight is on a temporary contract. The number of online platform workers, while still small overall, is growing rapidly.

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR massetti
L'Autriche va diminuer les allocations familiales pour certains austria

Le Figaro (02.05.2018) La coalition gouvernementale des conservateurs et de l'extrême droite au pouvoir à Vienne a présenté mercredi une réforme diminuant les allocations familiales versées pour certains enfants vivant à l'étranger, qui touchera notamment la main d'oeuvre des pays de l'Est…

La coalition gouvernementale des conservateurs et de l'extrême droite au pouvoir à Vienne a présenté mercredi une réforme diminuant les allocations familiales versées pour certains enfants vivant à l'étranger, qui touchera notamment la main d'oeuvre des pays de l'Est travaillant en Autriche.

Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Opinion] Neurodata shows investing in workplace safety pays off

The National (15.05.2018() Safety and wellness should be at the top of the list of every executive and head of human resources when it comes to talent attraction, care and retention.

No words can express how much I care about your safety and wellbeing," wrote Elon Musk in an email last year to his employees at Tesla, his electric automotive company.

"It breaks my heart when someone is injured building cars and trying their best to make Tesla successful. Going forward,

Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks OSH Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Sizing the potential value of AI and advanced analytics

McKinsey & Company (April 2018) An analysis of more than 400 use cases across 19 industries and nine business functions highlights the broad use and significant economic potential of advanced AI techniques.

Information and communication technology Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Belgique: Bruxelles: le transfert effectif des matières de la sécurité sociale à Iriscare est lancé belgium

La DH (15.05.2018) Le transfert effectif des matières comme l'aide aux personnes âgées et aux personnes atteintes d'un handicap, les maisons de repos et de soins, les soins de première ligne, les allocations familiales, etc. au nouvel Organisme bruxellois d'Intérêt Public (OIP) Iriscare, est…

Le transfert effectif des matières comme l'aide aux personnes âgées et aux personnes atteintes d'un handicap, les maisons de repos et de soins, les soins de première ligne, les allocations familiales, etc. au nouvel Organisme bruxellois d'Intérêt Public (OIP) Iriscare, est lancé. 

Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
France: En Marche for pension reform france (May 2018) President Emmanuel Macron’s promised pension system reform is a work in progress 

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
E-Health Reporter - Latin America & other countries latin america Health, Information and communication technology ruggia
[Analyse] Digitalisierung: Die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft

WirtschaftsWoche (03.05.2018) Wir haben eine Vorstellung davon, wie die Digitalisierung und neue Technologien Geschäftsmodelle verändern. Nun gilt es darüber nachzudenken, wie unsere Arbeitswelt aussehen wird und welche Rolle Menschen darin spielen.

Wir haben eine Vorstellung davon, wie die Digitalisierung und neue Technologien Geschäftsmodelle verändern. Nun gilt es darüber nachzudenken, wie unsere Arbeitswelt aussehen wird und welche Rolle Menschen darin spielen.

13. Mai 2018

Die Zukunft ist schon da, nur noch nicht gleichm

Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
Panorama de la migración internacional en el Caribe | Publicación | Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe Americas

El presente documento es un examen del panorama de la migración internacional en la subregión del Caribe, y es uno de los insumos que la CEPAL entrega como contribución al Pacto Mundial para una migración segura, ordenada y regular (PMM). Junto con una delimitación necesaria de la subregión, se…

Migration migration… ruggia
Panorama de la migración internacional en América del Sur | Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe latin america

En este documento e analizan las tendencias migratorias de América del Sur en el contexto de distintos factores determinantes y según diversas fuentes de información. Se establecen los grandes patrones migratorios y algunas de sus especificidades, teniendo presente los cambios en las dinámicas…

Migration migration… ruggia
L'Autriche va diminuer les allocations familiales pour certains austria

Le Figaro (02.05.2018) La coalition gouvernementale des conservateurs et de l'extrême droite au pouvoir à Vienne a présenté mercredi une réforme diminuant les allocations familiales versées pour certains enfants vivant à l'étranger, qui touchera notamment la main d'oeuvre des pays de l'Est…

La coalition gouvernementale des conservateurs et de l'extrême droite au pouvoir à Vienne a présenté mercredi une réforme diminuant les allocations familiales versées pour certains enfants vivant à l'étranger, qui touchera notamment la main d'oeuvre des pays de l'Est travaillant en Autriche.

Family benefits Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS… fabbri
New form of work in the digital economy

OECD (June 2016) This paper was prepared as a contribution to the background report of Panel 4.1 “New Market and New Jobs” of the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy, 21-23 June 2016, Cancún (Mexico). It provides new evidence on the development of online platform markets,…

Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS massetti
OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2017

(Oct 2017) The biennial OECD Digital Economy Outlook examines and documents evolutions and emerging opportunities and challenges in the digital economy. It highlights how OECD countries and partner economies are taking advantage of information and communication…

Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS… massetti
Independent work: Choice, necessity, and the gig economy

McKinsey & Company (Oct 2016) The McKinsey Global Institute examines all the ways people are earning income, as well as the challenges independent work presents.

Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS… massetti
Uganda: Minimum Wage Reform Can Address Future Social Protection Challenges  uganda

New Vision (08.05.2018) May 1st was yet another day for the world to commemorate Labour Day. Workers from all over the world are faced with different opportunities and challenges. When I was reflecting on the past Labour Day celebrations in Uganda, I noticed with concern that the debate on…

May 1st was yet another day for the world to commemorate Labour Day. Workers from all over the world are faced with different opportunities and challenges. When I was reflecting on the past Labour Day celebrations in Uganda, I noticed with concern that the debate on minimum wage did not t

basic income Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Chinese Government pushing for integration of Internet technologies with healthcare china (30.04.2018) The top two levels of hospitals within the three-tier hospital system will be encouraged to provide online services, including consultation, reservation and test result inquiry. The health authority intends to issue detailed online hospital regulations by May.

Medical care Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
[Report] Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and Their Impact on the Workplace

(04.04.2018) The present wave of automation, driven by artificial intelligence (AI) – the development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence – is creating a gap between current legislation and new laws necessary for an emerging workplace reality, states a…

Information and communication technology Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Social Services for Digital Citizens: Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean latin america

iadb (2018) Disruption is the new norm and the digital transformation can spur innovation growth across many activities. Emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) can help governments reduce costs while improving services. Not every emerging technology will alter the social…

Spanish version:

Servicios sociales para ciudadanos digitales: Oportunidades para América Latina y el Caribe

Disrupción es la nueva norma y la transformación digital puede detonar innovación en un amplio rango de actividades. Las tecnologías emergentes de la cuarta revolución indu

Information and communication technology digital economy Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS ruggia
Economía digital en América Latina y el Caribe: Situación actual y recomendaciones latin america

En Latinoamérica, la productividad ha sido identificada en numerosos estudios como una de las principales barreras hacia el desarrollo. La economía digital, y en concreto el ecosistema de nuevas aplicaciones y servicios digitales, puede propiciar un impacto transversal sobre los distintos…

Employment digital platforms ruggia
France: L’exécutif plaide pour une protection sociale des travailleurs « ubérisés » france

Le Monde (09.05.2018) La protection sociale des travailleurs « ubérisés » va-t-elle s’améliorer ? Tel est, en tout cas, l’objectif affiché par le gouvernement et par plusieurs députés de la majorité qui veulent ajouter des mesures allant dans ce sens dans le projet de loi « …

La protection sociale des travailleurs « ubérisés » va-t-elle s’améliorer ? Tel est, en tout cas, l’objectif affiché par le gouvernement et par plusieurs députés de la majorité qui veulent ajouter des mesures allant dans ce sens dans le projet de loi « avenir professionnel

Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
China launches national association to speed up integration of AI with healthcare | OpenGovAsia china (08.05.2018) The newly launched Chinese Intelligent Medicine Association will provide a platform for research, exchange and cooperation in intelligent medicine.

Medical care artificial intelligence Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Inequality and the Digital Economy | SpringerLink

This chapter examines the impacts of the digital economy on employment, the drivers of change, and the options to alleviate the emerging problems. The digital economy was supposed to replace and enhance industrial jobs, but it has also accelerated the outmigration of blue-collar and service jobs… massetti
Exposure to carcinogens at work in EU’s crosshairs european union

EurActiv (03.05.2018) The EU Agency for Safety and Health at Work has launched a joint campaign with the European Commission and the Bulgarian EU Presidency aimed at raising awareness of dangerous substances at work while sounding the alarm about the surging costs related to cancer

The EU Agency for Safety and Health at Work has launched a joint campaign with the European Commission and the Bulgarian EU Presidency aimed at raising awareness of dangerous substances at work while sounding the alarm about the surging costs related to cancer

The EU Agency for Safet

Prevention of occupational risks OSH Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri